More than half of U.S. communities don’t have licensed child care options – and that was before the pandemic. Vice President of Early Childhood Policy at the Center for American Progress, Katie Hamm, joins Stephanie Ruhle to discuss what it’s like to live in a childcare desert and the impact of coronavirus on childcare in America. Aired on 06/26/2020.
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What It’s Like Living In Child Care ‘Deserts’ | Stephanie Ruhle | MSNBC
So this time we have to send our children to airlines to take care of them? Or what?
People having kids that shouldn’t have kids
@ihave35cents jerk.
@Laura Lafauve a jerk that pays for your bad choices. Welfare breeds welfare
@ihave35cents not on welfare, bud.
@Laura Lafauve if you get the earned income tax credit you are
@ihave35cents nope. Troll. And jerk.
What DO you really have in the US, besides enough money for the military ?
@CShield Poor kid, you’re projecting again. Common sense makes you so angry LMAO You can say whatever you want behind your fake account. Funny how there’s nobody saying the things you do on Facebook where there are pictures of them and their family, locations, and friends. Keep being an angry, negative, jealous troll LMAO
@SouthSide Chicago Great story, racist crybaby.
SouthSideBS’er is a jenna abrams. Not even American. BIDEN will heavily sanction the morons ‘mother country.’
@CLEO D’POTUS I see it’s name and immediately ignore it unless it addresses me personally. It never does anything but cry.
SouthSide Chicago well said
From the Lincoln Project:
This election isn’t about Democrats or Republicans.
It’s about “we” versus “I.”
It’s about #AmericaOrTrump.
Where’s that darn Ivanka!?! Obvious just another con like her father! Wasn’t this supposed to be her passion?
Let’s wait for Ivanka and her two nannies to create the perfect staged Instagram moment, and then I’m sure she’ll have a great solution to this problem.
this should be crime, bailout the airlines but not daycares? wtf
Is this what we’re going to protest about now. I mean it’s your story will go with whatever you want.
I feel sorry for the adults watching baby tRump at the Whitehouse. You know that daycare in the bunker he has.
Another Trump casualty. Mitch McConnell needs to get his tail in gear and pass something positive for the country and economy. If McConnell tells Trump to sign it, Trump will.
Nancy M Ross You give MCConnell and Trump WAY to much Credit for being Human.

Here in Louisiana, they did give us providers hand sanitizer, soap, gloves, masks, and paper towels. They also gave us grant money based on the amount of kids we’re licensed for.
I’m glad to hear that!
My daughter will attend the University of Wisconsin this fall. Her UW tuition will be less than half of her daycare costs fifteen years ago. LESS THAN HALF.
“Parents will soon be sent back to work”. Elites say: Get back to work!
Stupid title .. What it’s like living in ChildCare deserts .. Like Living inside a ice cream cone at a daycare center????????
@CShield Honey I shrunk the MSNBCannibals and now they live in the Donuts!
Have they tried staying at home and raising their own daym kids?
I’ve heard some good things about motherhood
They tried, but that whole starving while you watch your children starve was just too much.
If you want one parent to be able to stay home with the kids the other has to be paid A LIVING WAGE.
And then you have the fact that small daycare homes are targeted for audits more frequently by the IRS for audits. This is At least partly because of a formula they use to estimate how much you should be earning relative to how much they believe you spend.
A person, working from home, making their meals from scratch, possibly having a garden, not eating or going out frequently, can lower their expenses a lot. Which causes them to fall into that category in the IRS database. So, along with any other problems you might face doing home day care, you may also be audited frequently.
Yes. I was audited by the IRS as a small home based daycare. I dragged all my receipts in a box and plopped it on the desk. It was zeroed out. I mean Seriously small home based daycare isn’t making a bank.
@mary jane you would think that would seem obvious?
@Laura Lafauve Right?!?
United States has 25% of the known cases in the world; yet, the Clueless Clementine claims that the U.S. response to the coronavirus is the envy of the world. Gaslight much?
I’m for DEMOCRACY! DC for Statehood!!

Today, Biden is going for the Presidency. His friends and colleagues support him. There is his love choice missing running up to step up the Stairs of the White House, the THE AMERICAN CITIZENS.
One more step!

Just wait till the black market, unlicensed child care businesses open in people’s houses. We’ll be seeing stories on the news about children wandering away, drinking poison and being abused.
Does child-care replace the love, nurture, cuddles & security of their own mum & dad ??
Are the little children ‘loved’ in these places ??
Peter Hitchens rightly calls them child-care orphanages.
In child-care orphanages the little ones are not touched or cuddled, & just like dodgy nursing homes,
they are run for profit, so there is a lot of cost cutting with dreadful food & not enough staff.
I guess when a society has brainwashed (especially mothers) that ‘paid work’ is the most important thing,
& whether the little child is utterly miserable in child-care doesn’t matter, then that society is ultimately, destined for ruin.