CNN national security analyst Samantha Vinograd discusses the impact Trump’s foreign policy in Iran could have had on the recent killing of a top Iranian nuclear scientist and looks ahead to President-elect Joe Biden’s first Presidential Daily Briefing. #CNN #News
‘We’re here because of Trump’s failed policy’: Analyst on killing of Iran’s top scientist

O my gosh. I really hope that everyone stays safe right now. ♥️

You too.
@Stopping By aw thanks♥️
What are you worried about? There’s nothing to worry about.
Strap in people gonna be a hell of a ride over the next two months.
@eric tyson You’ll like this eric. Pure mask genius.
@Hamlet K Squid You’ve allowed someone to put your brain in a panopticon.
@Helen Farriot
@GKeeper316 Iran will give the US a lesson that it will never forget. USA is the mother of Terrorism in the entire world
CNN sucks
hey pompeo you should visit iran i hear its nice this time of the year.
Hahahahaha Ho my God! So funny. Buy him a one-way first class ticket. He ain’t coming back.
Didnt Biden say he had been talking to foreign leaders since he became ” president elect” ?
Breaking News another one… BREAKING! PA Judge Rules Election UNCONSTITUTIONAL! Effectively Gives State to TRUMP!!!
Take Trump with you. Iran wants to have a strong talk with that guy…
And bring the tRump family with you Pompeo
Who else went straight to the comments…

@Rob Foam hahaha,..that was a good one!
@jIHAD minion I wish every news org. is like your Faks news and not FAUX news or IDIOT news that trimp order his goons to watch.
Everything and everyone is fate to the fate Republican they need to look in the mirror and see if they see anybody looking back
San tiny hands baby is embarrassing!
RM ,He and his Klan is horrible criminal and danger

for America .
What’s your fake news won’t tell you one down two to go,
Who is making America great again???
Essentials workers getting up early every morning to go work hard every day making America great again in the middle of a pandemic coronavirus without time for waiting for the stimulation check
@Michael Raheem you act as tho only one side does this. I play the george carlin view of politics. I don’t vote for either corrupt side.
@Jerry Hate is that why there’s more wealthy democrats? Look at the revolving wall street door. It’s not one-sided and until this country starts electing independents, we’re fucked. We’ve seen these people for decades and you have faith that their going to do something different? I’d vote for you before any of them.
American has always been great before the 2016 election. 45 is trying to destroy the world.
Thx to Trump bring back job
KL that happen everyday in USA peoples make America great all the times no Donald Trump
The meeting between Saudi prince and Israel = assassination of Iranian scientist.
ISis (Arabic) amun-RA (Egypt) EL (Saturn)
You do realize Iran has been funding and overtly supporting terrorism and instability in Arab countries for literally decades.
@Patient Observer Turkey (T), RUssia (ru), kiM j ung (M), xiji Ping (P)=Trump
@Btdenn123 yes, Iran, Syria, Saudi etc all support terrorists..
@Mimi Bigdy and so do you it seems
Mankind must put and end to war or war will put an end to mankind.
@G Guest Thank CHINA
@J there is no Jesus in the Democratic Party. Look and read up. They have eliminated him. They are godless.
@M H lol yeah apparently you are.
@Bo Walaszek no……. he didnt… jesus christ..
@KL Bro u realize how delusional you are right
Donny: “big things are coming” ??
@Randy Bell Who’s gonna fight it? No one has time or cares enough for one. Maybe Militias or other nut jobs. It ‘ll all be over, when the first one drops the gun and runs home to mommy.
@isabel lind you haven’t had a YouTube channel a month and you’ve already made a fool out of yourself! smh
Lone Wolf Start learning Chinese because big things are coming.
@Paul Miskell wow, really? You, an American (I think)would wage war on your fellow Americans because your candidate lost the election. REALLY! Shame on you! Shame on you! That is just pure and simple craziness. If you don’t like the results and what happens over the next four years, put your efforts (and not civil war) into the next Republican candidate. This is America, not some war torn country just trying to survive insurrection by vigilantes…..
@Daniel Morales no i mean the veterans and the armed Republicans and the militias mr dumbacrat
sorry, you can’t just blame deadlyoledon…
this goes all the way back to the Dulles brothers overthrow
of a duly elected Iranian government in 1953,
in order to protect oil profits
“I” didn’t start any wars. No but you sent that gasbag to Israel to green light the op. I’m sure there’ll be a smooth transition for a second round of negotiations.
Lol let’s face it Obama’s strategy didn’t work either because Iran doubled down in Iraq , Lebanon, Syria and Yemen.
@Aziz A Who cares. The clown president didn’t make it any better
If this happened in any country they would seek revenge.
And if it were a US ally it would be supported in exacting that revenge.
Don’t touch I just went straight to the comments,Mine mine all mine
Iran is the least of CNNs problems, settle down and get a grip
Could have had? More like “Direct Result.”
Reporter that new the answer to a Legit Question… “need To Know”
“Operating with more intelligence…”
An enigma
A deliberate act of violence designed to de-rail Biden before he can even start dealing with this mess.
Maybe… I would say a late Jan timing would have more of an impact on Biden.
Sounds familiar to what happened the last time using that theory.
@Ken Bowser false equivalence.
Biden can’t dress or feed himself.
I felt Iran when they were burning our lame duck and loser in chiefs picture.
Well, starting Monday, at least two people will be paying attention to the daily brief. Unfortunately, they won’t be able to do anything about it for another 51 days,