Another witness is expected to corroborate Ambassador Bill Taylor's testimony that Trump pressured Ukraine to investigate the Bidens in exchange for military aid and there are new reports that the Justice Department is opening a criminal inquiry into its own Russia investigation. Lawrence O'Donnell discusses with Amb. Wendy Sherman, Evelyn Farkas, Joyce Vance and Matt Miller. Aired on 10/24/19.
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WH Official Expected To Bolster Taylor's Testimony That Trump Pushed Ukraine | The Last Word | MSNBC
First! Oh and Barr is a disgrace. May his name be shat on throughout history.
@Liberalovsky Fredo Moscowitch Russian butthurt crybaby bot
I’m pretty sure the DoJ will keep his photo portrait in the dusty back corner of the department basement with the rats it belongs with.
@Ash Roskell Yeah, I suspect Barr’s involvement in the Biden bribery scheme will unravel this sham investigation before it gets very far…
Queen Anne’s Revenge: Maybe… something in the water?
Gestapo Barr now…tic tac… you will lose your democracy soon
remove Barr and trump now.
I’m betting this will actually speed Trump’s removal from office? Whatever people think of Biden, we all know he is a lifelong servant, and basically honest. That’s what STARTED this! People see it as a step too far. America is chilled by it. Who would be safe, if they go after Clapper, and others? Going FULL Police State, Stalin style, will sicken America. And, the polls will show it
“Volksgerichtshof” with Freisler as judge is the rolemodel, if you want to refer to Germany.
Seriously, this is how it starts. If he is not impeached soon, people might start getting arrested and disappearing, Pinochet style.
Barr must really want to be chosen to fill the next vacancy on SCOTUS! He is bending so far over for Trump he’ll be on his knees forever.
Disbar Barr, and put him behind bars
i like it!
Barr is not even trying to hide his corruption and the coverups of traitor Trump.
@william knight actually they should be very very careful because when the Republicans are out of office I’m not sure they would appreciate a little bit of investigating the investigators I’m basically saying that if they open up this can of worms a lot of Republicans will be going to jail after a Democrat takes office so have fun with that
@Brad Dibble Star-chamber definition is – *characterized by secrecy and often being irresponsibly arbitrary and oppressive.*
@Crystal Giddens
That totally sounds like a conspiracy theory thing the Star Chamber I’ve heard that brought up and since 48 Republicans are allowed inside the chamber it’s not considered a star chamber
J Devlin agree!!!-and no one, state or government has the right to tell a woman what she can or can’t do with her body. Another topic the evangelicals are trying to push on everyone. If they don’t believe in abortions-then don’t get one.
Trump with his attack dog Barr will stop at nothing to smear anyone who opposes the giant orange baby plain and simple this is going to get very ugly

It already is very ugly, and has been ever since Trump announced his candidacy. It’s just going to keep getting worse.
This is the clear evidence that Trump and his enablers are completely paranoid. Trump is a classic case of a paranoid schizophrenic – as dozens of psychiatrists have openly declared. He is of the age when men descend into such psychiatric conditions and he is under extreme pressure. If/when he is ousted I will bet he has a very severe breakdown requiring treatment.
8alot4t This is not new. Trump has spent his life as a cruel, selfish, narcissist . He just has a bigger stage to act upon.
The bad guys are getting worse; the good guys are getting better. That’s what they can’t stand.
@8alot4t Please do not claim that the orange land walrus is mentally instable, it will give him an insanity plea, and let him spend the last of his days in a cushy mental ward , and not behind bars. Remember , he is a stable genious
AG Barr should be removed, now.
He will be!

Barr is traveling around the world planting false evidence. Just like with Ukraine.
Barr is trumps personal attorney tho. Oh wait…
The republicans who protect Trump don’t care about democracy… They only care about doing whatever that will get them reelected.
@Crystal Giddens Prove it.
@Crystal Giddens IKR? English is a fantastic language!!
@Liberalovsky Fredo Moscowitch
says the troll that no one cares about anyway. You do realize your moronic trolling has no lasting effect on anyone.
