What Is The Electoral Count If Biden Wins The States Where He Leads? | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Steve Kornacki looks at the states where Biden is currently ahead on the 'What If' board, giving Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania and Nevada to Biden. What's the electoral count if those states hold for him? Aired on 11/6/2020.
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#JoeBiden #ElectoralCount #MSNBC

What Is The Electoral Count If Biden Wins The States Where He Leads? | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. @I_am_a_noob this is nowhere near a landslide? Obama got 365 in 0’8 and 332 in ‘12, Clinton got 379 in 92, Reagan got 525 in 84, this is a small win especially when apparently Biden was gonna win Florida, Texas, Ohio and more

    1. I know I lost @ least 5lbs since Tuesday, emotionally drain!!!!
      Thanks to everyone who voted for Biden & Harris , the USA really appreciate what you have done!!!!!

    2. @Jordan
      What is this thing you call “sleep” you speak of it sounds lovely, hopefully once Rump has been put on the shelf I can get some of that!?

    1. tbh I think he’s been sleeping in the office I can’t blame him who would want to miss this historical event

    2. He’s three days older than I am and I can still go a week on one nights sleep as long as I get half an hour per day. It’s not at all healthy, but in short bursts like these, it’s not a problem at all. Ought to be illegal for an employee to do it though.

    3. @Jo-Erlend Schinstad I think he’s enjoying himself thoroughly. Once again, he’s part of history, no matter what he’s wearing.

    1. No,lock Biden and Harris up.There both lying corrupt democrat criminals.Their going to shut down america.Everything shut down.Including grocery stores.Wheres everyone going to get their food?This is insane.The economy will crash leaving all the money to the corrupt president and vice president.Oh,I am sorry ms Harris who will probably end up as president when Joe can’t think straight anymore with his dementia entrusting these two to not send our country to war,accidentally push the red nuke button.At least trump had a straight mind about himself.Ms Harris is a lying witch and Joe can’t remember what he said 2 minutes ago.What are people thinking?!!!! If Biden wins people will get what they voted for.A doomed america.Lord God,help us all.

    2. @Larry Lewis Excuse me,What did you just say to me? If Biden gets elected your country and mine will be completely destroyed.Have you ever heard the saying “You get what you voted for.”He won’t be what you wanted to vote for.He is going to lock the country down,raise your taxes and who knows what else.If you get a tax refund from the IRS for only 100 bucks and have no job it’s nobody else’s fault except for the one who voted for him.That wouldn’t be good now would it?Biden and Harris,especially Harris since she’s just using Biden like a mouth piece until he dies of old age and then magically becomes president.Sounds convent doesn’t it?Trump would never do this kind of stuff.Totally corrupt.Makes me sick to my stomach thinking their going to run my country into absolute destruction with no way out.

  1. This whole thing is killing me with anxiety and I’m not even American citizen
    Hope you guys will have a good decent president

    1. @TEK’s Channel No, he doesn’t direct them. Hitler blamed the Jews, and trump blames the brown and black peoples. Disgusting president, naa na naaa naa, naa naa naa na, hey heyyyyy hey good bye

    2. @Ken Davis trump’s clearly a fascist liar and conman. It is amazing anyone takes this washed up reality show host seriously.

    3. @Bernisa Giselle Piccarillo that’s such an easy answer. If you label everything racism then you never have to listen to people and find out why would they vote for someone they can’t stand. How desperate does one have to be?

    1. @ms 3533 Do you even know what socialism is all about?
      Biden is a capitalist who helped the US auto industry to make a come back. Stop hallucinating about a mythical socialism that you can’t even define.

    2. @Dragon The US republic is well and alive, and a new wave of democracy will change the USA for better. So, we real Americans will be there for Germany, no problem.
      You Russians would love to see the last days of America, but, we are happy to spoil your dreams and keep going strong for a long time.
      Long live the USA under president-elect Biden.

