What is White ‘replacement theory’ and how is it driving gunmen today

A racist theory, which suggests White people are being slowly but intentionally replaced by minorities and immigrants, is allegedly influencing the gunmen of many recent mass shootings. A CNN panel discusses the implications of this dangerous belief. #CNN #News


  1. WHITE REPLACEMENT THEORY AKA 18 U.S. Code § 2331. Section 5. the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that—
    (A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;
    (B) appear to be intended—
    (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
    (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or
    (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and
    (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.

    1. @Ashley rissinger walters empathy. The Domestic Terrorists look like police and prosecutors’ kids. Act the same too.

  2. The theory is pretty simple.
    “If you can convince the lowestWhite man, he’s better than the bestColored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. He//, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”
    — Lyndon B. Johnson

    1. @Bobby Kiefer Yea it was very common for all the different European groups to antagonize one another.

      He wasn’t referring to different races. The guy died in the 1800s.

    2. How are you not being replaced when you are clearly being replaced? When simple facts are deemed racist because they’re true it’s time to worry.

  3. Did your focus groups teach you that it’s bad form to push your gun propo when your mass shootings happen? Sorry I mean random mass shootings happen

  4. How come the shooter didn’t go find some gangsters in the hood to get into a gun fight with? He chose defenseless people in a grocery store.


    2. @Teutonic Nordwind Hmmmm … Since he literally gave his belief in the great repl. theory as reason for this mass murder … would you call Tucker Carlson a leftist authoritarian too since he also believes in it ? 😂😂😂

    3. Tragic how so many here think OP made a “good” comment given that she’s literally arguing other people who still would under no circumstances deserve to be murdered should meet that fate instead.

      In this vile mass murdering act everyone except the killer with the gun was & would have been innocent and shouldn’t have lost / lose their life.

      And the reason for his target location next to skin color was quite obvious. This beast wanted to take as many lives as possible.

  5. [Replacing national-born Americans, Native-born Americans to permanently transform the political landscape of this very nation] Native Americans are the only people native to America. But somehow I don’t think he’s referring to them or cares about them. Sometimes I want to smash my head into a rock, it would be less painful.

    1. @Pamela Wing – most do know, do understand and look at it from various perspectives ( not just one very narrow one). And because most of us aren’t weak or little brats who become uncomfortable with actual dialogs and/or debates I find your statements coming from your emotions not your intellect.

      For most people do understand human nature, and try diligently to find our common grounds. Find what we do share in common and work together to create a future that celebrates “all” of us. Fear based, bias forecasting of the future only keeps everyone in a cage of ignorance and fear. Forever doomed to stagnation, and redundancy.

      When we let go fear, heal, and come together there’s nothing we couldn’t do. America is the home of brave – not the home of wimps. And when we come in all our different forms fearless hand in hand – United – there’s nothing that can stop our potential.

      Live in fear if you desire, (it’s still a free country for now) but I’d rather live with my fellow people in peace, and optimism for a bright diverse inclusive future.

    2. a bunch of roaming waring tribes with no government isnt a country. its also a vast land that had area for the taking so white people are indigenous

    3. @riley bobbert definition of indigenous- originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native.

      White peoples were not, are not, and never will be indigenous to America.
      We live here, and it’s our home now, but don’t try to make it noble or honorable. It was brutal and was wrong. But that’s another topic altogether.

    1. How are you not being replaced when you are clearly being replaced? When simple facts are deemed racist because they’re true it’s time to worry.

  6. My ex mother in law was pretty racist, despite not personally knowing anyone of a different race. I told her how are you gonna hate other races if you can never get along with people of your own race? Like if you are gonna hate those you don’t know then at least you gotta love those you do to have some legitimacy. That must have been to hard for her so she eased up a little for a while.



    3. How are you not being replaced when you are clearly being replaced? When simple facts are deemed racist because they’re true it’s time to worry.

  7. To Republicans senators how dare how dare say you care about life when it comes to abortion but are the main people who are blocking bills that will make it harder for people like that man to get a gun .

  8. Can I just have the ability to work, go home to my family and to have a normal life without all this idiocy affecting my experience as a human being? 🙄 Hate is such a waste of time..

    1. @ScholaroftheWorld — Alternate History Immigrants meaning White European immigrants. Western Civilization was not created because America had magic dirt. It was created because it was at one time an overwhelming White majority demographic. And it worked for a while, because it was expressive of that overwhelming majority. And with this these White peoples created the greatest Republic the world has even known. And all of the modern technological and scientific marvels we take for granted today. Practically everything great that has contributed to longer and healthier lives for ALL people, have come from White minds and altruism. We didn’t invent fractional reserve banking or coin clipping. We didn’t invent the atom bomb. We didn’t invent Capitalism or Communism. We didn’t invent feminism or pornography and normalizing degeneracy. We didn’t invent Freudian psychoanalysis. You know deep down I’m right.

    2. @Willis Carto I would not brag. All those wonderful things were in historical fact achieved with the assist of perpetual various forms of oppression. You seem extremely vexed in your spirit that oppression is no longer an ancestral priority. Sounds like you posses a kindred spirit with the vile Neanderthal that went on a wicked rampage. How you feel so aggrieved, I will never know.

  9. I’m just trying to understand how someone can claim superiority, but be so damn scary at the same damn time. Seriously how?

  10. Parents need to start taking some responsibility. Did they teach him to be racist ? Do they allow him to have guns in their home ? Did they suspect he had mental issues ? These kids are filing their heads with this racist bs from someone. Tax churches and open mental institutions.

    1. How are you not being replaced when you are clearly being replaced? When simple facts are deemed racist because they’re true it’s time to worry.

    2. @up urz Why do you only ever happen to complain about certain types of immigrants ? 🤔🤔🤔

      Almost as if you have a general mindset that some people are of less value than others based on their ethnicity 🤔🤔🤔

  11. We as Americans need to spread unity ,hope ,respect, peace , love and everything good about decent humans

    1. Especially among gangsta rappers, “the authentic voice of the ghetto.” How many shot in Chicago over the last weekend, and by whom?

  12. Until we can overcome our indifferences, regardless of race, education, or religious beliefs. We will not progress forward as a society

    1. How are you not being replaced when you are clearly being replaced? When simple facts are deemed racist because they’re true it’s time to worry.

    1. How are you not being replaced when you are clearly being replaced? When simple facts are deemed racist because they’re true it’s time to worry.

  13. Businesses, in almost every aspect of the economy, are screaming for employees. Airlines pilots are worn out, there are not enough. All over town, for veterinarian offices, fast food, department, clothing stores, other retail, construction, tech, farmworkers and more, have help wanted signs so who is taking what jobs away from anyone. You can’t pop into the country and vote. Ask someone taking the citizenship oath how long it took them to get to that point. It’s several years. Some people in some municipalities can vote in LOCAL elections before becoming a citizen. They CANNOT vote for Federal offices, only positions in their local area, school board, mayor, city councilman and such. People are being fed fear, lies and garbage and I can’t help but feel the internet contributes to that. That disinformation and those lies are so easily spread. A 24 hour “news” cycle isn’t helpful always.

    1. Why are you so afraid? If you’re educated and work hard, you have no reason to be afraid of the minorities. If things are getting bad with the minorities (i.e crime) then it’s not even their fault, because your government’s policies are allowing such things to happen and you should blame that instead of them. US became a global superpower because of migration. It’s something very positive when it’s done right.

  14. Saying this shooter slipped through the cracks allows those involved in letting him slip through the cracks to not be held accountable

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