Former FBI general counsel Andrew Weissman criticizes Attorney General Bill Barr’s blind loyalty to the President and weighs in on the recent revelation that Barr told federal prosecutors to consider charging violent protesters with sedition Aired on 09/17/2020.
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Weissman: ‘We Have Both Foreign Election Interference & Department Of Justice Election Interference’
This is the guy who just claimed he accidentally erased THREE of his phones.
@Diana Hulstine LOL I’m a Marine though, how do I hate America? Tsk Tsk dirty Diana. You have no proof so you just say bs lol. Pathetic.
@BlazingOwnager You have plenty to say, but it’s all worthless garbage
@Icƴ Jade Uneducated people love you, arrogant imbecile.
@Diana Hulstine come on troll you can do better!
@Lunatic4Bizcas There are no disadvantaged people in the USA. There are people that work and people who live off of government handouts!
Unless you expect POTUS to waive his hand and make covid go away his response has been appropriate! I love how leftist cried foul when he restricted travel in the beginning and you had people like puhlosi saying “everything is fine, come on down to Chinatown”!
What is taking place is a Marxist movement and it’s not going to last much longer!
27 phones on the Mueller team wipe clean accidentally… what are the odds
@phillup bucket you are the sickest thing I have ever seen. That you have such vileness in your brain makes me wonder what you have done to dwell on such depravity.
@Doomsurfer you want to know something scary? There are reports of a new flu in china. A combination of swine and bird flu. And humans don’t have immunity to bird flus. We are in for a bumpy ride again, this time with covid 19 and a new influenza. A one two punch. I wonder how many more people are going to die now.
@Susan Farley you watch way too much fake news
Hey at least they didnt destroy them with a hammer.
@bob loblaw Their children must be Antifa and BLM rioters. Have you seen the photos of those inbred creeps?
This muther is about to go to jail for obstruction of justice for erasing his phone. What did you expect him to say?
He was behind doing all the phones. Mueller has no idea
Now Barr owes him one.
So you wanted Hillary Clinton to go to jail for erasing her emails? I thought you people didn’t care about that?!
Sorry Andy. I can’t believe a word from a guy that can’t remember his phone’s password, and keeps trying till the phone “resets”.
11 times it takes to wipe his phones. 2 of 3 were wiped clean. They were also in airplane mode so data could not be automatically saved when he got back to the 7th floor. Weissman committed a federal crime destroying evidence.
Guy went to the Hillary Clinton School of Law
This guy is dirty as F.
Must have learned it from Killary.
If you got nothing to hide you don’t wipe phones clean.
Of course, msm will say fake Durham report.
@Kathleen Kreft do you even know where the steel dossier came from? Are you aware that that was originally put together with funding from super pacs that supported Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio…. Then when they dropped out of the race it was sold to the Clinton campaign and the information on Michael Flynn did not originate in the steel dossier they had been tracking him for months because they were tapping the phone of the Russian foreign minister and they recorded conversations that just happened to be from Micheal Flynn they weren’t looking for him he called into a line that they were tapping cuz it’s the Russian foreign minister in the Russian consulate …. And they heard Michael Flynn on the phone trying to cut a deal with the Russians in exchange for getting their sanctions lifted if Trump became president this was 9 months before the election then after that they started specifically listening to Flynn and other members of the Trump campaign because they found multiple people contacting known Russian agents… It didn’t just happen by accident
@THE CONFEDERACY WAS THE ORIGINAL SHITHOLE COUNTRY you have been brainwashed by hate america groups. You need to be desensitized. You must be an antifa member.
@THE CONFEDERACY WAS THE ORIGINAL SHITHOLE COUNTRY mccain the traitor helped float the Russian dossier. Hillary paid Steelers, who paid Russians. By the way, biden threatened UKRAINE. Remember????
spliffsperlunk I remember that. I’m in that area ,in my business i had many SS agents and even a person who worked on the White House staff. SS hated HRC ,but the staffer loved the Clintons. Clintons even took the computers when they left the WH and had to pay for them. Now I’m assuming they had information that was incriminating on the phones and computers.
Weissman, oh the guy who wiped his phone before the Durham investigators could see it. Yeah I want to hear what he has to say.
No talk of the Domestic interference… Google.
too bad that moron forgot about stellarwind that collected everything he ever sent
How’s the wiped phones weissman? You do know that’s obstruction of justice right?? These are government issued tax payer funded phones. Hey bonehead lawyer, you work for us, those phones were OURS, this government is US. An investigation by John Durham is happening by US and your days of American corruption will be EXPOSED
O you mean crossfire hurricane interference
Already trying to dispute the results of the election huh.
@raymondwise – In a way, Yes, those dead in nursing homes are Donald John Trump’s fault. _IF_ he hadn’t have lied to Governors and the American People about how bad this Virus was/is, then I’m sure that these States would have handled their Constituents better. Not taking blame off of States, but not just blindly throwing them “under the bus” either.

@Eric Echols Sr. Lol everything is trumps fault. Let me guess, BLM terrorizing is trumps fault too?
@raymondwise – Way to divert my statement
…. Must be pretty low in your World?
Having everything going over your head?