@Liberalovsky Fredo Moscowitch obvious troll with projection issues is obvious
Randy B That is if they had any SOUL or hearts for that matter. Worst administration in American history.
I think we need an investigation into the investigation of the investigation.
Oakley Moodie thst would be funny if this wasn’t so bad
It has so seriously become so ridiculous.
Barr’s another spineless tool, loyal to the United states of TRUMP
The trump presidency has been a very long episode of Scandal minus Olivia pope
Olivia Pope. Ahh, memories…..we need a real-life version of that fictional character to bring down this Orange Hemorrhoid and his enablers…
*side note* — Speaking of hemorrhoids, anyone wonder how tRUMPski Von Putin is able to wipe his a*s after he takes a dump?? “Enquiring” minds want to know…..(AMI and the “National Enquirer” probably have photos…Ewww).
You’re going to have to burn Trump out of office like you’d burn out a tick with a lit cigarette.
Make sure you don’t leave his head stuck in under the resolute desk. It’ll fester.
But seriously dont ever burn a tick, they can still spit lyme disease
Yes, get the proper hook around the tick and pull up and out – you only want trump to fester in jail, not in society.
Just to clarify, i know you shouldn’t REALLY burn a tick out with a cigarette, but it was an image i felt fit. As to the worry of further infection, looking at the Republicans I’d suggest that’s a ship that’s already sailed
Zombobo Smith All the tick-removal warnings, aside… I got the visual image of your comment. Definitely a winner.
This is scary this means Trump is willing to do anything to stay in power and we know he is capable of doing terrible things
Trump is planning to invade Poland too!! Omg.
Liberalovsky Fredo Moscowitch like what? Uphold the constitution? Sooooo scary. Scary when one is beholden to the law of the land.
Barr is creating distractions to cover all of the corruptions of his pal trump.
Barr will find “evidence”, regardless of actual evidence or even suspicion of wrong-doing. Dirty-to-the-bone ….. pleasing Trump. That’s what Barr does, that’s his “thang” …
Barr is probably planting “evidencence”.
And he has been bought. Big time. Somebody better be investigating his finances, extremely in depth from day 1 as AG til he dies, and that of his family. It’s there somewhere. Trump will buy witnesses too, as many as he needs.
@Barb Mulvaney Let’s not forget that group of Republicans who went to Russia for secret meetings on the 4th of July after Trump was inaugurated. We don’t have any notes, transcripts, messages or recordings of what they talked about. Those who went are most likely compromised, as well as the Republicans who declined to go but were personally invited to go.
After going after the imaginary Deep State for years, Trump is now creating a real Deep State under Bill Barr.
A hundred years from now, school children will be singing songs about how rotten Trump was. That will be his only legacy.
They have always been the “Deep State” look how the gravitate to protecting Confederate monuments, paraphernalia and the like. They have always entertained the ideas of a secret Govt waiting in the wings to rise again, or one that has always been in control but not in public. They just want to be in public now.
Tessmage Tessera Unfortunately, the billionaire class doesn’t care what you think of them. They have enough wealth to support for generations to come. If the American don’t reclaim their goverment and make it truly representative of the ordinary citizen. Then 100 yrs. from now another Trump like Kleptocrat will be robbing “hard working American” blind
Exactly right! When trump says someone else is doing something its usually exactly what He is doing! This is the most corrupt administration in our history!
The dictatorship takes another step to destroy any possibility to hold the president accountable
This is totally predictable: While doing crimes more and more openly, they are corrupting the legal system
From day one !
This is how fascist governments get a foot hold. The only thing that they have not been able to do is control the media. These are the same things that Hiltler did. Hitler could control media for most of his reign of terror because it wasn’t as broad as it is now. But the Trump administration has been peddling a great deal of false information which may be the control element in this century. We must be diligent about sources and certainly be suspicious of advertisement.
trump and his cronies are getting scared.
If they are not scared , they are fools
I don’t see trump as scared..he’s too self deluded and arrogant…to think he could lose here.