Issues of wealth and socialism vs. capitalism arose Wednesday evening during the Democratic debate, with Sen. Sanders attacking Bloomberg's wealth and Bloomberg firing back. The panel discusses what Bloomberg got right during the debate. Aired on 2/20/2020.
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What Michael Bloomberg Handled Well At The Debate | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Imagine thinking Bloomberg handled ANYTHING well last night.
Alex C Here you go sweetheart:
Lmao this argument is so good. If you think Bloomberg did anything right, somethings really wrong with you.
TheSynthZone he is a politician. He’s just a really bad one.
Alex C And in case you missed it pumpkin, let me give you just one quote from the article;
Presidential historian Doug Wead said: “Historians of the future will come racing back to this Trump era with amazement. The list of presidents on either side will be a boring blur by comparison. Of course, the economic numbers from the Trump time will be telling. They don’t lie. And they point to a great presidency.”
Every real human I’ve talked to can’t stop talking about how badly Bloomberg lost.
Every corporate news network seems to be defending him. At worst, he “struggled”.
I wonder why?

BS. It was clear to me that the subject of this entire video was how badly Bloomberg did.
Let’s get #BoughtByBloomberg trending.
@dirtrider yamaha He won’t connect with the groups he needs to connect with to win. Comparing Bloomberg’s history to Bernie’s would be enough to bury him badly.
Exactly. He was ill prepared, thats all. But they always go hard against Sanders
He only took well the ending of that blood bath. He got demolished badly.
Cheer up Mike, at least you still have 60 billion dollars, now go away.
@myko freder – oops. you mean 2 person race; right?
@Dave Waldon …. There are no communists in government, in Denmark, Norway Sweden or Iceland either. You have to stop worrying about them, that is why America is in the mess it is now.
Wanting him to go away may be the biggest mistake of the century. Bernie is dirt up against Trump. There’s NO contest. But Bloomberg will bury him. Ask yourself this question…do you want Trump another 4 years? Be very careful.
Are they joking with this headline
Ikr?. Ridiculous. Bloomberg was awful.
Yep! This is how they work.
Imagine if Bernie had one of the most disastrous debate performances of all time. I’m sure the next morning they’d have videos promoting the positive aspects..
like a bad joke w/no punchline
@Legacy of Free domain You can’t bite the hand that feeds you.
9:55 YAAAASSS Mika pls come back to us. We know you’ve always felt the Bern.

It’s irresistable. It’s undeniable. It’s for the working class ppl.
you are not a working-class person, just a loudmouth, annoying Bernie troll on the internet.
@Olivur_ ok boomer
Now mike is getting free advertising. Them more you talk bout him good or bad.
With friends like that who needs enemy’s?
“This country has socialism for the rich, and rugged individualism for the poor.”
-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, 1968
@Nancy Prevost What’s changed? Oh yeah, things are even worse. King’s words are even more relevant today.
@Robert Downes What ‘ king’ would that be?
jeremy tee
Nancy is one of those people who still utters the phrase ” _The End of History_ ” but without the ironic tone.
@Nancy Prevost it’s even truer now than it was back then. Inequality has just gone up and up over the decades
Nancy Prevost Are we still stuck with racism? Yes. It was over centuries ago, but we’re still stuck with it.
Should you have earned that much money?
Bloomberg (speechless): yes, I’m giving it all away.
We complain about the electoral college giving the presidency to racist Donald and yet the DNC may allow “super delegates” to steal the Democratic nomination from Bernie Sanders.
PS Wright worked for it, this is why America is great. It’s the people who don’t work for it want a part of it.
He hasn’t “earned” anything. He stole it from the workers. Guy’s never worked a day in his life. It’s called exploitation
Evy Shen …. No doubt he WILL be giving it away, to his children and grand children and there will be 10 or 20 Billionaires where there was just one, all claiming tax relief.
Evy Shen So Sanders wants us all to be paupers? Even Jesus said the poor will always be amongst us! Say no to Sanders.
So what part did he handle well?
Because that part sure wasn’t in the video. A MUST SEE! Canadians and Americans. Because LOVE matters. UNITY and SOLIDARITY
he handle getting hit in the face and the head well. it was like seeing Bloomberg being a great mole and warren and rest where having a blast at whac-a-mole and punching him on the head.
I think that they think that the socialism conversation was bad for Bernie. Which is idiotic. As bad as Warrens attacks were, they wouldn’t work on Trump. Imagine for a minute, Trump have to defend himself from the charge of being a corporate socialist. It would bother him more than it clearly bothered Bloomberg
I think Joe gets it though
I love how they say they give money away. So then why fight paying your taxes?
TAXES are a FRAUD, and you’d know that if you didn’t depend on LIARS for your information.
Not clear that Bloomberg makes much effort to avoid paying taxes. So, I think your entire premise is based on faith-based reasoning.
whatsyurprob ?
BLOOMBERG: I made a lot of money destroying the environment and exploiting workers – now I am giving it away to elites and corporate media so I can become President and protect the status quo.
but will he respect the separation of church and state, allow three branches of government ? will he mock t rump to his face if needed?
I honestly don’t know: what did his businesses do that hurt the environment?
Msnbc on Bernie:
“It’s just a little airborne! It’s still good, it’s still good?!”
“It’s gone…”
“No!!! it could still turn around! Just because you’re the abject frontrunner that the american people voted for doesn’t mean anything!”
Lol strong Simpsons reference. And accurate lmao.
Wow! Morning Joe wants him to pivot on answering questions by not answering…I hope Donny Deutsch had a good cry
cmt 63 Donny is on Bernie’s “Central Park list” baby. Watch your back Donny!
I’m spending money on ads! I’m totally a good rich person and I “worked hard” for my billions!
What’ is so funny??
He gave a bunch of money to Stacey Abrams. And of course the bernie brats called her vile names, and threatened her for accepting it.
who doesn’t work hard nowadays….really Mike , really
He should just go buy another country.
Apparently Morning Joe employs someone that manages Bloombergs money.
“Bernie made the opposite agument last time”
No he didn’t liars.
They keep repeating this bs talking point its almost like the media got the memo to set up groundwork for a contested convention and how the one with the most votes and delegates should not be the nominee
@Koala Bear if it bleeds it leads
Right, Bernie didn’t make the opposite argument last time, last time there were superdelegates counted in the voting totals. He spoke out against the superdelegates last time and he is this time.
Handled the “money” question well???? He came off as a narcissistic money grubbing oligarch.