The small but vocal groups of protesters that have dogged Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau at his political rallies are disrupting his messaging, according to pollster Nik Nanos.
“It’s been a distraction for Trudeau. He's not been able to get his message out,” Nanos says. “These folks are punching above their weight.”
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Its dogging him sure those blue flags are hilarious
When’s the English debate? Why two French debates?
@Dave Trotter I’m with you on that
Oh grow up lol that’s not an issue
@Nadine Christie I didnt say you were complaining, work on your English comprehension skills. I wrote that if you arent happy with the amount of English debates, go complain to the English networks for not hosting them.
“Quebec privilege” it’s a term we should all start using.
@SusieX I understand English quite well. You said to go “complain” therefore insinuating that I am complaining in which case I was not. In fact, I only asked a question. If you don’t have the answer to the question, then maybe you should have typed nothing. If you want to complain go right ahead. I have nothing to complain about as I only asked a question. Furthermore, no where in my question did it sound like a complaint. Definition of complain: expression of dissatisfaction or annoyance of something. Show me in the question where I did that for your reply to read “complain”. It’s you who needs comprehension and definition of the words you use.
Better get everyone riled up some more .
When is the English debate? waiting for that.
waiting for this debate? there is no debate, they would have to be telling the truth for it to be a debate
When you upset and alienate everyone, of course the vote switches . Time for real change in politics
You mean alienate 12% of the anti vaxxer population who never voted for him to begin with?
@Mitch Zurbrigg yes that’s the only group he’s pissed off….like duh lol
@Mitch Zurbrigg Not getting covid 19 inoculation is not anti vax.
One word— Puppets—
So more they push it; so less I want it. I’m pro-vax, but never has something pushed/forced this hard like this one.
Agreed . That’s why PPC will get my vote
Exactly, and I’m not anti vax, I’m just anti-forced medical procedures
the main problem is, they went STRAIGHT to the vax at the beginning of this virus instead of looking into alternatives either holistic or existing medicine which are just as, if not, more effective than the vax. it’s just downright scammy from the government to mandate something that is untested, causes so much injuries, on its populace.
@JJJ115583 what alternatives are more effective or just as?
@Dylan Rimmer have you heard of inherent immunity system? you know the thing that you were born with pre-vax or pre-PCR test? which is 13 times more effective than the vax itself? how about vitamins A,B,C,D, zinc, magnesium, supplements, exercise, and being well rested?
Right now, even a nun would want to take a swing at Trudeau…
Nah probably only extremist will resort to violence. I know monks wouldn’t LOL.
what if they are not anti vaxx and just anti turdeau ? this is like calling someone that wont vote for biden a trump follower , could be true, but it just speculation.
Agreed. Im not antivaxx. Im glad we no longer have polio and dont want to see the return of the iron lung. I just hate Trudeau.
They are both.
The whole anti vaxx has been blown way out of proportion. They are labeling all who stand against them.
I don’t think they are anti-vax as at this point no one is forcing them to vaccinate. It is much more accurate to say they are anti-lockdown and anti-passport.
Anti passport is not anti vax. Just anti discrimination
Well said
how about just anti-trudeau ?
Strange. I’ve never heard one be anti-vax.
I’ve only seen them talk about choice
Bought and paid for opinions from a bought and paid for pollster.
Trudeau thinks playing the victim will work for him …
Not in my eyes. The cheat can go cry in his cornflakes.
Only those who vote Trudeau out of office get a passport to try to work and live.
A pie in the face might have gone over better for the Clown
Do him just like they did Billy Gates back in the day
I’ve never been political so I’m pretty surprised that my neighbors, co-workers, and everyone I talk to hate Justin Trudeau. Recently, as I follow the news, I’ve come to dislike him too. I don’t know anyone who likes him right now.
Rest assured, everyone dislikes Trudeau equally, whether you are pro or anti the medicine
I like him. Speak for yourself. He will win.

Just his way to cause more division and give conservative voters a label. Such a disgusting move.
@Penny Yeomans LOL…. Buahahahahahhahahahahaa, your funny.
Maybe we are sick of being lied to . He is a criminal and should be in jail !
Anti vax pass is not anti vax, big difference.
You are misleading with this title. It should be called The Anti-Passport Protests. If passports weren’t being demanded there would be no protests. Major difference.