What Biden doesn’t get about his dismal poll numbers

A New York Times/Siena College poll shows that President Joe Biden is losing support from his own party, as 64 percent of Democratic primary voters would prefer the party to nominate someone else for the 2024 election. In today’s episode of The Point, CNN’s Chris Cillizza compares Biden's standing in the polls compared to previous presidents at this point in their term. #CNN #cillizza #biden

What Biden doesn't get about his dismal poll numbers


    1. @Downtown Larry Brown He lacks connection to the general public, he’s just happy to sit on the throne. He always wanted to be president. But, he’s doing nothing about trump, nothing. I see him as a wimp for that and the country will pay for it. Mid terms too, he just lacks, his out of touch. These midterms are more important then whose president. Very disappointing.

    2. @diveunder speak? You mean tackle all day. Repeat her sentences all day until you get son sick of her youde turn off the TV. No! kamala is no better. Might as well keep Joe.

    1. @Jonathan Martin Kind of like Joe’s quote about every convenience store your going to hear an Indian accent? I don’t know that was even a thing in San Antonio, I doubt she did either, was she “briefed” ?

  1. When you’re more concerned with getting your party in the White House than who it is that’s going to represent you this is what we all get stuck with for 4 years if we make it that long. Thanks a lot!

    1. @K Awww that’s soooooooooo cute. Making up stuff to make yourself feel better. None of what you said is true but whatever makes you not cry yourself to sleep Baby Gurl 🙂

    2. @K No, ive earned the Mr. And it would be who of you to address me as so. It would be a shame for you to try and turn your computer on and it not work.

      Anyhow I am fully aware of what is going on. I’m not a “fan” just voting for my team like any idiot who thinks Trump actually won lol.

  2. The overwhelming weight of statistical evidence leads to the inevitable conclusion Joe will be two years older two years hence.

    1. True, yet there is a chance he will fall over one last time, and we’ll end up with Cackles.

    2. More then age, it’s attitude, he lacks charisma, insight and perspective. He done nothing about trump, as Garland is useless.

  3. “The American nation can be summed up in one word, Asufutimaehaehffutbw.”

    -Joe Biden 2022

    1. Its more than just the economy. Its also human rights, environmental concerns, diplomatic relations, and so on. Sure the economy is part of it… but not everything is being viewed through that lens. More particularly, people are looking for their lives to be materially improved… meaning things like finding ways to reduce costs on mortgages, rent, food, education, healthcare, gas, shipping and so on. It also means strengthening the social safety net… making Medicare and Medicaid stronger, lowering the retirement age, and raising the cap on how much income is taxable for Social Security (the rich pay almost nothing into it)… and, while those are all certainly pieces of the economy, the people aren’t concerned with the economic system… they’re concerned with their deteriorating quality of life.

    2. @J Neff economy is number one on most people minds. There were other issues in 92…economy was number 1 and ultimately why Bush lost. Sure the economy was recovering but people didn’t feel the recovery and went with Clinton


  4. This guy simply has absolutely no idea of what he is doing. That’s because in his entire political career, his only goal was to make himself and his family wealthy. He knows how to do that but nothing else.

  5. Let’s ask VP Harris what Biden should do…and her answer would be…much like her answer on abortion rights
    ” Do What? ”
    : )

  6. This is way beyond funny. After 55 years in politics & the only job Joe has ever had he doesn’t understand that nobody likes him because he has not accomplished 1 single thing in 55 years.

  7. At this very moment Biden is standing in a closet, talking into a calculator, trying to order pizza.

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