Writer Max Boot argues in a new Washington Post column that the Republican Party cannot be saved 'at least in the foreseeable future' and he offers advice for the 'sane, center-right voter' on what to do. Aired on 04/08/2021.
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#GOP #Republican #MSNBC
What Does The GOP Stand For Anymore? Writer On Why The Party 'Can't Be Saved' | Morning Joe | MSNBC
6 minutes since this video was posted and there’s already a dislike, RepubliQans have their notifications on
@buck wheat What lies? We can read the law. What did he lie about?
@buck wheat Lol okay then, what did he “lie” about? Go ahead, I’ll wait…………………………….
@JD D good luck getting an answer to that. These people are like bots with no mental capacity to answer with facts or proof.
Today, Democratic Party racism is a far more subtle, nuanced thing. Minorities are being held down by the insidious racism of diminished expectations. Dependence and victim status are the only aspirations being pushed by Democratic Party leaders these days.
It is worth mentioning that slavery is best defined as induced dependence. Slaves are kept under under a constant state of dependence upon their masters for food, shelter, health care, and their material needs (Section 8, welfare, EBT, medicaid). In return, the slave must behave and obey, lest those meager comforts be reduced or removed (always vote Democratic Party). Deplorable and hypocritical behavior by the master must never be questioned and must always be accepted and tolerated (if you are a minority and you don’t vote Democrat then you are a race traitor sell out).
Over the past 5000 years mankind has domesticated thousands of animal species by inducing that exact level of dependence. It is a practice that is thoroughly vetted, proven to be effective virtually 100 per cent of the time. Consider how tourists are admonished to not allow wild animals to become dependent on free food given to them by humans. To survive, thrive, and succeed independent creatures/beings must have the knowledge and the will to provide for themselves.
Since the implementation of LBJ’s Great Society the Democratic Party has not only maintained but tightened its grip on that exact sort of level of dependence upon a huge portion of persons in the United States. This action assures that the Democrats enjoy and continued societal and economic mastery over those people by keeping them physically and psychologically locked in a malevolent caste system that pre dates the Civil War. The eternal and ever vigilant claim is that the Democratic Party is helping minorities when in reality they are, generation after generation, rendering minorities more and more dependent upon government assistance. After all of these so called progressive years the Democratic Party is as racist as it has ever been. It has simply become a lot more clever and caustic in how it exercises that racism.
@David Paz nice opinions
Biden has been unexpectedly impressive. I knew he would be better than trump by a lightyear, but he’s gone above and beyond my expectations.
@David Hale <--- Lying troll is lying.
@omi god .. Oh, that old chestnut .. he stopped flights from China in January 2020, and the democrats said it was racist .. lol
@Scahoni Except he didn’t actually stop flights from China. The U.S. restrictions that took effect Feb. 2 – not in Jan. – continued to allow travel to the U.S. from China’s Hong Kong and Macao territories, for starters – more than 8,000 Chinese and other foreign nationals traveled to the US from there – and more than 27,000 travelled from mainland China during the first three months of his so-called “travel ban”.
Trump’s European “travel ban” was even more porous, since – at first – he excluded the UK and Ireland, and he never banned Americans from returning from Europe, bringing the first major outbreak to New York with them.
@omi god … They fudged the numbers to get Trump out .. someone falls off a cliff, and it’s put down as a Covid death .. If you go to the central statistics office, and ask them, was there any excess deaths in 2020 compared to previous years, and the answer is no.
@Scahoni Actually you’re lying, which means you’ve lost the discussion, pal.
Too bad – I was having such fun.
Gop stands for the same as always. Money and power. They are vampires.
@Sam Harris How is the governor dealing that leak down in Florida?
@Sam Harris I tried that. Enjoy the lead poisoning, the heat and the traffic jams.
@David Hale Trump wanted to collect a lot more from corporations, but he literally couldn’t because there weren’t corporations willing to fund his corrupt and dangerous politics. Trump did practically nothing to bolster the middle class, but he did do a lot to bolster the upper class. I don’t know where you are getting your information, but you are completely switched around about which party supports what class. Republicans are very motivated by money and they are very supportive of tax breaks for the wealthy, without having much regard for the working class. Democrats (Biden’s plan to pay for rebuilding infrastructure is a good example) are for taxing the wealthiest. You are completely backwards in your assessment of what each party is actually about.
@Sam Harris Trump economy that you say was doing great stuff was simply the lingering Obama economy. Sadly, Trump so mismanaged COVID-9, and is so inept when it comes to economic and financial understanding, that he tanked the economy while never really figuring out how to resolve the pandemic.
