‘We’ll See A Tremendous Number Of Ill People’ Without A New Lockdown | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC

Dr. Michael Osterholm, Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research Policy, is calling for a new shutdown to control the spread of the virus. He tells Andrea Mitchell that the lockdowns in the spring helped to slow down transmission, but we “never got our numbers down to a low level where we could fight with traditional public health tools.” He does say that elementary schools can reopen safely, but only “in communities that have low levels of transmission.” Aired on 08/10/2020.
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'We'll See A Tremendous Number Of Ill People’ Without A New Lockdown | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC

'We'll See A Tremendous Number Of Ill People’ Without A New Lockdown | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC


    1. @Tucker Carlson Trump does not like the supreme Court and a prosecutor or two, plus that label of being impeached

    2. @Tucker Carlson Repeating lies won’t make them true…0+0+0 doesn’t not equal 1… I guess the 3rd grade was the best 4 years of your life. then again the impeached trump loves the poorly educated. I hope you accept the results of the election

    3. When the Government makes this lockdown you are begging for permanent, and they will, will you regret cheering it on?
      Rockefeller Foundation(aka Ruling Class Club) Document from 2010: please go to page 18 in a section called “Lock Step” where they lay out the need to take away people’s rights/freedoms during a Pandemic. This has been planned a long time.
      Here is the document: start reading on pg18👇

  1. What the administration and others as well do not realize is that it does no matter how much you want the economy to thrive, the longer this pandemic is not under control, the more it will cost in the end, both in lives and money.

    1. Noreb Good One. FTR: the L i k u d. Party of l s r a e I put Trump in office. The only Russians involved are Russian oligarchs who are Dual- l s r a e I i citizens invested in illegal settlements in G a z a. I am not sure if you follow US Foreign Policy, but Trump has been harder on Russia than any recent President via sanctions, an attempted coup in Venezuela (a Russian Ally) continued attacks on Syria (a Russian Ally) ending the Iran deal and killing Soleimani (Iran is Russia’s Ally) and the recent aggression against China (Russia’s Ally)…where Trump and his Cabinet in State & Treasury have bent over backward for lsraeI. You’re being brainwashed to believe Russia is helping Trump because it ramps up the Cold War and makes a sh*t ton of money for the Military Industrial Complex and the Media. Nutshell: every person that calls someone a “Russian” is an establishment Tool and, frankly, ignorant of World affairs.
      Abramovich is latest Russian oligarch to move to Israel (from @AP) https://apnews.com/a0d4be6b2d334d9ab4560d29b43fcf2a

  2. I think that a lot of societies will just go full mental and breakdown into anarchy and it will be dog eat dog

    1. You’re not wrong. There’s a pattern already. Governments all over the world are investing 10’s of millions into mental health.

    2. Knowing that several countries are already collapsed (like Venezuela), which 4 countries that are stable right now will be first to have a breakdown and get to be “dog eat dog” ?

  3. Once the children start getting sick en masse, Things. Will. Change. You bet your bloody little mind they will mr tough guy in the White House. Just you wait. And it is already starting.

    1. @jeff c You mean lifelong corrupt politicians like Leg Hair Joe & Nancy PiLLosi? The Democracts have become the new Nazi party and everyone living in reality knows it.
      tinyurl.com/v7picr3 👈😆

    2. make sure you order the little ones casket early…..Trump will make sure
      you,ll need it…by all means stick em back in school

    3. The White House knows that one quarter of the teachers will get sick and 20,000 kids with undiagnosed preexisting conditions will die.

    4. @Rosalina Ayala Perhaps they are hoping to cripple the public school system to benefit charter schools.

    1. William H
      As hard as you try Covid 19 is real.
      If your not part of the solution, your part of the problem.

