A congressman announced Wednesday he would introduce a resolution to expel Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., from Congress due to the 'direct threat' her presence represents. Meanwhile, Rep. Matt Gaetz is holding a Wyoming rally against Rep. Liz Cheney. Aired on 01/28/2021.
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#McCarthy #MarjorieTaylorGreene #MSNBC
What Is Rep. McCarthy Doing About Some In House GOP? | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Biden needs to call McCarthy to his office for some verbal slapping.
@donald epstein Now Joe is a she? I didn’t know that.
Yea like WTF are you thinkingf?
The Watergate GOP was a generation that served in wars. They stood up to Nixon. This current GOP Congressmen are invertebrates . They need to crawl back under their rocks.
@The Blade it almost happened. So if it had on 1/6/2021. Do you think that they would be looking at the imeachment differently? Im not so sure. I think Trump has a whole lot of dirt on some, and the others are so blinded by ambition. That they going to use this to further their careers.
@The Blade maybe thats what needs to happen for GOP to see how unhinged their own people are.
It’s not about what is he doing. It’s about what he can do. The inmates are ruling the asylum.
You have it exactly right. What is happening to our country
She can be removed and let that be a lesson for Republican congresswoman Lauren Boebert who tweeted about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s whereabouts during the Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol riot.
@S I Smith both can, neither will. At this point I have 2 types of republican friends, former Republicans or ex friends.
This isn’t about our policy disagreements, I truly love those, this is about if they don’t disavow the last month they are unstable
@javeed iqbal Yup. Grifters!
@S I Smith Well-said!
Greene, Gaetz, Gohmert–this is the depraved and traitorous Republican Party and McCarthy will do nothing.
@Education is key Does not hearing “alternative facts” scare you?
@Big Ron Pay attention and you’ll see its all about a war against the white race in America.
@Nhoc Dug Thank you at least I’m honest.
@312SES Look at MSNBC… They are Communist Jews and their guest are liberal minorities. Which minority are you?
You hate what America is and where its headed. You reminisce on the worst parts of pre 1860s America. You offer nothing. Good thing that you are fading. No way around it. No classic American “can do optimism” with you at all. Your original U.S. ancestors would’ve been on the opposite side of you.
McCarthy is weak. He can’t control these yahoos and he has no desire to. It’s ridiculous. Get rid of all the Republikkans.
I know I’m naive, but this is not at all how the government Schoolhouse Rock videos went back in the day! so now they’re just in it to make more money for themselves? Are they servicing their constituents at all?
He’s one of them, if you made a list of the modern brown shirt party, he would be on it. If someone did that at any company I worked for, they would be fired and if not anyone with an IQ over 80 would be looking else ware. The Allies bombed the crap out of the German citizens/voters at the end of WW2, and they all deserved it because they acted like Republican voters through out the 1930s, they were a key component of WW2 and the millions killed would have never happened without them.
@Frost Gardens that was also based on republican rheteric. They “inspire” extremist of both parties.
@Big Ron shut up u miserable libRAT
I am asking myself, is this still The United States of America?.
Yes! The monster was just sleeping in the shadows. The demagogues and the tyrants woke it up. And there will be no end to the carnage. It can not be reasoned with. And if one head is cut of, another one will grow in its place. The monster will not end before it has fed on everything that is good an juste. Then it will engulf the demagogues and the tyrants—who thought they could control the beast. And when nothing is left, the abomination will cannibalize on itself.
@Mo Absofuckinglutly correct
No. Russia and Israel and South Africa and Rothschild owned banks bought it a long time ago. It’s been gone since the 50s
Yeah, it’s still the United States. Look back at your “great” history during the Vietnam War. Both Democrats and Republicans were pro-war, only arguing about how to win the war. When students protested the escalation of that war, with bombings in Cambodia, police and national guard troops were sent onto university and college campuses across the United States to quell these protests. When national guard troops shot and killed unarmed students at Kent State, no one was convicted of any crime, except the protesting students. The MAGA crowd are little else than willing supporters of any right-wing demagogue. Or, do Americans forget that Gov. George Wallace, was also a presidential candidate? It’s the same streak of racism and fascism, just 50 years later.
“….At this point & time I’d have too say, “NO it’s the UNITED STATES

”!!! G-Mommie
Kevin McCarthy has made murdering Democrats and overthrowing democracy the de facto Republican platform.
@Verruca …frightening indeed… from rich farming and ranching rural areas to the cities.
How can we ever unite?
@The Blade good point!
The GOP party the party of insurrectionists and they founder is Benedict Donald and his traitor party !
Wasn’t McCarthy one of the people who went to Russia on July 4th a few years back? Is he doing Putin’s bidding?
The word Republican needs to refer to the past. We need a future without them.