@Ace Brockton lmmfao
I have voted for Republican’s my entire life but my Rubicon moment was when Trump kowtowed to Putin in Helsinki and I haven’t looked back since. Who knew I’d feel so at home on the left! Let the GOP run off the cliff after their dear leader. Clearly, they’re not interested in protecting democracy and the American way of life anyway.
@Caedo It isn’t good enough to be non racist. One must be anti racist and following every neo Nazi, racist into the conservative voting booth and asking for the same social and economic policies the racist are, means you want the same things. It has been said if you can look around the room and see racists, you’re in the wrong room. That has always described a conservative voting booth.
@Caedo well if you got a fly then you have a problem.
For me, it was the spendthrift Reagan, and the infiltration of religious bigots, that drove me from the party in 1980. Happy to see you’ve left the cult.
@Brucifer Mephistopheles Hardly. You must not have been around in the 70s and 80s, to make that absurd assertion. Both parties have moved away from the center. The Democrats were much more conservative 50 years ago.
@Deborah Freedman My point was the mega RICH were paying their fair share in taxes and there wasn’t any complaints and the country was better off for it, What’s “ridiculous” is billionaires think they can buy the presidency to keep the system rigged for themselves while opportunity slips away for everyone else. The top 0.1%, own about the same wealth as 90% of Americans!
Republican Party is NOT the party of Lincoln. They are party that instituted the old Crowe laws.
Today, Democratic Party racism is a far more subtle, nuanced thing. Minorities are being held down by the insidious racism of diminished expectations. Dependence and victim status are the only aspirations being pushed by Democratic Party leaders these days.
It is worth mentioning that slavery is best defined as induced dependence. Slaves are kept under under a constant state of dependence upon their masters for food, shelter, health care, and their material needs (Section 8, welfare, EBT, medicaid). In return, the slave must behave and obey, lest those meager comforts be reduced or removed (always vote Democratic Party). Deplorable and hypocritical behavior by the master must never be questioned and must always be accepted and tolerated (if you are a minority and you don’t vote Democrat then you are a race traitor sell out).
Over the past 5000 years mankind has domesticated thousands of animal species by inducing that exact level of dependence. It is a practice that is thoroughly vetted, proven to be effective virtually 100 per cent of the time. Consider how tourists are admonished to not allow wild animals to become dependent on free food given to them by humans. To survive, thrive, and succeed independent creatures/beings must have the knowledge and the will to provide for themselves.
Since the implementation of LBJ’s Great Society the Democratic Party has not only maintained but tightened its grip on that exact sort of level of dependence upon a huge portion of persons in the United States. This action assures that the Democrats enjoy a continued societal and economic mastery over those people by keeping them physically and psychologically locked in a malevolent caste system that pre dates the Civil War. The eternal and ever vigilant claim is that the Democratic Party is helping minorities when in reality they are, generation after generation, rendering minorities more and more dependent upon government assistance. After all of these so called progressive years the Democratic Party is as racist as it has ever been. It has simply become a lot more clever and caustic in how it exercises that racism.
Lincoln was most likely some degree of a Marxist.
Not true. Learn some history before you spout off. Southern Democrats created Jim Crow. BUT the parties have changed over the decades, and the old Republican party of Lincoln has been gone since before the 1960s when the Democrats took the lead on equal justice and civil rights. Republicons have been scummy ever since McCarthy and Goldwater.
@David Hale you clearly don’t know the definition of fascism. You’re an embarrassment to your country, you know that right?
@David Hale Biden wasn’t even a child during Jim Crow
The Republican party advocates for nothing. I will in no way support them unless they can back or propose legislation that is meaningful. There continued obstructionism only reinforces my outrage.
I never have voted for them since I started in ’06.
I respectfully disagree. The GOP doesn’t advocate nothing. It advocates hatred, violence and lies.
The only support they give is for their ultra rich, extreme Christian Nationalist donors. They haven’t cared for the people for a long, long time. Supporting the worst president in history says it all. They are still following him and doing everything they can to sabotage our current President. It is going to backfire on them, big time!
@blluedragonfly The Democratic party puts illegal aliens first over American Citizens.
@AT 1984 … only in your little oan fox and friends fantasy land, nitwit…
The Republican Party has no policies or goals other than hate, lies, rigging elections, cutting all ties with the real world, violently overthrowing our government, and whatever outrage du jour Fox is pushing.
@Alex C LOL, ok
Republicans don’t mind conspiring with foreign governments to bring down USA.
