Former Justice Department prosecutor Andrew Weissman, Chuck Rosenberg and Nicolle Walalce discuss the fact that GOP senators seem set to vote to hold the impeachment trial without witnesses or evidence. Chuck Rosenberg refers to the votes as "predictable, yet disappointing." Aired on 1/21/2020.
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Weissmann: GOP Playing 'Hear No Evil, See No Evil' Because They Don't Want To Find It | MSNBC
Welcome to dictatorship America
It’s what the republicans wanted, I will NEVER forgive them!
Fake news
T R U M P = Treasonous Republicans Under Master Putin. Putin is SMILING.
Saddest News ,Russian no content troll
Andrew Weissmann needed to be on the Senate dream team.
Upsetting is a polite way of putting it. It’s dead wrong. This is a Democracy and not an Authoritarian regime. Most Americans believe in facts and the rule of law.
Thanks to the GOP, Old Glory is now called Old Whorey.
Not the racist garbage from the south that’s why they love him because of his bigotry!
@Christopher ~ *There is no democracy when foreign leaders elect a POTUS*
Brian Kimball ,RUSSIAN?
The most important question here is, do the American people deserve to know the truth? Well Trump, Moscow Mitch, and republicans on Capitol Hill, have essentially said “NO!!! The American don’t deserve to know anything.” And they are saying it all while laughing and holding up a middle finger to the American people.
@The Alpengeist does your company provide health care for trolling? I heard they pay you $15 hour is it full time?
@The Alpengeist no he didnt it was already investigated and proven not true smh and as far as trump he already told you he did it the tapes said he did it but luckily he has ignorant people like yourself that’s gonna listen to him and not the evidence that’s rite there and its people like you that has the rest of the world laughing at us not him
Investigators: We require witnesses & evidence.
Trump: I’m telling everyone to NOT cooperate with the investigation.
Republicans: You heard the man.
* months go by *
Republicans: Those Democrats didn’t even do a proper investigation!
surely you joke, mein failüre
What a bunch of clowns!
Democrats: “The evidence is overwhelming. We must impeach immediate because the President is a threat”.
Democrats: “Now let’s go on vacation”
33 days pass.
Democrats: Uhhhh….we need more evidence.
@Rod Allen What alternate reality are you living in? That’s Trump’s version of how things went, not the actual truth of it. Putin would be so proud.
Rod Allen ,hows the weather in Moscow?
They’re not playing “hear no evil, see no evil”.
They’re playing “We see and hear it but is it really that bad?”
@john herring I agree…But its still their argument.
corthew didn’t Mulvany say “get over it!”? Question is, will Americans let them get away with it?
We see, we hear, we know but we don’t care about the law and our Constitution. We are willing to rig this trial in favor of our criminal Pres and we will get away with it.
@Cassie O I’m guessing, yes.
Other countries have massive protests for what we’d consider minor issues. Americans have become complacent and apethetic. Taking any form of responsibility for maintaining their democracy, rule of law, and basic rights seems like a foreign concept.
Senior Vice President Trump*’s installation was well timed by the president. (Putin in case anyone missed it)
Darrin Fry I have been told that complacency and apathy are no longer an issue, not since Trump. However, the GOP’s shamelessness indicates that they’re not at all concerned about paying a political price.
They need to be voted out of office
By who?? The dems are a split party between the radical left and the looney left
Randy Couch , Republicans are united under the Antichrist!
@Randy Couch and this makes for losing
Playing hide the ball only works if the ball didn’t weigh a ton
Best comment in this video

Trumpsters don’t care about our constitution, just trumps lies.
They know nothing about history and don’t care! They have never had to deal with living under a dictator, or what it means to have NO FREEDOMS.
The ignorant and uninformed will take this great nation down. That is why the tRump administration loves the uneducated!
GOPers gave up their humanity and legacy – they need to feel their jobs depend on them being reasonable.
They’re breaking the law, in the most contemptuous manner possible, and they deserve the worst fate imaginable. The trust of the decent portion of the American people is their only value, and they have ruthlessly defecated on it.
Most of the Senate needs to be arrested for breaking their constitutional oath
Schiff is doing a great job, I’m sold 100%
I totally agree! Republicans have no honor!
Mike Johnson Not under BAR
Republicans have always been against facts, it’s in their nature.
razor8191 Where’s the evidence of “Russian collusion” that Schiff told us he had for 18 months??? Where are those “facts”?
@Rod Allen you must be a Republican.
razor8191 as usual another individual running on emotion and not really understanding the constitution. Enjoy you ignorance. Make them cry again. Trump 2020.
Although they did the right thing with Nixon trial and they didn’t want to at first
Rod Allen ,lots of evidence blocked by Republicans!
Republicans have no honor or virtue.
Moscow Mitch is making sure Putin keeps winning
T R U M P = Treasonous Republicans Under Master Putin. Putin is SMILING!
Breeze, I could NOT conclude Trump committed a crime! – Robert Mueller!
Is this how Trump makes corruption great again.
@Kathleen Dunlap bots call Americans bots.
Ilhan Omar married her brother. Good times
ultraaa combo This is how the Republicans acquittal of the president sets things right. Barr and the us attorney will work on making corruption great again by indictments over the FISA court lies. All of this after the Senate dismissal of the scam impeachment articles. This is what will happen in the run up to the 2020 election Make them cry again Trump 2020.
@Arthur Kroulik Half of Trump voters in the Southern RED States married their brother, sister, cousin, uncle. GET OVER IT, isn’t that what Repugs say, GET OVER IT.
@TJ Abston fun fact: there are Democrats that live in red States. Now air up the tires on your house, get out of her sister (lena Dunham), brush yer toof, and get a job so I don’t have to pay your welfare. Okay?
@TJ Abston thanks for admitting that ilhan Omar married her brother. Democrats are the party of the klan and incest! Keep voting for rigged primaries!!!!

Moscow Mitch’s deal is to hide the truth, and violating his oath of office, period.
Richard Alexander he is probably implicated and wants it all to go away
just curious, WTF is wrong with you?…minority?, bullied in high school?…, poor and ugly?
hugh mongasass ,you cant handle the truth, Trump lies!
The conservatives are oblivious to the obvious!
Not oblivious. Willful criminals
@T McAuliffe T R U M P = Treasonous Republicans Under Master Putin. Putin is SMILING.
Adam Schiff is doing a great job!!
America has a President who can lie on fox, lie at rallies, lie in the oval office, lie in Davos, lie playing golf. Why can’t he lie in the senate?

@Rod Allen He probably thinks the Earth is flat!!
@Rod Allen
Lame coward
Lie to yourself and your foolish SO leave the country out of it
Rod Allen is a no content troll working for the Antichrist!
@Rod Allen That’s the perfect reply that Putin wanted you to do. It’s called “what-about-ism” and it is a propaganda technique, not a valid form of communication. Good job being a Putin chump. Trump would be proud.
As a Republican I want witnesses. We need documentation and witnesses.
Well your Republican party thinks you shouldn’t see anything.
Ron Hunter you are right call your state senators lite them know what you think .Sad to say but there aren’t many of you republicans saying this. You are a true patriot country first no one is about the law .
McConnell doesnt want you to hear the truth that’s why he scheduled this hearing 2am
Ron Hunter , wow a Republican who believes in the rule of law. You are a rare breed!
There’s no money in doing the right thing. The conflict is that money is the single most important thing to Republican supporters.
When time comes to VOTE remember these spineless Republicans and vote them OFF from the PLANET ! GET THEM OUT