Why is it that each time I come to China news network it shows I’m subscribed when I constantly hit the unsubscribe button. I don’t want to subscribe to these demons.
This light affliction is nothing compared to what is coming. God is going to burn this earth up. You better decide where you will spend eternity. HEAVEN or Hell.
Both are where scientists overestimate and have poor predictive models…pren tg ending as if they know anything. Fear breeds panic…panic causes irrational thought..thanks for bringing up how similar the feel mongers cause death and destruction
The world just ending. But this lockdown made me realize that materialistic things are so temporarily. If your poor already life really isn’t for you
Ending …. no, Changing … I hope so and for the better . Time tells
Why is it that each time I come to China news network it shows I’m subscribed when I constantly hit the unsubscribe button. I don’t want to subscribe to these demons.
I have never hear of that before, can you make a video showing it?
This light affliction is nothing compared to what is coming. God is going to burn this earth up. You better decide where you will spend eternity. HEAVEN or Hell.
Noo it’s not confirmed now we are only prayers be happy love from Pakistan
Are you homesick?

Boy, this reminds me of hurricane Dorian and the thousands of lives it took in Birmingham, Alabama.
Trump comments starting in 3…2….1
China creates more problems than they solve. It’s time to man up and do our own production and stop relying on other countries to do them for us.
Fools , the climate has been in a crisis for 6 billion years
coming from someone who has buried under a glacier for 50000 years you should know…and its 4.543 billion not 6…
It’s less than 5 billion years old. Just saying.
2000 more infected in Louisiana

Hopefully this brings World together that we all need to get our life right with God before he comes back and judge this nation.
The climate change was where you downloaded the information for the Covid-19, it’s the same guys behind both wacky theorys.
Not even theories. Political agenda.
That globalism has its negatives
Both are where scientists overestimate and have poor predictive models…pren tg ending as if they know anything. Fear breeds panic…panic causes irrational thought..thanks for bringing up how similar the feel mongers cause death and destruction
CNN what on flat earth is this nonsense?
We have people dying and you’re spreading fake news.
Today the climate was cold.
CNN would probably put Greta Thunberg on a Covid19 expert panel.
This is such sensationalism
this guy isn’t wearing a mask