WH Adviser Blames CDC For Testing Problems | Stephanie Ruhle | MSNBC

As the number of coronavirus cases rise, nearly the entire country has reopened in some shape or form as White House trade adviser Peter Navarro criticizes the CDC. Epidemiologist and a New York State partner leading the contact tracing program, Dr. Kelly Henning, joins Stephanie Ruhle to discuss whether Navarro’s criticism is valid and whether she’s optimistic about seeing a potential vaccine by the end of the year. Aired on 05/18/2020.
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WH Adviser Blames CDC For Testing Problems | Stephanie Ruhle | MSNBC

WH Adviser Blames CDC For Testing Problems | Stephanie Ruhle | MSNBC


    1. Roweing away from the rocks would be to get away from the Democrats, the MSM and stop believing in the scamDemic that is WuFlu.

  1. Trump kept cutting CDC funding and belittling scientists for three years, so if the CDC came up short, the buck stops in the Oval Office. The true question is who said NO,” to the test kits offered by the WHO, while the CDC tried to come up with one of their own? That decision was the hubris that slaughtered thousands of Americans.

    1. @Crystal Giddens Oh, that’s nice. The mainstream ones. Do you think I’m not getting good Trump news ? …….. that I ought to be digging deeper – looking for sinister plots and praising Trump for his leadership? Can’t see that happening any time soon.

  2. Don’t you all see what’s happening with this president? Neither the CDC nor the FDA are trusted in the world anymore.

  3. So cdc is added to the list of people being blamed
    bill gates
    + CDC

    this list getting almost as big as your body count 🙂
    Im going to predict its gonna get bigger as your body count gets bigger.

    1. @Crystal Giddens lol, my god I love it, we are all watching from the outside as u implode on yourself.

    2. I like wat i am seeing. Keep fighting. Most countries come together in fighting the virus but the USA is fighting each other and making it political. The world is clapping their hands

  4. “My authority is total”
    “I take no responsibility at all”
    Words of a very stable genius who knows lots of stuff.

  5. Navarro: The CDC really dropped the ball here.
    America: You do know that the person in charge of the CDC was picked by t’rump right?
    Navarro: What a nasty question!
    t’rump: **smiles behind a pile of Big Mac wrappers while watching at home**

    1. @Dean Purcell Bogus. I have not locked down At all and I’m still here. I doubt I have ever had WuFlu and if i have then I am one of those 86% who NEVER knew he had it and one of the 99.5% who survived. Stop the scamDemic.

  6. I’m sure there will be enough trump💩 sheep that will be very willing to test potential cures for their dear leader 😏

    1. Cures for what? The exaggerated virus that will disappear magically in April, no wait, in November ^^

    2. Nope. Trump supporters are not sheep. Sheep take vaccines. Us Trump supporters think for ourselves. Vaccines are for fools. If you really believe a WuFlu vax will be safe then prove it and get one every week. What do you have to lose?

    3. @Lucius Kiirustrump supporters have two (2) things in common
      1. trump
      2. STUPIDITY
      you people are the laughing stock of the world
      so go a head on and keep on thinking that same trane of thought

    1. Thomas Armsworthy Jr Trump is so stupid he will get the virus’s and croak in the hospital even though he is testing everyone around him.

    2. @Thomas Armsworthy Jr another trump poster child has spoken.
      you people really are stupid huh

  7. It’s widely reported that we don’t have the vials or syringes necessary to administer the vaccine to everyone, even if we had a vaccine. That’s our next fiasco.

  8. Blame blame blame! That’s all you republicans are good for! Nothing else! Just blame! God what kind of human beings are you? You’re absolutely not adults. You’re blame game is so worn out!

    1. Did you know the “CDC” is a private vaccine company that peddles vaccines to governments world wide? Their greatest “expertise” is getting funding? that they serve a depopulation agenda? Of course you did not know that. You watch the “news.”

    2. He has comorbid personality disorders. Narcissism, sociopathy, and megalomania. Once you start to study I’m his like a bug under a glass!

  9. the problem was you 45 and his cult didn’t want test because it would expose the actual higher number of infected.. they are trying to supress the truth.. 45 NEEDS COVID!

    1. Did you know the “CDC” is a private vaccine company that peddles vaccines to governments world wide? Their greatest “expertise” is getting funding? that they serve a depopulation agenda? Of course you did not know that. You watch the “news.”

  10. Even so the US was offered tests from WHO and refused them. i would be leary of any vaccines that were made too soon

    1. vaccines are for fearful people. WuFlu is a scamDemic. 86% of people NEVER knew they had it. 99.5% of people survive. Seasonal Flu Kills more people than WuFlu and I’d never take a Flu vaccine.

  11. I wonder if the dummies in the White House know that they are running the CDC? It is part of the Executive Branch and the White House has undercut them at every turn.

  12. For years, we have shifted the production of protective masks, nasal swabs, and many other necessary things to places like China, where cheap labor allows them to make things cheaper. One big lesson we need to learn is that we need to pay a little more and keep these things produced in this country. One good place to keep us safer is to make it in the USA.

  13. Trump´s offspring are just has stark raving mad as he is, still calling the pandemic a
    dem hoax that will dissapear in November.

    1. apple does not fall far from the tree. dad said a while ago that the circus will disappear by april. the last i check the date to day was may 18. so… i’m just saying.

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