CNN's Dana Bash asks Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) about concerns surrounding President Joe Biden's age as Biden aims for a 2024 reelection and what he thinks the president and Democrats need to do to win. #CNN #News #shorts
What Bernie says Biden needs to do to win in 2024

If you’re gonna try and help the middle class, you probably shouldn’t be making them pay extra for having good credit when buying a home
cant comprehend what, skippy
can you complete your thought
@Liam Liam
” .. paying it back .. ”
now you get it …
as in paying back a home mortgage with interest
Respect to Bernie who will never ever ever ever back down from his principles.

@Suzanne Weary apparently the average voter is not as informed as you and I.
Please be open to RFK JR s message.
He is not anti vaccine he just wants them tested and people compensated when they get injured. MAINLY he is for freedom . He would not force business to shut down or people to be fired for not taking something.
@Charles Ritter He wasn’t faced with having to make that decision, so I’m on the fence about that. The entire world shut down and rightfully so, in my opinion. When you have people who deny what they see, they will purposely act in a way to test the waters, so to speak. So, in order to save the many from the few, I fully supported the shutdown. Have an awesome week.
And what are those principles I used to be a Democrat but then I saw what Joe Biden and his team are doing and hell no never again will I ever vote for Democrats
Wow, remember, at this time 3 years ago, Bernie was beating Biden in the primaries!
Yep, and Bernie was leading after the first couple of primaries until the DNC decided Biden would be the party leader
@Brandon Gregory actually, the voters decided that Biden would be better.
@NJ SS when everyone drops out the day before super tuesday…thats not the voters deciding!
I agree. Bernie sanders smart guy.
What’s your most favorite thing that Bernie has done in all his years in government?
He’s a maroon.
Had America voted for Bernie when he ran they’d have free Medicare by now. Think about that one since America is the only Country in the whole that Still pays for medicare
Not true. Republicans would’ve thwarted his plans too.
I’m still waiting on him to write the bill and bring it to the floor. He’s a Senator, and that’s his job.
When Bernie talks people listen.
bad guys too
Not anymore

When Bernie talks
We dropped the ball not electing Bernie and avoiding this whole mess
Maybe more young people should have gotten off the couch and voted.
@zeromodulus don’t blame me , i did my part
That ball wasnt dropped, it was taken!
Hopefully he will never win
They need to explain how the voting process works in Congress while exposing the Republican and Democrat (Manchin and Sinema) long record of, voting against bills that would improve the lives of the vast majority of Americans. Finally, push for automatic voter registration when obtaining a driver’s license, the John Lewis Voting Rights Act,etc.
Hey Terrace, why do you think it’s ok to give out money to other countries around the world ?
iM jOe biDeN,
mY wiFe sAyS dAt iM pWeSidEnT
We need to have voter ID to keep our elections honest for both parties! There are so many illegals in this country that will try to vote in a candidate that are not citizens!!!
We want Bernie!
Citizens need a lawsuit to have the ssi fund refunded with what they stole from it.
Why is Biden’s age an issue, but Trump’s age and inexperience, corruption is not?
@Vickie Malone “YOU enter the room”

“YOU take a seat”
“YOU shake hands with a ghost”
“YOU eat ice cream and stay quiet”
The last 2 might not be exact wording
You tell me. Which one cannot speak a full sentence without gaffing, takes midday naps on foreign trips, and has failed this country?
There both an issue!
I agree that the Democrats should make the working class their priority. They are always left out and behind
Should but they never have or will.
Working class do not give biden 10%
Lmfao y’all still don’t get it huh wake up stupids
Only qualified, citizen voters. Not just more.
Bernie genuinely cares. A rare trait in our government.
this man is a farce
@Darryl Ellis Trump is.
Bernie is a team player, trained as an altruistic public servant willing to work for wages.
I love Bernie.
The rich greedy corporations need to be paying waayyy more taxes.
Can we just take a step back and ask ourselves how Biden and Trump are our best options for leadership of the free world? Seriously?
Let’s be honest. Biden finishes sentences competently and clearly. The Republicans like to take any little misspoken or mispronounced word and make a big deal of it. The most articulate of us trip over words. Biden is human. I’ve heard Tom Brokaw and Walter Cronkite misspeak or mispronounce words, it didn’t make them any less competent and qualified.
Bernie hs always been for the people.i voted for Trump because all of Mexico was headed here. I’m for legal immigration. Age doesn’t lower Bidens abilties I’m 83,and too old to think of a full time job. Too old.