Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland was sworn in as Canada’s finance minister. Host of CTV’s Power Play Evan Solomon discusses the historic appointment and what’s next as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau looks to prorogue Parliament.
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She is a journalist with an Arts degree in Russian Studies. Liberals have nobody who is adept at finance, this proves it. She screwed up USMCA, now she can screw up the rest of the finance portfolio.
Arts Degree, The “Woman’s” Science.
Maybe the Russian Studies degree could come in handy when she’s brokering the sale of parts of Canada to uncle Putin.
@Michael Hill They, like our Democrats also seem to love China. Watch that in the future.
more of the same, corruption & more corruption
Don’t like this guy….Trying to sound independent but a Lib deep down
beats being a biased conservative. feel free to give up your healthcare btw because zomg sOcIaLiSM.
@ShabbsArt If you take Evan Solomon seriously, you shouldn’t leave your house without a helmet.
@Phil Viner I dont even know who that guy is…the one on the right?? okay what makes him so bad? he doesnt echo your biased world view? lol. provide me examples of what makes him so awful? is he a toool for the evil liberal party? you tell me haha
@ShabbsArt If you don’t realize that he’s a liberal lapdog…then shame on you. Give you examples? Try watching the news. SMH.
@Phil Viner why are you obfuscating?? answer my question lol.
TRUDEAU… step down!
Simple answer: absolutely nothing more than she has brought since 2015.
How can she be deputy pm doing most of Trudeau’s job and finance minister why not just make her queen.

She’ll bring more scaaaaaaaaaaaandals
Nothing. She brings nothing to the table.
She’s been a embarrassment up to now
#1 thing she is going to do is bail out bankrupt Ukraine with the Canadian ‘s tax money.
Freeland brings to the table the same qualities she brought to the NAFTA deal. A biased Trump hater who is a journalist not an accountant. Sad to see the finances of Canada now in her hands. Do you really believe she will complete the budget that was due last March
What will the new financial minister bring to the table, more excessive liberal spending. A ex journalist knowing how to turn a train wreck into anything sensible, is delusional!
Freeland isn’t qualified to run a lemonade stand.
Well said!
She is continue to don’t answer the question, I think she is not competent for the job

Liberals don’t answer questions. It’s on the job application.
Neither did Bill Morneu. But he was also not competent for the job. A finance minister who couldn’t produce a budget shouldn’t be a finance minister.
We have a corrupt government shutting down parliament.
Nothing to see here.
Why do they need a finance minister at all? I thought budgets balance themselves.

That was the first clue but no one paid attention. Magic Trudeau name.
That’s what the aliens controlling the government want you to believe.
Does she know anything about finance? I thought she was a journalist!
Does breaking the piggy bank qualify?
Great…we’ve replaced 1 shady character with another….
Why would we expect anything different from another Trudeau companion
Would rather have Morneau. He wanted to hold back on excessive green spending. Now Freeland is going to push forward with it.
She has an Master of Arts degree in Russian Studies
Is she a CPA? Nope!!
Evan Solomon is 1000% LIBERAL….he is not fooling anyone.