    1. @BonefishBoards The word you’re looking for is auto correct… As most of us are talking to our phones and dictating that way. If your best argument was to completely avoid what I was talking about and bring up some sort of grammatical error… I’m gonna go ahead and hang my hat on that win. Next time, remember what you learned in debate class

    2. @BonefishBoards Michael “Ozzie” Myers, 77… A senator from Pennsylvania… Was indicted in May for committing voter fraud… To say that somebody is a conspiracy theorist because they mention voter fraud tells me that you don’t have all your ducks in a row when it comes to your evidence

  2. They already gave Pennsylvania to Joe! The trend is coming in at 80% for Joe. I predicted this 2 days ago. All you had to do was the math.

    1. @Hokage Itachi Uchiha why are people not being allowed to observe? to deny the proof needed.It should be investigated. If you dont think so would imply that you know they will find something

  3. Steve Kornacki has been one of the hardest working men on TV for the past couple of weeks – THANK YOU Steve for keeping us up to date at this tense time!

  4. Kornacki’s comment about all of the action being in Vegas 😂😂😂😂 The look on his face was priceless. Give that man a drink and send him on vacation. He has earned it.

    1. @José Hunter’s EW&F Remixes Says the guy that does remixes, rather than someone that was.a journalism major.

    1. I agree that Sleepy Joe is an autocrat and a cheater who is trying to steal an election victory. We can’t allow that to happen. GOD bless Donald Trump, our best President ever.

  5. *Everyone start writing letters to the SDNY, demanding that they fully investigate Trump and prosecute any crimes that they uncover. Ramp up the pressure.*

    1. @Neil Becker Good news: the alternative reality you have been following has been voted out. Now you’ll have to deal with facts.

    2. @Rex Washington : I don’t buy that at all. My grandfather, a WW2 veteran was a lifelong republican, and his wife was a lifelong democrat. They were happily married for 70 years. This election wasn’t about politics, it was about morality. trump and his enablers are the most immoral politicians America has ever had. They are still trying to stop the vote counting, and that is the foundation of our country. Our forefathers did everything they could to make sure someone like trump couldn’t take over in exactly the way he is trying to do that right now.
      But I’m not really against secession either, and if that’s what you guys really want, I might even be inclined to vote with you on that one. In fact, under trump fascism, and as a rural Californian whose home nearly burned down in 2018, I have been strongly for it. But you guys would be left in pretty bad shape compared to us if that happened. Just one of your problems would be that 50% of your food comes from California.
      I don’t want to see my fellow Earthlings struggling anywhere, and that means I don’t want to see you and your family struggling. I have family in Florida too, and my grandmother was from Georgia. So the southern states are important to me for those reasons too.

      Don’t you think that just letting go of your racism would be better? Then we could *all* have peace and prosperity. Every one of us. You and all your friends and family would benefit greatly, and so would mine.

      Or we can continue this path you seem inclined to believe is set in stone. The wars, famine, murders, hatred and ill will would just continue from here until eternity. Until we all finally agree to grow up and take responsibility for the freedom of everyone else.

      I’ve got your back, if you’ve got mine.

      What’dya say fellow Earthling?

    3. @Aylbdr Madison we are too divided to unify as a nation. What’s going to happen is the victors will dance on the graves of the losers. Things are so bad that marriages are breaking up, friendships are ending, family members are becoming estranged. If you’re not seeing this then you’re oblivious to what’s in plain sight. People won’t date or break bread with people of a different political persuasion anymore. This division has destroyed our nation. There is no going back. We need divide the nation, set up new borders and separate governments.

    4. @Aylbdr Madison I did not vote for Trump because I’m pro racism. Joe Biden was responsible for the death of my friends when he voted for the iraq war. I will not support a candidate who sent my friends to die and scapegoated all responsibility for it. You voted against racism. I voted for my friends that died. This is exactly what I mean by we are too divided. Your immediate smear of me as a racist is evidence of why it’s over for us as a nation. We need to have a vote on disbanding the Union and letting individual states go their own way. Don’t worry about us, you smear us as all being racists anyways.

    1. @Rococo Baroque What is it that he thinks he’s getting rid of? I don’t think the guy even gave an opinion just a statement. 🤭

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