Foreign Correspondent Janis Mackey Frayer examines the impact the US elections could have on foreign policy and US-China relations. Aired on 10/26/2020.
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What Election Results Mean For US-China Relations, Trade Policies | Ayman Mohyeldin | MSNBC
Remember, evil lurches in the shadows. Let’s not leave it to chance. Go out and vote. And hopefully vote him out.
Sávio Ramos vote Trump for Cheerleader
If trump wins again, there won’t be a 2024 election because we’ll all be living underground in fallout shelters.
@F L if Dems win and add states and expand the court. There is no need for an election either… Dems with their Antifa/BLM brown shirts
*_”WHEN TRADE STOPS, WAR STARTS.”_* ~ Jack Ma (Alibaba), 2017
For the first time in history, the entire world has learned how American politics and the constitution works.
More how they don’t work.
Let’s hope it’s not what it’s looking like coming
Moscow Mitch, republican senate and traitor trump let Americans down. No time for stimulus in months but stopped the world for a judge during an election.
i hope the world realizes why he had to have that judge in the Supreme Court before the election, because if he loses and cries foul the Supreme Court in which he has two judges installed will have to make the decision, not only that, it’s a matter of his taxes and the law suits he has coming up.
@studivan he put 3 judges on
Black lives matter!!! Amy Cony Barrett has been voted to the supreme court!!! 1000 BLACK BABIES ARE ABORTED EVERY DAY BUT THAT’S GONNA CHANGE!!!
I believe Senator McConnell is from Kentucky.
Freedom Fighter 2017: Exactly!!!
Black lives matter!!! Amy Cony Barrett has been voted to the supreme court!!! 1000 BLACK BABIES ARE ABORTED EVERY DAY BUT THAT’S GONNA CHANGE!!!!
@Ken Kall Laura Silsby must be ecstatic.
Corruption on all levels, tRump needs to pay for it.
Obviously you have some inside information on trumps corruption. Would you please list the corruption specifically along with your evidence and I will send this information to our DNC. We are looking for a specific evidence and hopefully people with insight information can provide that.
@kanaka MAOLI Well he has passed a lot of Democrat platform issues. He enacted prison reform which was a democrat platform issue. He enacted lower drug prices which was a Democrat platform issue. He even dusted off our iconic JFK tax plan that supercharge the economy back during his time and supercharged our economy most recently until COVID-19 struck the world.
@T. R. Campbell LOL, top marginal tax rate under Kennedy was 70%. Your fiddle is missing some strings.
@Constituent A No, it was much higher than that. But it makes no matter because it was the JFK tax plan that Trump dusted off and implemented. We saw the economy supercharge during JFK’s day and we saw the economy supercharge most recently until the COVID-19 hit the world. Trump dusted off the JFK tax plan. He also eliminated many of the draconian rules and regulations imposed by the previous administration. We saw the EPA that was illegally expanded brought back to its former congressional purpose. Remember the EPA swat team raid of the guitar factory? Remember when EPA thugs force their way onto private property and broke the seal on that all gold mine poisoning rivers and streams in Colorado and Arizona?
We remember when President Obama addressed union workers telling them that the jobs would not return and what they are seeing was the new normal. That turned out to be false. As I stated before, our iconic JFK gave us the roadmap for economic prosperity and Trump opened it.
You conservatives are all alike, there’s not one successful Democratic plan that you are willing to except and admit the plan worked well. .
@T. R. Campbell Horse-hockey. Complete and utter bs. For starters, unemployment was already low when he took office – lack of jobs wasn’t a problem, as nearly everyone had one (or two or three). The problem was (and still is) crappy pay. Half the workforce was earning less than $32,000 *_before_* COVID. All he did was double-down on Reaganomics, which was where we lost the middle class, and that just makes the rich richer and the poor poorer, and the deeper entrenched that gets, the less likely it will be that we will ever have a ‘middle class’ again. He touts a ridiculously overpriced stock market as ‘a great economy’. _It isn’t._ Only a third of workers even have a 401k. Kennedy was the polar opposite of Reagan and trump.
China doesn’t want to see Biden as president because they know he will restore America’s economic and military alliance in the Pacific with other nations. The alliance that Trump has damaged. Being able to build an international alliance in Europe and Asia is what keeps China in check.
Unlike what conspirationists will say about Biden, I agree with the assessment about China not wanting a Biden win here. Think about this: it was under Obama/Biden that US-India relations started warming up. Also the TPP, while a trade partnership on paper, was meant to contain a rising China on the stage of world economics by providing economical advantages for those who want to keep some distance with China. Those moves could be interpreted as 4D chess when you look back. Last but not least, people should already know that a number of bills and legislations in US Congress/Senate received near unanimity when it’s about condemning and punishing China’s recent actions. If anything, Trump didn’t sign anything noteworthy against China.
A funny parallel here is Germany’s policy towards France between 1870 and 1914. After the new German Empire was formed following France’s defeat by Prussia in 1870, Otto van Bismarck spent the next 20 years being a master of diplomacy at containing France. He knew fully well that France would go for revenge at the first opportunity where they would find strength and allies. From the moment that a young Kaiser Wilhelm II fired Bismarck and started doing diplomacy in his own reckless way (similar to Trump here), it was then that France found new allies in Nicholas II of Russia and later Edward VII of the United Kingdom, paving the way to World War One. If Germany maintained the Bismarckian plan, it is likely that France would not have grown that strong again for a longer period of time.