    2. The excess deaths will be exactly the same or a slight up-tick worse from this virus over any other year. Covid19 has a virulence of about 0.2 to 0.3 , equivalent to a bad flu season and nothing more. The (R) Naught calculation is completely flawed and inaccurate, people that were going to die at or about exactly the same time from other severe chronic comorbidity and just happen to contract a virus in their final days (because their immunity had completely collapsed) are getting wrongly and fraudulently calculated as a Covid19 death causation. Everybody is obligated to research this fact for themselves! (Death rate has dropped significantly since this podcast) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vi4j1I_ix_c&t=1294s

    3. dean mushtuk , instead of all the nonsense, why don’t you just save yourself the typing, and just call the virus a hoax 😂

    1. @sal been The SARS-COV2 virus is 0.1 microns in diameter (smaller than the filter openings) BUT one virus particle cannot hurt you. You need thousands. Also a single virus is VERY sensitive in the atmosphere. The viruses travel from host to host in small droplets that do float on air. Assuming that a single (or multiple) viruses manage to reach your mask ( and not being part of a droplet) their chaotic motion due to the bombardment by N2 molecules means that it will be blocked by the mask, Also you need eye protection because you can be infected via the nasolacrimal duct

    2. When the Government makes this lockdown you are begging for permanent, and they will, will you regret cheering it on?
      Rockefeller Foundation(aka Ruling Class Club) Document from 2010: please go to page 18 in a section called “Lock Step” where they lay out the need to take away people’s rights/freedoms during a Pandemic. This has been planned a long time.
      Here is the document: start reading on pg18👇

    3. Boxes of masks are still like $20 in south Florida.. Cotton ones are at Walmart for $7.50 I think. It’s wild to me.

  4. I can’t get over the number of people who are seemingly unable to distinguish ‘wants’ and ‘needs’.

    1. @Some Person Maybe a better way of explaining it would be China offering to pay the president 2B in untraceable funds if he agrees to a trade deal that has a deficit of 5B to the USA– so the president effectively pays himself 2B of tax payer money at the expense of 5B to the economy BUT it also gives China BLACKMAIL and thus influence in America’s policy.

    2. @jacob vaten Thats better. Now throw in a Chinese Shipping Magnate and Trump trade advisor, a Senator, a Russian-backed aluminum plant in Kentucky, our soldiers being sniped with impunity, strategic locations like Crimea encroached upon, and the fail-safe distractions of N. Korea and Middle East uproar, and TRUMP IS A TRAITOR, AS ARE SOME IN THE SENATE AND HOUSE, NEVERMIND THE OTHERS…

    3. @jacob vaten Untraceable because of recent changes to laws and court decisions which have allowed for election security and campaign finance laws to be, with regard to corporate donations.

    4. @Elizabeth Ayres there are only two reasons presidents have been letting china rip us off: they’re being paid or they’re blackmailed and the former leads to the latter.

  5. For every one person who dies from COVID-19: 19 more require hospitalization. 18 of those will have permanent heart damage for the rest of their lives. 10 will have permanent lung damage. 3 will have strokes. 2 will have neurological damage that leads to chronic weakness and loss of coordination. 2 will have neurological damage that leads to loss of cognitive function. So now all of a sudden, that “but it’s only 1% fatal!” becomes: 3,282,000 people dead. 62,358,000 hospitalized. 59,076,000 people with permanent heart damage. 32,820,000 people with permanent lung damage. 9,846,000 people with strokes. 6,564,000 people with muscle weakness. 6,564,000 people with loss of cognitive function. That’s the thing that the people who keep going on about “only 1% dead, what’s the big deal?” don’t get. Ref John Hopkins, CDC, Coronavirus @Quora Focus on addressing folks who don’t think this is real! Not the cultists, just the folks who see all the misinformation and don’t know what to believe. Spend more time on education. Don’t just say Covid is serious threat. EDUCATE! -Do masks really work? DEMONSTRATE how they work and address all the myths. -Is Covid really that much worst than flu? (Yes, I get it, but MANY don’t. SPEAK TO THEM. WE MUST EDUCATE them so they COMPLY with safety standard) -Instead of just tracking deaths and cases, track HOSPITAL CAPACITY. Show THOSE numbers. 100k people sick, does not have the same effect of showing a hospital with no beds left and 3 dead doctors. EDUCATION IS KEY to saving us!

