What Liz Cheney has figured out about Donald Trump

Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney has planted a flag firmly against another Trump run in 2024, and while she may be lonely in that position in the GOP, the numbers seem to back her up. In this latest episode of The Point, CNN’s Chris Cillizza explains why Cheney has taken such a big gamble to fight against Trump.


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I was named "best dressed" in 7th grade. That, along with being CNN's editor at large and author of the daily "Point" newsletter are my proudest achievements. Look for me here every Tuesday and Thursday to find out what’s really going down in politics.

Writer: Chris Cillizza
Producer: Paul Dwyer
The Point Editor: Leigh Munsil
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What Liz Cheney has figured out about Donald Trump


    1. He is a cancer on the body politic. Whether or not it was the same move politically it was the right decision. The country needs to move on from Donald Trump.

    1. 😩😩😩,,, Like a say,,
      A Dilluted dementia patient and dmm demos CAN’T figure it out what’s going on USA economy…😩😩🥱🥱🥱
      RAISE TAXES????¿¿¿¿¿¿
      Must be A OLD MAN IS really OUT MIND!!!!
      American people don’t even have work caused by dmmmm CCP-19 CHINESE VIRUS,,, 😩😩SAD SAD FIR AMERICANS….😔😔😔😔😔
      We all decent normal Americans miss president Trump so much ….
      Like a say,,, we all Americans know what to do next ELECTION,,,

    1. @Thomas S “Aren’t you guys commies?”

      Unitary dominant-party parliamentary elective constitutional monarchy

      Thomas…The reds are in your head ☮


    2. 😩😩😩,,, Like a say,,
      A Dilluted dementia patient and dmm demos CAN’T figure it out what’s going on USA economy…😩😩🥱🥱🥱
      RAISE TAXES????¿¿¿¿¿¿
      Must be A OLD MAN IS really OUT MIND!!!!
      American people don’t even have work caused by dmmmm CCP-19 CHINESE VIRUS,,, 😩😩SAD SAD FIR AMERICANS….😔😔😔😔😔
      We all decent normal Americans miss president Trump so much ….
      Like a say,,, we all Americans know what to do next ELECTION,,,

    1. @Brian Jones She took one for the people instead of serving her own self interests. Biggest pair of 🏀⚾️⚽️ in the party

    1. @Billy Murray No. But respect is earned, not given away. IDGAF that he was president. He disrespected so many people that it made my blood boil. So he can rot in Hell.

  1. Power doesn’t make someone blind ! However, if it changes hand to a stupid person, it gets misused !

  2. Liz Cheney has smart enough not to say, “Trump will learn the next time”, she knew he would never learn no matter how many times he was forgiven.

    1. @Lynn Wilhoite your all children trying to make a point online go make a difference in your community stop blaming others for your own problems

    2. ​@Dusan Bulj When Trump was running for office in 2016 he held rallies weekly spreading fear about immigrants/Muslims and the state of our country – which caused violence at his and ONLY his rallies. AFTER winning in 2016, he continued to hold those rallies 1-2 times a month during his ENTIRE presidency (19 during the pandemic) spreading LIES/fear/and telling his followers who to hate (media, democrats, “deep state”, China, and ANYONE who disagreed w/ him). Trump condemned ALL USA institutes ranging from the CIA, FBI, DOJ, Judges, Lawmakers, and even when faced w/ evidence Russia hacked our election – Trump stood on the world stage and agreed w/ Putin that they didn’t…

      Trump lost in 2020 – BUT, he spread the LIE that he actually won, that our democracy is rigged, then HE gathered 1000s in DC telling them today’s the day they can change the results – and those 1000s stormed our capitol – 5 dead…

      The list of “what Trump did wrong” goes on and on, but the worse thing he did was convince people like yourself that he did nothing wrong – that it’s EVERYONE else – unless they agree with HIM.

    3. @Marianne Mcilwain because they rewatched the video and saw the knife in the 16 yr old’s right hand, drawn back, about ready to plunge into an innocent black child.

  3. Chris Christie is well known nationally as the “bridegate” and “beachgate” guy. He will never win.

    1. He doesn’t have dirt on any of them. He has their idiot voters. So they will do whatever he says if they want his endorsement.

    2. @Marianne Mcilwain cuz that elephant tried to trample another chocolate girl over the last piece of chicken I just wanna know who brought the kool-aid I hold them responsible

  4. That Cheney is standing up against T**** is a good thing , she”s still a Republican , it simply makes her the tallest midget in the circus

  5. In the circle I hang with, we are all Ex-Republicans and are politically active. Presently we are watching the field for candidates that will be running in 2022. Our votes and monetary support will go to any qualified candidate that runs against any other candidate that has enabled or supported donald. There are more than just a few of us.

    1. @Michael Shaw January 6th was a peaceful protest. A bunch of unarmed protestors being escorted through the Capitol by the police is not a coup

    2. @Dixie Normis : This is a facetious joke, right??? Although it’s not really funny at all anytime, anywhere. 😳

    3. @Diane Moonstone not really. That’s the reality of the situation. Biden is a fascist trying to prosecute people protesting his illegitimate administration

  6. Thank you Chris…you can breathe now😁 you talk so fast and hand movements match too, I usually have to replay parts 😁😂

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