What Concession Speeches Say About Us As A Country | Morning Joe | MSNBC

From Richard Nixon in 1960 after losing to JFK to Hillary Clinton in 2016, the Morning Joe panel looks back at concession speeches made by presidential candidates. Aired on 11/03/2020.
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What Concession Speeches Say About Us As A Country | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. @immortal scurds That’s not addressing anything. It’s not a binary switch and ‘you do it too’ arguments are false by structure.

    2. All the nutter had to do was listen to the scientists and take professional advice and he could have claimed he was the covid savior. He would have won. But, trump is so dumb and egocentric, he decided to listen to the My Pillow guy, the demon sperm doctor and that loser from FOX News, the radiologist, Atlas.

      It got a lot of Americans killed and now trump will pay.

    3. @Fred Freddy who did it right moron? maybe he should have listened to nancy and joe while they were telling him to leave the border open and eat at chinese restaurants moron. nobody anywhere was able to stop the virus moron

    1. @entertainment ParK 2020 with Trump does seem to go on forever and ever doesn’t it. I’ll be glad when he’s finally voted out too.

  1. He is completely losing mind or half asleep he’s not awake I don’t know if he’s already he’s tired to lie to the people

    1. @lrncephil80 yes !!! It takes a lot of effort to continue with lies ..and to add more lies throughout the days !!

  2. Heard trump on Fox this morn…..he sounds sick, not just the mental part that is always prevalent, but that he still has covid and it will get him

    1. @Jbo 2000 then why no charge? ……why wouldn’t any journalist put their name on it? WHERE’S RUDY? HA HA HA HA you and TRUMPERS ARE THE WORST OF AMERICA

    1. Gina Jones Totally and when he’s gone America can get back to reality and turn this country back to growing a respectable government that will put America back on top as a leader in the world 🌎!

    2. vote red Trump 2020 as you like trump has no shame and deny everything Even the pandemic Virus 🦠 and also it’s clear that you’ve been infected by the trump swamp virus 🦠 but after this election I hope America will start to heal and America can get to work repairing for the second time the fuckups of the Republican Party 🎈 first BUSH 2 (43) F U THE COUNTRIES ECONOMY AND PRESIDENT OBAMA AND BIDEN PUT US BACK ON SOLID GROUNDS AND THIS 45 🤡 Totally screwed and still screwing up and people like you shows your true colors green or red or just evil will whichever both is bad for America’s future so I have hope that you think about others and leave the swamp 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡!!!!.

  3. I can guarantee that if Trump loses, his _concession_ speech will be an airing of grievances, and calling his loss the greatest betrayal in American history, and that he was stabbed in the back.

    1. @The Tweatles Interesting fact: The last full moon that was globally visible on Halloween occurred in 1944. That was 6 months before the Nazis were defeated and Hitler took his own life in an underground bunker.

    2. Interesting fact: The last full moon that was globally visible on Halloween occurred in 1944. That was 6 months before the Nazis were defeated and Hitler took his own life in an underground bunker.

    1. @Jbo 2000 You think the fbi planned to kidnap the gov? That’s even weirder than the usual trump supporter confusion.

  4. America then: 9/11! 3000 dead! Never Forget!

    America Now: Worst President in history! Over 250000 dead! Who were they? Who cares? It is what it is…I luv Muh FreEDuM, MaGa!

    1. U right Fam, but the Bible says, ” in the last days perilous times shall come for men shall be lovers of their OWN SELVES” 2Timothy 3

    2. @Jbo 2000
      That is not an accurate deduction from the premise. It’s not a logical query to arise from the information shared. I wouldn’t be able to give you partial credit if this was an exam.

    3. Federal Penitentiary ain’t that bad for big shots. Haldeman was allowed a personal body guard in Lompoc. Maybe Trump will finally read a book or two.

  5. Moronic Trump crowds are chanting “Fire Fauci.” Really? The nation’s top expert on pandemics during the worst health crisis in a century? America is about to fire liar Trump!

    1. Dr Fauci is respected all over the world. When I see those people chanting it made me think what horrible things has happened to them that they became heartless 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

    2. @TheBase1aransas well I never said you can fix stupidity. In Asia people wear mask and are congested societies yet they’re not having the cases and deaths the US is having. I bet you wear a seat belt when driving, shoes n shirts when entering an eatery, wash your hands after going to the bathroom, cover your mouth when you cough and a lot of other things to protect yourself and others or just to be courteous as a person. The mask isn’t a political object. It’s just a heath and safety precaution so as to cut down the spread of a serious illness to our families, friends, co-workers, and others.
      Our hospitals are over loaded and healthcare workers are left to deal with all the illnesses (over a 1000 have died saving others). But anyway you’re entitled to be inconsiderate and careless.
      Mask are not political they’re just a health measure for oneself and others
      PS when I do see someone not wearing one I see a fool, too ignorant to be concerned for their family or others.

    1. ‘au contraire’ I’d compare Trump to Jabba Desilijic Tiure (Jabba the Hutt). Fits his narcissistic personality nicely

    1. Yep, but he will rant and rave like a two year old and it will either make you vomit 🤮 or laugh. Honestly, I cannot stand the voice of this pathetic narcissistic sociopath racist thug anymore. I mute him every time he speaks. Just a pathological liar, a loser and a sucker….he can only project himself…..despicable

  6. Noticed Trump said the polls were “suppression polls”. First time anyone uttered this term in this election cycle. Trump is projecting the word suppression, because suppression is their strategy.

    1. @Mr. Precedent projection 101. Really, all they need to do to investigate him is look into all the things he has said about others and start there.

    2. He is a really good projector. Remember how everything he said about Adam Schiff was a description of himself!😂

    1. @Larry Borsa How many millions has Hunter sent to Joe? We’ll wait. How many crack pipes and hookers has Hunter bought? We’ll wait. Get ready to cry tonight. The public knows Joe is the wrong choice

  7. I can’t even imagine Trump wishing anyone well, let alone having the class to concede to a peaceful transfer of power. Sad really.

    1. Who cares what Trump says or thinks…He should be investigated thoroughly, prosecuted ,jailed and then forgotten and consigned to the scrapheap of history

  8. Those were Senators, Governors, Secretary of State, Vice Presidents, and Presidents. Many were veterans. They served this country well and their speechs were comforting

    1. Hopefully this’ll teach u ou not to elect a businessman again. Their only goal is to make money. An a multiple failure businessman? The warning signs were all there

    2. Sadly Trump has never, and will NEVER have the strength of character that it takes to concede with GRACE, if that’s the outcome of OUR votes!!!

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