We get the latest reporting about how the Trump re-election team and the Democratic establishment view the possibility of a Bernie Sanders candidacy.
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What Do Dems And Trump Think About Sanders As A Possible Nominee? | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
I’m a lifelong Democrat, and I’ll be writing in Pete BUTTIGIEG when I vote for President if Bernie Sanders is the Dem nominee.
Is that when his heart finally gives out?
Bernie is not going to give you free money get back to work…
@Andy Mo so….you’ll just be wasting your vote then?
“For all of his policy flaws” that a majority of Americans agree with across the board. Got it.
@Whites ended Slavery <<---------------- Automatic disqualification. Nothing more has to be said.
@Popermen The polls thought Hillary would win in 2016. We all see how that worked out.
No. They don’t. This is why you trolls will give us more trump.
Tylorian so true! But there are reasons for that. And what else is there to go off of? When the polls say one thing and people come forward saying it’s not true I would like to see evidence. A gut feeling is just not enough for me. Polls are better than nothing.
@Marq Mac It’s a fact that whites ended slavery. It was IMPOSSIBLE for blacks to end slavery, even though some contributed to the cause.
Larry David 2020!
I’m a lifelong Democrat, and I’ll be writing in Pete BUTTIGIEG when I vote for President if Bernie Sanders is the Dem nominee.
Andy Mo so. Do what you believe
I don’t give a stuff what Trump “thinks”.
@David Hale You don’t, obviously.
@tintinesk5 Listen to the crap that pours out of that hole in his head. That will give you an idea.
Then why should you expect all the population of the country to accept Bernie deciding everything about their lives for them with his socialist policies? What if they don’t like what he thinks? Are they less important than you. Maybe we should let states decide for themselves so people can be as different as nature made them under the same law proven to set humanity free when its followed?
@Toward Treatise You wouldn’t know what socialism is. Yet you willingly accept the extreme Right. Fine, have a confederacy. Righties can get the f*$# out of liberal states and have their own conservative homeland. They can practise their Religious Right b.s., their racism, their hate and anger on each other. A great wall can be built to house them in. Make sure there is a huge supply of guns and ammo. That way, they can shoot each other. Darwinism has a way of making evolutionary failures extinct.
ss and you honorable leftists can learn from our downfall. It will help you too. And won’t take the entire country with us like we risk with one size fits all policy. Believe it or not ideologically speaking I am centrist, but I’m one that accepts the Constitution should be the law, and today that does put me pretty far to the right.
Who lost fours years ago to Trump a moderate or progressive. Bernie2020
@Raptango_NA eat those tariffs bubba! Pay back the farm subsidies. No freaking free rides! They voted for tariffs!!!!!

@Richard Thomas pesky FACTS again? Shame on you
@John Bender
Only one getting my money is Bernie, trash.
@Tylorian- relieved? She would have been A LOT better than what we got now! I’d rather have Willy Wonka any day over the oompa loompa we have now!
@jeck jeck Morons like you are giving centrists like me an easy choice.
Write in a moderate if Trump has a big lead over Bernie, or vote for Trump if the race is close to keep an extremist socialist out of the White House.
Either way, Bernie Sanders loses because centrists, by definition, make up a massive chunk of the electorate.
“For all his policy flaws…” says you. These talking heads act like them and their friends will be the only ones to vote.
They are all living in a millionaire bubble. They have no idea what is really happening in working class America.
—- > Biden said he might pick a Republican for his VP. Bloomberg hasn’t released his tax records yet and said he would do so “after he wins the election”. Doesn’t that sound familiar?
We the people, don’t care what you media or establishment think.
@M A what are you talking about? i just said Bernie’s “polices” are not too far from Trump’s tricks.
@World’s Netizen it isn’t about payback – it is about a way forward. Trump is asking you to vote against. Every democrat EXCEPT Sanders is asking you to vote against. Arguably the only candidate providing something to vote FOR is Sanders.
@World’s Netizen I think you need to go back and read what I wrote.
You clearly don’t have a candidate that you support and you clearly have no policies that you support.
So basically you are just here to troll about how Bernie are Trump are similar because you have no values of your own.
Your Dear Leader, the Orange Turd, is the establishment. Stupid b$@&h.
Karen Hale better than fake Fox News so
Why do people care what Trumps people think or say about the Democratic nominee?
@David Hale No picture o content so what are you , just a troll ?
Because they need hot takes to take Bernie down
Seminal or election interference.. again..
Perro dehont is that your only argument? Whatever.
Sanders policy flaws are funnily enough just attempts, to catch up to other western democracies who have left america in the dust on social policies, on health care, on workers rights etc…
Corvid-19 is going to ravage a lot of Europe. The outbreak in Italy, which seems really fast, is just the beginning. We’ll see how well they manage it since they believe they are, generally, so superior.
Karen Byrd you’re really reaching for a criticism. Pathetic old dope.
@Karen Byrd What a petty excuse for a human being…
@Karen Byrd Isn’t it the USA claiming to be the best?
@Karen Byrd Well that’s petty and sad. It would nearly seem like you revel in the suffering of others catching the corona virus. I think you should go and get your empathy checked.
“It’s not going to look like the 2016 race.” Good. She realized Hillary lost right?
Only the electoral college. Granted, that’s how you win (stupidly) in this country. But, she got 3 million more votes. So, yeah, people chose the moderate that is Hillary Clinton.
