B.C. officials provide an update on the increasing number of overdose deaths in the province as the toll has reached 10,000 since 2016.
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Life is always harder under a NDP/LIBERAL government.
….did they not just legalize “recreational” drug use. maybe it just doesn’t work here.
Why would that work? They’re just making the addicts more comfortable. It takes being UNCOMFORTABLE for someone to decide to change. Addiction 101. Makes me wonder if their intention is really to help.
@Ashatan Yep, if you remove all the negative consequences, there is no reason to change behaviors.
Love this host
Policy Makers don’t care….period….war on Drugs creates alot of revenue…
And what has free drugs for junkies, free market for drug traffickers in Canada and free services for junkies created?? Millions of tax payer money thrown into this industry and everyday there are more and more junkies
Maybe if they got them off the drugs instead of giving them all the drugs they want. That might help a little bit
You can’t help those who don’t want to help themselves.
I wish we could have heard the whole thing. Maybe we should start listening to the experts.
Saving useless lives is – useless.
They are human beings. Are you?
Safe legal access to clean drugs. Not a free for all of tainted Street drugs. Alcoholics don’t have to worry about being poisoned by fentanyl laced booze.
Or possibly help them get off? The more comfortable they make them the more they’re taking away their potential to reach some sort of bottom.
Aren’t they decriminalizing hard drugs in BC? Think that’s going to help?
This is dangerous rhetoric. Drug use should be discouraged not destigmatized.
My son died 6 years ago in bc
I’m so sorry for your loss
I wonder why nothing i$ done to combat thi$ ??
Bring back death penalty for pushers..they are murderers
They won’t because it’s violation of human rights.
This is why countries are Nationalizing resources, Russia-France-Bolivia-Mexico. It adds $$$$ into the Public sector, housing-healthcare etc….
A welfare state is a recipe for disaster. Illicit drugs are a dead-end street. Life is full of choices.
In Vancouver, in order to deal with the overdose problem they have to deal with the homeless problem and vice versa. You can’t fix one without fixing the other. And NO ONE is doing ANYTHING to deal with homelessness.
An overdose death is not the problem.
It’s a solution.
Over dose of vaccinations
Let’s decriminalize drugs … oh there is a drug problem. I wonder how that happened.