What happens when people tell Trump ‘no’

Tucked away in the Mueller report are stories of President Trump’s aides ignoring or rejecting his ideas. While their actions ultimately protected the presidency — their decision to say ‘no’ cost them their jobs.
#Cillizza #CNN #News


  1. According to data by the Brookings Institution, the Trump administration has undergone more turnover than any other President in recent history. How can the administration keep aides from leaving the White House?


    Trump’s turnover problem | With Chris Cillizza

    The Mueller Report

    10 takeaways from the Mueller report release — and what happens next

    Ignoring Trump’s Orders, Hoping He’ll Forget

    The incredible turnover in Trump’s Cabinet in 1 photo

    Mueller report shows how Trump aides sought to protect him and themselves

    A survival guide for the Trump White House

    The many ways to leave the White House

    About me:
    I was named “best dressed” in 7th grade. That, along with being CNN’s editor at large and author of the daily “Point” newsletter are my proudest achievements. Look for me here every Tuesday and Thursday to find out what’s really going down in politics.

    Writer: Chris Cillizza
    The Point team: Brenna Williams, Leigh Munsil
    Editor: Steven Sevilla
    Producer: Maya Dangerfield

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    1. @Bully Olly lying implies being purposefully misleading. Give me one example of him doing that.

    2. when he goes full dictator he’ll be doing as the arabs and cutting off heads.
      Foreign ministers etc, he’ll have fired from their job with threats of sanctions or war.

  2. So…..basically we got a modern day Nixon in office and no one is doing anything about it. Well then, guess I’m going to smoke weed in front of the police station. 🤷🏿‍♂️

  3. Many former Trumpers at least saved Trump from damaging the nation further. Saved him from himself.

    1. Dow Jones 27,021.20 ▲ 161.00 (0.60%)
      July 11, 11:15 AM EDT

      Mr. President Donald J Trump greatest president in the history of United States 🇺🇸

  4. He wants YES MEN . it’s funny when conservative say FREE THOUGHT when trump hires yes men and fire anyone with a opinion of their own .

    1. @michaelthemovieman Name 3 specific instances of your allegations. Who was fired and pls make sure they were not fired for their incompetence?

    2. But you are free to think whatever – they tell you to. Free thought = whatever you want to think. As long as it is exactly what conservatives tell you. You are totally free to share their opinion.

    3. @nand nicarrabla Stanley McChrystal, David Petraeus and Michael Flynn all disagreed with Obama and were fired by him for it. Oops. You lose.

    4. @michaelthemovieman Name one. Just one. Besides, cute whataboutism, but this is about the insane dodderer in the WH and the flock of sheep – oops -his administration. And the former GOP, now trumpublican party. trump claims: the earth is flat and his lemmings shout YESYESYES and try to jump over the edge.

    5. michaelthemovieman you guys are arguing about the wrong thing. the president is allowed to have yes men to carry out his orders and can fire them if they disagree with him and get in the way of executing policy but there’s an unspoken understanding that the president’s orders would all be legal. Trump ordered Mcgahn to get rid of Mueller (obstruction) and Mcgahn was gonna resign because of it. Trump tried to have Jeff Sessions unrecuse himself and get Mueller to look only at future election interference (obstruction again) and forget about what happened in 2016. I don’t think any of this is comparable to anything that happened in the Obama administration (although I’m sure you’ll be able to find something) and even if there was something comparable let me let you in on a little secret: OBAMA ISN’T THE PRESIDENT ANYMORE!

  5. The problem is that Trump has been running his big businesses for so long, he’s never had to deal with people telling him no.

  6. To many yes men or women around this fool. But it’s not surprising because it’s been that way for him his entire life.

  7. This should be used as evidence that can show the pattern of his lawless mentally unfit state of mind.

    1. Or leaders… Why don’t you focus on record low unemployment for all minority’s and lowest unemployment since 1969 ?

  8. If it’s possible to work for Donald Trump and still remain an honest person, we haven’t seen evidence of it yet.

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