@Eric Burkheimer
No, DNC said people vote doesn’t matter. So it doesn’t matter:/ Right.
Bernie 2020! And fire Chuck Todd already – the guy is a joke.
So you’re already showing what kinda government Bernie would be for silence all that disagree
Lol….i love watching you lefties squirm.
@Roger Wilco And I love being reassured how painfully dumb you are. Your divisive mindset is a gift to Putin. Go suckle on that orange teet elsewhere little guy.
I’m a ‘Dem’ and like many Democratic voters I think that Sanders is a once in a lifetime candidate. If we pass up this amazing opportunity, we’re making a big mistake. Keep in mind that these news reporters don’t represent the views of the common people. They are ultra-rich with corporate backing. They mingle with other rich people and are out of touch with the working class. Don’t just sheepishly mimic their opinions. Think for yourself. Do your own research. Vote for what is in your best interest.
Nada Bobada AMEN
Its time the people WAKE UP!!
Nada Bobaba, all people have to do is look at their paycheck, and bank account. That says it all. Bernie wants All people to have a better life not just the top people.
As a former bernie bro I want to say we are right to want to stop corporate monopolies from abusing their strong influence. The separation of power matters. But if we give the government universal unquestioned power as is practically his policy, then what happens when the perfection of Bernie is gone and the trump of the future or whatever you fear comes in and uses that unquestioned authority to dictate everything about your life in a way you don’t like? What will u do? You won’t be able to question it, because that’s what you wanted. I guess it’d just be smart to follow the constitution. As outlandish as it is to the left.
The only problem I have with Bernie as the nominee is I wish he was younger. Same thing with Biden although I wasn’t going to vote for him anyway.
@Toward Treatise Health care for all and free college tuition is not government universal unquestioned powers. Would you call Social Security that? Would call Medicare that? Would you call VA Hospital that? Bernie wants for all people what is deprived a lot of people. I don’t know why America has a problem with helping it’s own.
Democracy = what the people want.
Roger Wilco Not for a long time, especially today.
@Roger Wilco No it isn’t the best proof is the electoral system . one person one vote that’s democracy not some system that was great in the past .
@Perro dehont gtfoh
@Roger Wilco Truth hurts ?
Shannon Petty piece is another establishment liar. When she says radical left she is describing honesty. What’s wrong with honesty.
Do you know what has been a policy flaw for about the last fifty years?
The non-existent trickle down economics that have gutted the middle class, and left our infrastructure to rot while the military industrial complex tosses lobbyist bribe money up Capitol Hill’s collective snout to look the other way.
Bernie 2020.
It gives me Great pleasure and Joy to see MSNBC’s political analysis proven wrong. I have waited 4yrs for them to say Bernie is the presumptive nominee. I see major mainstream media reforms on the horizon, and Independent media as the only accurate news source. Independent journalist should form their own Broadcasting company. It will take 40yrs plus for MSNBC and CNN to regain public trust.
The Demo Establishment is basically RECOVERING from over 40 years of a neo-liberalism that has privileged Leadership over everyday people
“Among the democrats you have on speed dial on your phone” ANYONE here on his speed dial? You mean the elites and establishment, right?
“The enemy of my enemy is my friend” You all just keep hating on Bernie and obviously showing your bias.
srgreeniii I think we are all the same scientific universe from the atom up and that the golden rule is golden. And I don’t want Bernie for president.
srgreeniii I think we are all the same scientific universe from the energy filling the atom on up and that the golden rule is golden. And I don’t want Bernie for president.
why would “far-left policies” “alienate female voters”? that makes no sense…your empire is over MSNBC…read the comments on all of your videos and wake up.
They’re not even far left either. They’re making universal healthcare, tuition free public college, and raising taxes significantly on the rich seem radical. The real radical policies were NAFTA, tax cuts for the rich, bailouts of big banks and while Street while families were thrown onto the streets. THAT is radical policy. They live in this bubble as real Americans are dying from unfettered greed
madhabitz whatever u wanna tell urself…
@madhabitz weird, because when he went on Fox, their own crowd basically cheered for him and “booed” FOX commentators…I suppose the entire audience was hired actors though eh? So clearly even people with a bigger political bias than MSNBC (FOX viewers) seem to be in line with Mr. Sanders policies. Some comments are bots (you) and a lot are peoples actual opinions and feelings about a commentary or subject. So basically you dismiss anything that doesn’t follow your own narrative, to the point of everything being a huge conspiracy (unless it fits your ideology). All you are really doing by commenting is proving that. When the comments don’t jibe with your politics it “Bernie supporters are so mean”, but then as soon as it flips against your narrative they are all bots…so which one is it? All bots, or real people being mean to the so- called “establishment”…your argument/commentary is full of holes…
@Risa Nicola I suppose they are “far-left” for MSNBC pundits, but in a global context, these positions/policies aren’t even debated anymore. I agree with a majority of Bernies policies, but will openly admit many are going a lot farther than a majority of “Americans” are willing to go. I respect the man’s convictions, but some of his ideas are not in-line with majority think…which sadly means they are long term fights and not “easy” fixes. I hope Bernie supporters realize what they are actually backing. I think majority support for him is groupthink and most so-called “supporters” have no idea what Mr. Sanders is actually proposing…from a political/ideological or economic perspective. Either way, his “movement” and “supporters” will burn the system to the ground, and I am ok with that…regardless of what talking head does it.