@Tal Moore
+is hbbbbbbb
!mis uů¢
@Thат Spοk I agree with the spirit of your argument. America has never had a level playing field. We are all highly encouraged to remain in our appropriate places.
I could not have said that better…thanks Denny:)
Well stated.
Ignoring trolls don’t drop to there level of argument it tends to get you hating just like them ignore
John Music
i agree. Just stay high on the Disillusion level. It has worked well for the left.
@Alex Hamilton Loser.
@Peter Nolan Well, I see you listened well to John Music’s comment, unless you’re a troll too, in which case I apologise to John for posting this.
Matt gaetz Trump. Jim shower boy jordon example of replublican family values
@April Calhoun It’s called generalizing, and it’s lots of fun. But if you don’t like it then NEVER listen to MSNBC! That’s all they do!
Biden spreading ‘lies’ about Georgia’s election laws
@Thат Spοk Fox comments closed?
@buck wheat
@Hewlett William I dunno, have you tried during business hours?
Well, they used to be the party of the Moral Majority. Now they’re the party of Moral Bankruptsy. So they only changed one word!
@Roman Temniuk … trump’s only good for you if you’re a stupid white supremacist… and the majority of those at the border now are children so we go by the Constitution and the Bible and take them in… AND I already know how expedient BOTH the Bible AND the US Constitution are for conservative trump supporters…
@Q Wins Your republican party you describe only ever existed in your mind my poor friend. There never was such a thing as that. I’m sorry.
@Roman Temniuk It is foolish to even suggest a three thousand mile border can be totally controlled.
@Q Wins The illegals come here because the rich conservatives put them to work. The right creates the problem then complains about them draining the economy and then points a finger at someone else. Standard practice.
I believe the normalizing of abnormalities is placing the U.S. on a bad trajectory. Presidents are supposed to decide upon which policies we move forward with…. not design them. That is for the house of Congress, isn’t it?
….at least Congress gives our Representatives a chance to voice concerns and consult academia, and debate.
But each president seems to be taking more and more executive actions, and that is just plain unAmerican; because it denies the American people their representation via the house and Senate.
I know my take on it doesn’t matter; but i feel like I have a vested interest, having put some skin in the game while serving in the military. What happened at the Capitol Building was just plain unAmerican; those rioters weren’t patriots, and their behavior was definitely that of misguided individuals…. who are clearly of touch with reality.
The same mentality that led to those who stormed the Capitol Building and those who tore apart our country for 4 years, comes from the same place; the childish mentality of justifying one’s own behavior by pointing at the behavior of another….
And a genuine sense of passion, paired with ignorance.
Impropriety is impropriety, regardless of who does it. Rational adults have to be objective and refuse to allow nepotism to be used as an excuse of wrongdoing.
No groups which uses violence to achieve political goals could be considered patriotic; If they truly were, they’d be trying to build our country up…. not tear it down. Democracy is a very vulnerable thing; and i highly recommend the books “On Tyranny” by Timothy Snyder; its a nice pocket guide to defending democratic institutions. And “The True Believer” by Eric Hoffer covers how they can collapse if great care isn’t taken.
These two books paired together are quite poignant and empowering to even the most average person. And we need to get back to having conversations with people whom we disagree or feel we have nothing in common with.
I highly recommend people taking the time to watch the livestream of our own government on C-SPAN; to see and hear for one’s self, what’s said and done, without the spin or biases of MSM.
….Not to mention the daily transcripts are made available on the Congress, Senate, and Supreme Court websites.
America isn’t some static state, fixed product; but a dynamic and ever evolving democracy…. because that’s what our constitution outlines for our republic.
But we need better candidates in general. And an intentional renaissance of some sort to modernize and preserve the constitution with some contemporary scaffolding.
That’s why I voted for Admiral Bill McRaven for POTUS, and Nobel Laureate & professor of American Development Economics, Dr. Michael Kremer for VP.
…..And as long as bad practices such as Citizens United exists, untraceable funds will continue to flood our politics; allowing politicians to be knowingly or unwittingly party to foreign influence operations.
Ps. Why aren’t candidates required to go through a preliminary TS security clearance screening/background check, prior to being allowed to campaign?
“If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power” President Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1956, 4th Annual Republican Women’s National Conference
Bravo! Dwight Eisenhower is a lesson in what America should have done instead of the Cold War. Any conservatism which mires itself solely in anti-communism/ propaganda is shallow, lazy and stupid. Never Ever GOP Again.
Hyperinflation to increase wealth gaps, business tax to eliminate small competition, big tech to censor info & communication, gun laws to end opposition. Drugs to keep you stupid.Scams to steal office
@Doug Dimmadimsdale … you’re thinking of the past 3 republican administrations, cupcake …
Eisenhower is exactly the type of Republican that Max Boot is mourning the loss of. He wd turn in his grave if he saw what the GOP is today.