In short: alliances matter and we know who stands best at strengthening alliances.
@nand nicarrabla You are in denial.
For three years you believed that Russia hoax, and what came out of it? big fat nothing!
But I bet you still think it’s true, because MSNBC told you so for three years…
@perpetual eye don’t be mad. Trump now has more supports, from China of course.
@perpetual eye you mean like Putin owns Trump and the Republicans! Got it!
@perpetual eye
You are the one in denial. Keep in mind: what you say as nothing is because the sitting president cannot be indicted. The game changer is that soon he will be stripped of his enablers and sycophants.
Trump: It’s all CHYNNA fault.. I’m the least racist person in the planet Uranius ! … ITS CHYNNA who doesn’t! BLAME CHYNNA!
Truth: It came from Chyyna!
@Brian Weatherman and it spread via trump
Trump is a mad at China for not lending him money like the Saudis did!
That’s okay! Biden got it!
@GARUDA FIRST No you were absolutely incorrect. Trump opened up a bank account and paid the Chinese taxes in an effort to do business there. The Trump son and daughter paid a fee to the Chinese communist government to do business in China. They did the same thing that Apple and Nike did in order to do business in China.
On the other hand Vice President Joe Biden flew his son Hunter to China on AF-2. Joe introduced Hunter to influential Chinese and a short time later they gave him $1 billion. Why did the Chinese give Hunter Biden $1 billion, did they think he was a nice guy and deserved it? Or were they buying influence? We remember when Joe Biden told President Obama the China was not a problem.
So on one hand the trumps paid the Chinese communist taxes and paid fees for a license to do business in China. On the other hand the Chinese communist gave the son of our vice president, Hunter Biden $1 billion. Even our progressive media thought this financial transaction was unusual. Politifact called the transaction, murky.
@T. R. Campbell Thank You !
No, he’s mad because he asked China to “investigate” Biden for his political campaign not unlike the way he asked Ukraine for the same, and Xi told him he’s not getting involved in US politics. Remember when Breitbart was boasting about how Xi and trump were ‘best buds’? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
@Constituent A I don’t pay any attention to the media and especially that BrightBart outfit. Apparently you watch or read them I don’t. Of course Xi would not investigate the Bidens. It would be ridiculous to even think that they would investigate the Bidens because we know full well that the communist Chinese gave Hunter Biden over $1 billion. What were they buying for that amount of money. Obviously they were buying influence. The communist Chinese are not going to admit that.
However, this just in concerning the Ukraine. This past Sunday Vladimir Putin was addressing his people on national television and happen to mention the Hunter Biden laptop scandal in the United States. Putin stated that he does not believe Hunter Biden did anything wrong by being associated with the corrupt Ukrainian gas company. It would appear that Putin is now promoting the Biden Corporation.
If he would’ve said this about Trump your hair would’ve been on fire.
Will china want thier 17 million dollars back if trump lose
When leaders of the US are weak, this is the result.
When trump loses, Biden needs to freeze all trump assets and revoke all passports of trump and family!! Payback is near!! BYEDON!!
Certainly place a travel ban on the orange polyp.

If the creditors come knocking for his $500M in debts — keeping in mind that all his assets are losing money, with only his presidency profiteering / brazen emoluments violations keeping them from going bankrupt right now — and/or he is taken to task on the innumerable crimes and treasonous activities that he;s been party to / the instigator of over the decades, he’ll hop in his Ford Bronco in the blink of an eye, and hightail it to the nearest non-extradition nation… And with the national security secrets that the Kremlin candidate would now be privy to, the countries willing to take him would be lining up in queues longer than the current U. S. food lines are…
Certainly place a travel ban on the orange polyp.

If the creditors come knocking for his $500M in debts — keeping in mind that all his assets are losing money, with only his presidency profiteering / brazen emoluments violations keeping them from going bankrupt right now — and/or he is taken to task on the innumerable crimes and treasonous activities that he;s been party to / the instigator of over the decades, he’ll hop in his Ford Bronco in the blink of an eye, and hightail it to the nearest non-extradition nation… And with the national security secrets that the Kremlin candidate would now be privy to, the countries willing to take him would be lining up in queues longer than the current U. S. food lines are…
Does this mean they have to change the red hats from MAGA to MACA?
We all know why t’rump wants to pull out of every international partnership. Because he’s too dumb to understand them, so it’s easier to just get rid of them than to learn how to fix them.
Herd Immunity = Genocide by another name – from Genocide: Trump’s Final Solution To Immigrants And Minorities, “According to the United Nation’s Genocide Convention, the perpetration of genocide requires an “intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group.” Since the White House itself has acknowledged the disproportionate deadly effects of the virus on minority communities, the intent can no longer be denied.” by Dr. Bandy X. Lee (Yale School of Medicine) in CD Reports in May, 2020 I would add older and disabled Americans.
Trump might move to China when they lose us he’s got a bank account there already
Not he might. He will. There in China, he will be a free man.
“Disarray?” Disfunction
If trump gets in again, there won’t be a 2024 election because we’ll all be living underground in fallout shelters.
Fallout 76
China’s preference for a weakened America is why they would want Trump to be re-elected! So, basically, China is calling Trump WEAK! How true!
Chinese on social media calls Trump “jang guo” meaning he is making China great again lol. Of course, since US manufacturing hasn’t returned and he is in the pocket of Putin