@Education is key The 1000 page, republican led, Senate intel report into Russian meddling PROVED turmp colluded. He ordered, through Roger Stone, the release of dirt on Hillary when the “grab them by the pu$$y” tape leaked.
The only cult here is Cult 45. The republican party has devolved into a gibbering group of lickspittles doing the bidding of the Twice Impeached Orange Con Man. It’s pathetic and treasonous. Lincoln would have bent you over his knee like the whining children you are.
@cooldudecs “The racist dems” weren’t the ones in this country’s capital flying the flag of traitors who tore this country party apart over slavery.
@Wonder Wonderful Baloney! Republicans have been working to get here for decades. And, Jesus Christ, learn how to use the apostrophe! And how to spell and punctuate. You lose your argument with intelligent people when you do not know how to write.
@donna payne Ever heard of punctuation, Donna? Intelligent people do not like to read gibberish.
@Edge W No. Reasonable people are afraid of what Trump and his lickspittles are doing to this world. He himself is a very damaged unintelligent evil mess. Those of you who cannot see that are the really frightening ones because clearly you are even dumber than he is.
Apologize? People have died and this is escalating. A Doctor doesn’t “ask” cancer growth to “please go away, that’s not right”. WTF???
Well said Matt!!
Are these Republican Congress members mature adults or delinquent minors
They are seditious SOB’s
They are gullible goof balls who were able to convince people who are somehow even more gullible to vote for them.
Depends on how you see the Dems and their lies about racism and Russia collusion…
@ThE DuCk Blmantifa is still rioting??? How come joe/Dems are not shutting down that sedition? They have destroyed so many minority businesses and so much federal property…
Trump University former student “Education key” dreams of staying a night at a Trump Tower Moscow but he lives in St Petersburg.
If this is the best the GOP has, they’ve got nothing left to offer.
They’ve got nothing left to offer.
@Lisa Rochwarg what happens in 2024 ? Dems want Kamala but America doesn’t
@cooldudecs You talk as if you think that Democrats aren’t Americans.
It’s not the voters fault, every candidate presented themselves very well, but when
they’re elected their characters changed. Trump, himself has Changed when he lost his bid for a second term, too. See what’s happening now. Senators, are being targeted to be killed, but that shouldn’t stop the impeachment only delay it.
I urge all extremist to let the government rule in peace. Trump, will not be there for you or your family when you’re convicted, and sent to Prison for 25 years or more depending on the severity of your crime. No one will pardon you, since it’s all premeditated.
@Lisa Rochwarg No I’m an ex Dem that voted Trump… They have been leaking voters… They believe in equality of outcome which is socialism or outright Leninism . The Russian revolution believed that everyone should have the same outcome ? Really? What happened to us when we allow socialists to run our institutions?
She made a serious threat against another’s life – she should be arrested and prosecuted. My question is will the new Justice Dept act on it?
Everything you said was correct
@Glenn Brown Right, but the right wingerz have to do it cause socialism and stoppin’ the steal. The whataboutism is out of control.
They better or I fear something really bad might happen, she is unhinged and DANGEROUS.
I guess Maxine Waters comments were fine, or Pelosi’s, or Cynthia Johnsons… It must be wonderful to live a life of double standards…
Stumpy, dumpy, Marjorie Taylor Greene would definitely be the winner of any pig pot. She’s disgusting!
All the while petty donald and his list of vengeance is pulling the strings still. That fascist party needs to just expose the cancerous rot and heal
An apology will not do & shouldnt be an option. This enabling has to stop.
“But the Democrats need to be less divisive…” Waaaah.
Self proclaimed patriots are never patriots, just crazies.
Exactly, if a person brags about anything about themselves especially about being patriotic, there’s a serious problem with that individual
@Bruges fool
Look up the definition of fascist
What state do you live in
She would not like it if someone would talk about taking her life.
@S.L. May don’t stoop to their level. If they don’t expel her, well then take her off of all committees. That would theoretically tie her hands and make her ineffectual.
Psychos like her would probably laugh.
Shes ain’t crazy, talking about a riot, they haven seen one yet, touch a hair on President Obama or his family, 84 million will storm all republicans homes until every last one of the has been deposed. Shes not as stupid as she looks and she looks very stupid
@Color Purple WTF. Stupid comments
@Kathy Jacobsen You do realize former Presidents are protected by secret service.
When hypocrisy has no accountability, the “rule of law” has no credibility!
The Lincoln project should be the new republican party. They don’t lie
They’re just old style Republicans who want to go back to being the Party of the Corporations. They’ll happily be corrupt when the weirdos and say the bad part out loud types are gone.
Yes, shame the politicians, but also call out the ignorant people who elected her!
As McCarthy, runs to ex- president trump’s home to discuss his next move !!!
Traitors sticking together