    1. And to top it off, any longterm effects will be classified as a “pre-existing condition” so good luck with your “healthcare “

  6. Americans just simply didn’t have self-discipline or attention spans to do what needed to be done, and now things are worse.

    1. @sal been You mean like this comparison – ” As of August 9th, 2020, the average daily death toll due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) in the U.S. was around 941 since the occurrance of the first case on February 15th. Based on data from 2019, almost eight thousand people die every day in the United States from all causes, on average. Preliminary maximum estimates tell us that during the 2019-2020 (October to April) influenza season, around 332 people died daily on average from influenza. Taking the latest numbers into account, it seems that since mid-February on average almost one out of eight deaths in the United States every day have involved COVID-19.” – Statistica

    2. @sal been
      How accurate is the US coronavirus death count? Are we still going through a pandemic? Would it be at this very moment in time be premature data gathering? Could we be off by ‘tens of thousands’ regarding deaths?

    3. When the Government makes this lockdown you are begging for permanent, and they will, will you regret cheering it on?
      Rockefeller Foundation(aka Ruling Class Club) Document from 2010: please go to page 18 in a section called “Lock Step” where they lay out the need to take away people’s rights/freedoms during a Pandemic. This has been planned a long time.
      Here is the document: start reading on pg18👇

  7. Every senator that make a joke out of the impeachment proceedings should resign. They are as responsible for the massive deaths in our country as trump is.

    1. ………that is a stupid comment because everyone knows what obama and george washington have in common: they both had spies!
      Google: “Cross Fire Hurricane” Yes. Google it stupid.
      Its a fake Pandemic!
      Trump = Law & Order, Low taxes, Protected borders, Patriotism
      Biden = the complete opposite!
      Other blacks who support Trump;
      – Candace Owens
      – Leo Terrell
      – Shaquille O’Neal
      – Jack Brewer
      – Pastor Darrell Scott
      – Mike Tyson
      – Harris Faulkner
      – Herschel Walker
      – Don King 👑
      – Kanye West
      – Jimmy Walker
      – Stacey Dash
      – Jimmy McMillan
      – Bernell Trammell who was murdered for his beliefs.
      – Jim Brown
      – Azealia Banks
      – Jason Nichols
      – Larry Elder
      – Terrell Owens
      – Diamond & Silk
      – Rev. James David Manning
      – Latrell Sprewell
      – Burgess Owens
      – Lawance Jones
      – Byron Donalds
      And many many many more!
      There’s a very BIG movement called BIack voices for Trump. Maybe you heard of it. Where’s creepy sleepy basement
      I can’t wait for
      DEBATE-BOWL 2020!!👈

    1. @M A already know, as I was I on a state board for 12 yrs. Are you in politics or a scientist, curious

    2. Lynda Schnirl Electrical Computer Engineering: so I know first hand when Billionaires fund Scientific Research, they are funding the “validation” of a preset result. They call it “Philanthropy” but we call it bribery. Bill Gates, Zuckerberg, Musk and other Technocrats are not respected in my field. I would never trust anything Bill Gates is involved with, especially vaccines he wants to trial on the poor and people of color.

    3. @M A oh Lord, go into a super poor country like Haiti, any way Electrical, wonderful. Very left brain, analytical, black/white thought; one of my best internship students was an Electrical Engineer, I wish I had 10 of him. It is easy to judge until you are on the ground with these people, poor, hungry, desperate etc I ran a homeless shelter for women for years in Florida, worked 12 years with people released from mental institutions. I was also homeless as a child. I worked in FDA lab. Now I am old. I’ve seen in the 60’s when people were not vaccinated and saw the results, it is horribly indescribable. I studied pandemics for 2 years, flip, everything is happening again and most are no smarter. Sad. I hope that they push physics, science and chemistry in the future . Have a good evening

  8. How did New Zealand go 100 days without any new cases of Covid19 ? 1) They put a woman in charge 2) She followed the science.

    1. @dean mushtuk lies,lies,lies the flu killed 60,000 people in a year the virus has killed 160,000 in less than 6 months at this rate there will be 300,000 dead Americans by next February.Your R naught calculation comes straight from Trump.

