Sen. Cory Booker discussed the wave of protests and activism in the U.S. and encouraged these efforts to continue while speaking at the social justice forum. He says we are seeing "the frozen blocks of injustice beginning to soften." Aired on 6/19/2020.
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'We've Got To Keep Going': Sen. Booker Calls For Continued Activism At JusticeCon | MSNBC
Wow, Senator Booker is so gosh darned inspiri…..OH, I CAN’T KEEP A
STRAIGHT FACE WHEN I TRY TO LIE!! Spartacus is still just another loser.
@Damian Rodriguez Yes, except for the few years that I cruised in my
sailboat and lived in a few other countries. Ever been anywhere interesting,
Pedro? Your name indicates you came here with your illegal family from…
Guatemala? El Salvadore? Mehico? You are an illegal, criminal moron,right?
@Jaymes Guy Colored people are such fun, aren’t you?
You get so spun up!
@Jaymes Guy Any adult comment though? Thought not. Back to to sleep with you, Poindexter
@thom wessels No Mr.Dum Weasel
… I Am Taino Indian from Rich Port… Known to You As Puerto Rico… So I Am “America” Not just American. Born and Raised in NYC Mr.Dum Weasel and Yes i Have traveled out Of the Country with my United States Passport !
@Damian Rodriguez Ooooh you once traveled out of the US on a PASSPORT! Were you real excited to get away from your favella for a week? ‘Taino Indian’….never heard of it. Sounds underwhelming. What great achievement have you brilliant natives ever done? I am simply FASCINATED to hear your spell binding stories! BTW: I’ve always said that PR was a big mistake. You produce nothing but good rum and ganga. Meh.
People should keep protesting for change in America if you don’t fight for change it won’t get change unfortunately
live ammo can still fix that criminal looter thingy. We have time.
Liberals are total laughing stock
Hey whats up ?
I would say the sky, but I could be wrong.
Ummm the majority of liberal males are BISEXUAL and or HOMOSEXUAL.
@The Tweatles Lucky for you, Princess Willy! Did you celebrate the scotus ruling? It’s all sunshine and rainbows in your world.
@The Tweatles Scotus is on your side, Princess Willy!
The media tried hard to stop the Trump rally tomorrow because Trump will draw 100,000 easy whilst a Biden rally would be lucky to have 800 people show up.
@CShield Ease down princess
@The Tweatles Embrace your homosexuality, Princess Willy! Don’t be afraid.
@The Tweatles
They will probably have to hire a rent-a-crowd company when (if) Biden ever has a rally.
@Jaymes Guy

Sleepy Uncle Joe is tired…
Keep going! Love and persistence will win.
Actually in reality racism is only getting much worse.
they should protest for the rest of their lives.. they have nothing to
going, going, going—-eventually becomes “going away”
Yes. I’m glad he said it.
They are no police in Atlanta keep on going one billion dollars worth of damage in the USA
Bathroom Booker is BISEXUAL. *FACT
@CShield Your support for corrupt politicians is troublesome
@The Tweatles Don’t be afraid of your homosexuality, Princess Willy.
@The Tweatles Im Guessing your mad… He hasn’t returned your calls !?!?

Now your “Butt Hurts”
@Damian Rodriguez

@Myisha Swearengin

Real Patriots and Good American’s Are #RidingwithBiden & #KamalaHarrisforVP #AmyklobucharforSecretaryofState
#CoryBookerforUSAG The #RepublicanVotersagainstTrump are going to #Voteblueallthewaythrough
Senator Booker, please raise the question of reparations. This would be the next logical step. Mitch McConnell doesn’t have the right to say that Former President Obama was our reparations. Let’s use this moment to help out youth.
Where is Joe Biden having his rally at ?
In his backyard. 5 people will be there on his picnic table eating turkey sandwiches and talking about yesteryear.
Joe will wonder what the hubbub of 7 old people wandering around
his yard is all about. He’ll get them to commit to voting him BACK
into the Senate. He may even win that race!
I live in BC Canada. Our $10.00 bill has a picture of Viola Desmond, a black woman who refused to sit in the Black area down stairs in a theatre. She was a well to do business woman in Nova Scotia in 1946… A must google search…