Dave Aronberg, State Attorney for Palm Beach County, Florida, weighs in on what's next for Alex Jones following the $45.2 million punitive damages verdict against him. #CNN #News
What could be next for Alex Jones? One lawyer’s take

Dave Aronberg, State Attorney for Palm Beach County, Florida, weighs in on what's next for Alex Jones following the $45.2 million punitive damages verdict against him. #CNN #News
Bankruptcy abuse
lawyers are the biggest thieves talking about an abusive system
Last fight https://youtu.be/pq9yyaZ25YI
@I am not that guy You know how many people would be sued if they were treated the same AJ was? It would be literally every politician and government including you.
If only someone would hold our congress and representatives accountable as well
@boss sauce if am not mistaken a famous black leader has deplatformed as Alex was
@Bob Saget you are mistaken black people can say whatever they want without getting d platformed buddy
So many conspiracies, so little time…
If the same people who supported Waco are against Alex Jones then you should be looking elsewhere for information unless you support what happened at Waco.
@K S No thanks.
So when a company does something so egregious that it warrants that amount of money being awarded why would we care about them being “ruined?”
It’s a good thing most of his assets are out of the country.
I just don’t get it. A business interest can base it’s income – it’s very existence on lies, cons and abuse, and it’s protected from the full measure of it’s punishment, ……………………….wait for it,…………because: “It’s a good little earner”. WTFFF That!
Sounds like he’s being way overpaid what’s really going on?
It’s a civil case . What if he pulls an “OJ”?
Noooooo payments .
“I hope…”
Of course you do, all of the gullible and ignorant among us do.
In fact, you should send him some cash.
@Dizzle Send him some more. He has millions but is short of cash right now. Send him yours. Get a tee shirt. He’s begging you: give your pennies — the ones you can’t afford to donate — to a millionaire. It’s a really good idea.
Last fight https://youtu.be/dpoFCCQYllw
I’m happy to see Reality finally catching up to Alex and Info Wars. I watch it too back in 2007 or so but when conspiracies are presented as facts without any counter arguments or questions.
You can’t take it serious. But Alex was, is a charismatic presenter and people are not just getting hooked on his ramblings, they adopt his persona and argue with the same aggression.
The damage he has done goes far beyond Sandyhook. His success made him an influential figure, even in politics. Conspiracies and division, is lucrative and angry viewers are the most loyal.
@Nic Allen
@carol Lund Thank you carol for making this non-empathetic man understand, I find your words very intuitive and wisely placed, well said and spot on and very correct,
I don’t believe any grieving parent(s) deserve such cruelty under the guise of “Freedom Of Speech” and anyone who thinks the judgement is bad should try and loose a loved one or a child and see or experience what pain those parent(s) have endured for 10 yrs.
Trump #2
Can you believe Alex Jones’s lawyer had the nerve to tell the judge to give them $8… Wow what a jerk …I’m glad that he’s going for that amount of money …he needs to lose all his money and really go bankrupt, I hope they find him on a breadline somewhere someday!
@Mike Etgen I just think that this case is another one of these situations where if people see a loophole to sue over something and get money out of somebody they will! You could accuse Alex Jones of being disrespectful, and definitely accuse him of being fraudulent, but i do not think it is worth the sums of money he is being chased to pay out! I believe people need a right and means to defend themselves but it is a catch 22 situation over gun rights. But Alex Jones himself is a gun rights advocate. Be interesting to see how this all plays out over coming months!
@casa So we should also sue steak knife manufactures for stabbings, or Hammer manufacturers for murders via blunt force trauma?
@Acid360 Delta Well that is my point! There is a reason to sue for just about anything if you want to really stretch it far enough.
LMAO @ “taking rare talent to turn your civil trial into a criminal trial!”

Last fight https://youtu.be/pq9yyaZ25YI
@Choo Choo MotherTrucker It’s on AJ 3x: he lied about the texts, gave them to his lawyers, and was the one that hired those fools. Maybe 4x if the texts provide income info that will show the bankruptcy stuff is a sham like we think.
“The speech is free, the lies you have to pay for.”
@shaclata I have….have you? My point is with all you hypocrites is everyone has said something mean about someone else that has caused them harm. Everyone has done it. So I guess everyone can sue now huh?
@Bow Hunter . Poor Kyle, did his wittle life get ruined? I think taking people’s lives is kinda worse…
@Jean Montinat Hate to break it to you, DJT lost the election.
Lies are never hidden. No one ever gets away with a lie even if someone “bought” the lie. The lie lingers in the body just as a software program holds space on a computer. How does the lie manifest pain in the body? Anxiety.
If I’ve learned anything about the types that listen to his show over the past few years, I’m guessing he’s going to be more popular than ever.
“Bloviating windbag”!!! Love it
1 CCDC Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
“What could be next for Alex Jones?”
I’m going to take a wild guess and say he’s going to continue running his mouth and end up in jail.
@Blue Crow Tell that to the judge.
@LA so what did he do?
His supporters don’t care. “Just give us more lies” something to rant about!
1 jon schwindt Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Can you name these lies?
The cap on punitive damages is really in conflict with equal protection. It means you cannot punish rich people – but you can punish poor people.
For clarity, I should probably add “In my opinion” – I’m not stating facts here. You’d have to take it to the supreme court to make this a fact.
American justice belongs to the highest bidder.
Why isn’t the same law being applied to POLITICIANS?
Narcissistic people have no remorse for hurting other people. And you would think that he would demonstrate some semblance of empathy since he had children of his own, but nope. A narcissist is not able to feel other people’s feelings and mishaps.