    2. Ha, yes that is what my conservtive parents say ‘she just did what doctors and scientists told her to do’ thats ture, but getting the whole Nation on board was no small task, and then the Prime minister, has to keep the economy going, and find the money to pay everyone to stay home, thats part we’re the government needs to be competent, if you check the U.N rankings the NZ government is regularly ranked as the least curropt in the world, as result so far so good, GDP was up last quarter, national debt has gone from 20% of GDP to, 50% unemployment has only gone up to 4%, dispite international tourism been shut down which was our biggest income earner for the country, and we have been fully open (expect for Borders) for a couple months now

    3. It had nothing to do with their PM being a woman. Please, don’t belittle important issues into gender politics. New Zealand are in a unique position, they are an island and very isolated, therefore making lockdown more successful

    4. @Rosalina Ayala keep in mind America seems to have excess flu deaths compared to other developed nationd

  9. So basically a whole lot more people are gonna get covid and die between now and the time the vaccine arrives and can be distributed….

    1. When the Government makes this lockdown you are begging for permanent, and they will, will you regret cheering it on?
      Rockefeller Foundation(aka Ruling Class Club) Document from 2010: please go to page 18 in a section called “Lock Step” where they lay out the need to take away people’s rights/freedoms during a Pandemic. This has been planned a long time.
      Here is the document: start reading on pg18👇

  10. Let’s pause and reflect upon the loss of Americans in all of World War Two, after four and a half years of war, when about 405,000 Americans were killed. But Americans of today we can claim none of the discipline, grit, and leadership needed to emerge victorious in our current struggle. At this rate (35,000 dead in the last five weeks), by mid-September we will have lost half the number lost in all of WWII. New Years 2021 will see us equal WWII’s death toll… and for what? At this point, is the GOP serious about nominating Trump & Pence for reelection?

  11. Dr. Osterholm is saying clearly the virus is just getting traction and it is like that little fire in Beirut the other day, if we don’t put out the fuse, ka freakin boom…..bluff your ways out of that GOP.

    1. _”It’s just 15 cars on their roofs, and soon those 15 cars on their roofs will be down to close to zero.”_

  12. Trump only cares in so far as it affects his re-election. Nothing’s going to improve until he’s eliminated.

    1. We will not truly slow this virus down until 3 plus months after Biden takes office

    2. That is so true, and it’s unbelievable that anyone would let 10’s of thousands of people suffer and die for a temporary job. What does Trump have in common with a serial killer, they were born without a conscience.

    3. @jsean g I think trump is deathly afraid of what may follow. He’s being exposed as a fraud and a criminal. The investigation phase of trump’s life is just now cranking up. Once he loses power, his life could get a lot more difficult.

    4. I agree. look at the other countries, how well they’ve come out of this. Did what needed to be done and those countries financially took care of their citizens!

  13. I thought Trump said kids were immune from this disease u mean Trump was wrong wow thats an under statement because he has been more wrong then right

  14. So many people in the US deserve tRump, unfortunately for the ones that don’t and the rest of the world we have to suffer his MORONIC stupidity.

    1. @mothgirlwings About half the US population doesn’t vote, and I consider that a vote for Trump. So we have Trump AND we deserve him. And if we can’t vote him out, we deserve that too.

    2. @mothgirlwings seems to be about 30% to 40%, these people will be a big hindrance for the U.S coming back into the international community, because people are acutely aware that these people can put a crazy like Trump back into power who will just rip up previous agreements

    3. @Hamish GaffaneySeems to be. Thats probably a lot of the influence from adversaries….. the have been going round the world, gas-lighting and pouring precious salt on deep wounds….. like IRA, Israel/Palestine, they have worked hard for many years fomenting chaos with one hand, while attacking with the other. Divide and conquer.

  15. Just think if America had done a proper lockdown in March when Europe did…you’d be “back in business” (with some Covid restrictions, but not too bad) for months already. What a waste for everyone who did do the lockdown – closed businesses, work “furlough”, jobs lost, home schooling, etc. – which hasn’t really worked because of terrible leadership and management by Trump. You might have to, should actually, start again from zero to get the economy back and to save lives.

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