CNN's Chris Wallace presses Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas about controlling the amount of illegal border crossings at the US southern border with Mexico.
#WhosTalkingtoChrisWallace #CNN #News
CNN's Chris Wallace presses Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas about controlling the amount of illegal border crossings at the US southern border with Mexico.
#WhosTalkingtoChrisWallace #CNN #News
Thank you. I appreciate you keeping us informed. I’m really impressed. I will always appreciate David
. Our government has no idea how much people are struggling right now. Your truthful advice on mental health, homelessness, gun violence, mass killings, elementary schools, hunger, lack of access to healthcare, racial tensions, hatred, fentanyl overdoses, gang violence, police brutality, violations of human rights, mass illegal immigration, the collapse of the financial system, the extreme economic downturn, record-high inflation, and the Great Depression has been very helpful to me and helped keep this story alive. It has been a true blessing. Can it really get any better than that? You are brilliant
Lets Be Honest We All Remember This Record:-
Illegal immigration has always been a problem in America, just ask the Native American Indians!
The Indians didn’t have borders or a sovereign nation brainiac. That stale old argument will never old up to plain facts

Ok we’ll go to the time machine and travel a few centuries back and ask them. No problem whatsoever
Operations are out of control Mr. We can see with our own eyes.
Find another job.
McCarthy’s Bakersfield constituents would go broke without illegal immigrant labor. I’m very familiar with the place. I can’t think of anywhere in the US with a larger illegal immigrant population.
You are wrong. Wages would increase if they weren’t there and if it wasn’t for Silicon Valley, there would be no money to be for their children’s education
some of you sound like scared little children….GROW UP
It’s time to impeach.
He’s a traitor , impeachment , then the long walk……..
Bus those people to his house, the problem solved : )
Why blame the wrong person, isn’t it the Congress that need to come up with immigration law,they didn’t do their job,Marjokas ,can’t be held responsible alone.
The interviewer still thinks he is on Fox. Oh that’s right CNN is becoming fox.
This man is weak but the border been mess up for years so he need to show some backbone on that boarder and the states that boarder them parts
Yes this man is right!! This is popular more now because of low unemployment. Which means more jobs period!!
How can anyone say the borders secure. 1 million gotaways alone.
Chris Wallace: “How can you say the border is secure?”
Secretary Mayorkas: “Right now the United States has millions of jobs opening due to the economic success of this administration. We have progressed in conquering the pandemic far more than the countries to the south of Mexico. And that makes the United States an appealing destination for people fleeing persecution or otherwise in desperate need of a better life.”
Weird answer, and it skirts the true root cause of the debate – Democrats are encouraging immigration, while Republicans want to limit or end immigration (particularly from non-White majority, under-developed countries). That’s just the truth folks. Own your sh-t, or change it if you don’t like how it smells. I like how this interview exposes some of these salient points. The vast majority of these migrants are surrendering to authorities, because they want to come here legally. Republicans see this as scandalous because (rightly) we are not allocating enough resources to affected communities by this influx, and (wrongly) because they want immigration to end (particularly from non-White majority, under-developed countries).
He’s using the most recent edition of the Newspeak Dictionary. MiniTru gives advance copies to Party members. Mayorkas would be eligible for such a copy.
I blame the Republicans misinformation. I believe the Boder Patrol officer’s testimony. It’s obvious.
Did he just blame covid for people coming across the border illegally?
….talk about our leaders taking accountability. What’s sad is most of these older politicians on bidens side need to be raised by parent again..but the parents are 20 years younger then them…which is honest truly sad to say.
Good interview. I do like Secretary Mayorkas. I do trust him.
You can’t be serious. He’s even said in the past that mass illegal immigration is good because it will lower all native populations in the US
An old saying goes: “Numbers don’t lie. Good accountants do.”
Another saying goes: “We all rise and fall on our definitions.”
With those two things in mind:
• What does the term “open border” mean?
Wouldn’t that mean that anyone could simply walk, drive or fly into the US, without any identification/documentation check, security check, etc.? If so, then our borders aren’t “open”.
• What does the term “closed border” mean?
Might this mean that admittance to the US is permitted only under certain circumstances? Surely it doesn’t mean that no one is permitted entry, right?
• What does the term “secure border” mean?
As a military veteran, “secure” is synonymous with “access controlled”. With identification/documentation checks, security checks, etc. required at all ports of entry in to the US, surely this means that our borders are “secure”.
So, our borders aren’t “open”. Our borders are, in fact, “secure.”
The Ocean Cleanup recognized that it was meaningless to “clean up” the ocean without first stopping the inflow of plastics into the world’s oceans. The same is true of immigration. If any administration wants to control immigration, they must first address the primary drivers of immigration. These include corrupt/failed governments, lawlessness, lack of economic opportunity (i.e. the ability for a breadwinner to provide for his or her family’s most basic needs [clean water, adequate food and shelter]) and, most recently climate change. If anyone thinks the numbers of immigrants at the US-Mexico border are too high now, just wait until the effects of global climate change become more pronounced over time. Sea level rise, changes in crop yields, etc. are going to make today’s numbers seem insignificant in comparison.
• What’s an “immigrant encounter”?
Here’s where the first adage comes into play. A quick Google search of “immigrant encounters over time” yields the following article from Pew Research: In it, there’s a graph of “Monthly migrant encounters at U.S.-Mexico border are near record highs”. From it, one can plainly see that November 2022 numbers were near those of March 2000! The graph also plainly illustrates how encounters steadily declined during the Obama administration. Trump inherited these low numbers. Note also that there was a large spike in May 2019, just prior to the pandemic suppressing the number of encounters.
What’s particularly important to highlight at this point is that the majority of illegal immigration into the US doesn’t take place at the US-Mexico border. The primary cause is overstaying visas, meaning that people legally entered the US, then decided not to leave as required.
• What constitutes an undocumented immigrant?
• Is the long-dysfunctional immigration system the cause of undocumented/illegal immigrants in the first place?
• What are the primary drivers of immigration?
• Should immigration be controlled? If so, how does any government control immigration?
• Would a nearly 2,000 mile barrier along the entire length of the US-Mexico border stop illegal immigration?
These are just some of the questions that our elected representatives should debate. But they’re not! Instead, they prefer propagandist partisan rhetoric that only paints the opposition as feckless…without proposing a single syllable of a solution.