@Eric Echols Sr. Not really lol. Those dead in the nursing homes aren’t trumps fault. People rioting and burning their dem ran cities isn’t trumps fault either. While trump is signing peace deals, Joe Biden is playing Despacito in FL trying to get the Latino vote
raymondwise one of trumps first move in office was to disband a pandemic guideline and plan created through thousands of hours of research and meticulous logistic planning which literally perfectly laid out how to minimize loss of life. It even had a specialized response to covid diseases included.Because scientists have actually been studying coronoviruses for a while and had predicted that it could break out. Getting rid of that CERTAINLY cost lives, if you reach any other conclusion it’s just bias bro. Feel free to look it up. On top of this, lying about the viruses severity, failing to pass his healthcare bill (which he said was “ready” in 2017) and cutting millions of Americans from their insurance in the middle of a pandemic (daca), refusing to endorse masks for months, getting his cronies to write the terrible cdc guidelines (funny how trump supporters blamed the cdc before and were calling them corrupt and to blame, now we found out his people were behind the guidelines they’re notably silent), supporting governors who refuse to believe science, fully socializing the stock market with trillions of dollars a day in corporate bonds while the people get a lousy 1200, attempting to force the economy to reopen, threatening to cut funding to states that don’t reopen schools. All of these factors without a doubt have contributed to loss of life
Why did u not ask him about cleaning his department phones.
That is the real news. I want to no whats on his phone
The election interference is more domestic than foreign.
@China Forced Organ Harvest – Medical Genocide I wasn’t the biggest fan of Andrew yang either but I’m a huge fan of his endorsement for universal basic income… In the fact that he was the only candidate really pushing that as part of his main platform was pretty interesting
Republicans welcome interference, wherever it comes from, in order to keep themselves in power. They have pulled every trick they can think of to win, regardless of the people’s wishes. We, the people, not we, the Republicans.
@THE CONFEDERACY WAS THE ORIGINAL SHITHOLE COUNTRY Yup, even Tulsi Gabbard is a better candidate than the rest, but “Russia’s asset” just hit her early and many people actually bought the Russiagate.
@Archer_3 And the same is true of the Democrats. They both do the same things.
@Larisa Blank Russia has had zero impact on elections. If you can name a measurable impact, I’m all ears. To me this narrative is so overblown. It’s nothing more than a failed political talking point that some people just can’t let go of.
The irony of how Andrew
Wiseman isn’t a ALT/CMD
If MSNBC is so worried about election interference then why aren’t they reporting on the interference from the DNC that has been going on in multiple states? Green Party candidates have been getting removed and blocked on 2020 ballots by DNC lawsuits in multiple states. In other states where Green Party candidates are still on the ballot the DNC is holding up printing of ballots while they work to remove those candidates from the ballots.
@Hootkins – I Mean, after all… If Democrats are “rigging” these Elections on such a scale, why isn’t anyone being Prosecuted?
@Eric Echols Sr. AP, Reuters, USA Today, Lee Media Enterprises, CNN, Huffington Post. These are a few and I’ve never heard anyone accuse them of being right-wing (US right-wing) mouth pieces. If Trump and others rigged the 2016 election why haven’t they been prosecuted? It’s not going to happen because Democrats and Republicans run the show. MSNBC hasn’t reported on it for the same reasons Fox News never reported on the GOP doing the same thing to Libertarian candidates in the past, they don’t want their party to look bad while they accuse the other side of doing it instead.
@Hootkins – Like I’ve stated…. I haven’t seen many Court Cases, nor Arrests and Prosecutions. I have seen more on the Republican side, even going up to the Supreme Court for Gerrymandering (another form of “rigging”). I’ve looked at a few of those articles from those papers you stated. What I’ve noticed is that the ones I’ve seen are all “opinion pieces”. That isn’t a reported event, that’s someone writing an independent column stating….whatever. But, the most I’ve seen stated about Democrats “rigging” Elections is from so-called Right-Wing publishers.
Yes, I know that Both Sides do it within Party ranks. There isn’t a different Party running, so it’s not National News… I.E., It’s out of the “Cycle”…
@Eric Echols Sr. lol You say it’s not national news but yet it’s being reported by national news sources (except MSNBC) concerning a national election. You conveniently seem to be ignoring news articles reporting on court cases and then say it’s all opinion pieces. Talk about hardcore head in the sand syndrome.
@Hootkins – Dude, I’m not debating you on these things. I’m looking at Legal Journals and Actual Court Filings. I don’t see any “Wide Spread Rigging” by Democrats. Show me WTF you’re talking about? Show me the actual cases you are referring too. Or, just give me the Case Numbers and I’ll read the transcripts. I’m not trying to spend hours upon hours arguing, or searching, for something I can’t seem to find. Just about every one I look at is of an individual, not some conspiracy.
(Edit: and there are only a couple of those.)
When there is moral rot within a nation, its government topples easily. But wise and knowledgeable leaders bring stability.
Uh huh. So then tell us: Why did Mueller’s team wipe their phones? Did the Russians make them do it?
Theophrastus , The Russians may have hacked the phones so they would be erased.
I see MSM fighting for their lives… corrupt fake news will die if Trump wins
Another Russia bot account created in 2020.
You’re failing miserable FAKE NEWS to sway the public opinion.
This is not fake news. Democrats fully support the protesters.
They only interview losers that probably have indictments against them that’s their deal
@Brian Dillon
They interview who hate America and Christian white civilization. Diversity is destroying this nation.
@Narender Makhijani SO TRUE……….
I’m high and not that stupid to believe this. robot people.
Looks like they have something planned if Biden doesn’t win.
Here we go again!!