GQP is a cult!!
One minute and 12 seconds, I think that’s a record for Joe. Usually he can’t go 20 seconds before interrupting Mika.
@John Brown its Joe is not going anywhere
Raul Garcia go find a woman bro, get off youtube. Maybe you can use mika’s personality as a template. Out spoken with her own mind, warm blooded, and emotion on her sleeve. At least that’s what we see on TV
Joes one of the boys, get over it. The man still has a testosterone level
Biden spreading ‘lies’ about Georgia’s election laws
@buck wheat white nationalist alert
I thought the definitions were interesting.
Conservative-averse to change or innovation and holding traditional values.
Independent-free from outside control; not depending on another’s authority.
Liberal-willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one’s own; open to new ideas.
brilliantly said, ty all. they have willingly become the gqp, there is no gop.
Remember, they are infiltrated by the Democrats, so they are just as evil. But there are still some left who love God and country, unlike on the Left who have abandoned both God and country almost 100%.
@Thат Spοk were you always so deluded or have you suffered a head injury?
It stands for racism, exclusion, and unmitigated power. For themselves of course, not for the citizens of this country.
@Scahoni … only if you’re a conservative white supremacist neoConfederate bigot insurrectionist…
@Scahoni If you understand what a preposition is, you will quickly realize you chose the wrong one. To be truthful, you should have said to the people rather than for the people. He only did things for himself.
@Nancy Ross .. Biden just bombed Syria, and he destroyed the Keystone pipeline jobs, and he also destroyed women’s sports, and he also brought the price of insulin up from $60 a month, to $600 a month, and caused chaos at the southern border .. all within two months .. please take the fool away before he does anymore damage.
@Scahoni Biden has no control over the price of insulin. Big pharma does. Under Trump, the price of EpiPens rose from a moderate price to over $600. a pop.Trump hadno control over that. You do not know that Biden has ruined women’s sports. That remains to be seen. The Keystone Pipeline is one of the biggest polluters around. Biden is proposing more clean energy and retraining so that people can get higher wages in a job that is not a limited to a finite resource and is largely responsible for sinkholes that do tremendous damage, eating up several structures at a time. As for Syria, l don’t know enough about that to comment knowledgeably. He is trying to get Iran back to the table after Trump ruined the previous treaty which was working. No one is perfect, not even a cult leader. Keep that in mind and look in the mirror. Neither you or l will be looking at perfection.
@Scahoni wow. Just… wow.
The expression “New Centre” is true – the GOP has stretched the political landscape so far to the right that the centre has to be re-aligned.
The existing GOP needs to “wither on the vine” and force it’s supporters to face reality. They aren’t going anywhere and I’m sure they won’t stay quiet. But if they still want to play a constructive and fruitful part in society, then they must move away from madness!
@mike briganti You can fly Delta to Denver and watch the Allstar game while you’re waiting! Don’t forget to bring a coke!
A house in disarray must fall.
@oftenlucid All this voter suppression is a direct result of that shift. Fortunately, America has been through worse and come out better than before. Democracy is the ‘great experiment’ after all. Alloys are always stronger.
@For Shiggles : “Alloys are always stronger”. I like that. Agreed. I thought it was going to take Bush 42 to see how morally bankrupt the GQP are. Boy was I wrong. Color me “OftenOverlyOptimistic”. It took over 400k people needlessly dead and a direct attack on the WH with some of them literally and figuratively “Pooping” in the sacred halls of our democracy for SOME of the Conservatives to come around. . . But they are coming around . . . ish. .
@mike brigantiFor one thing Biden is not a leftist. His whole political career, he’s always been a centrist. You would know that if you stop watching propaganda on Fox news, read a book, a news paper, or a magazine. If this new Republican Party is now filled with radical unpatriotic un-American un-Democratic immature children like yourself, then no wonder traditionally registered conservative Republican voters are abandoning the GOP in droves and leaving the party to the crazies.
GOP stands for Gaslight, Obstruct, Project.
That is perfect!! Thanks.
Grift Other People…
@E E Oh that’s also a good one.
I’ve also heard “Greed Over People”
They stand for Destruction, Autocracy, Greed, and Corruption.
That’s all they want to conserve these days
You just described the democrat party perfectly
@Scahoni … kudos to you for taking the time to Google all those big words… but you’ve got plenty of time…
@Scahoni oh your projections are always your confession. Get a brain.
@John Brown yep!