Weekend Recap: Biden Secures Electors, Trump In Georgia | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Over the weekend, Joe Biden secured enough electors to become president, Trump campaigned for for Republicans in Georgia and Rudy Giuliani tested positive for Covid-19. Aired on 12/07/2020.
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Weekend Recap: Biden Secures Electors, Trump In Georgia | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Weekend Recap: Biden Secures Electors, Trump In Georgia | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. they are not going to win. we are too motivated, organized and determined here in GA. we will flip the senate.

  1. Harrison Deal, the boyfriend of Governor Kemp’s daughter was murdered. It also makes you think of District Judge Esther Salas whose son was murdered by a hit man posing as a FedEx driver. These people are sick.

  2. You know it’s not helping that these politician’s get great care. They need the get the same care the Amer. people get. Go home the hospitals are full. Or they care for you in a parking lot.

    1. 🇺🇸George republicans-“don’t vote for the republicans on the Jan 5 run off , don’t give these republicans candidates your votes” this is the head of the Republicans saying this maybe listen? Stop 🛑 unfair elections by showing your support by not voting to show them stop the steal is real 🇺🇸

    1. I bet he is getting great care unlike all the people who have died and the others sickened by this Trump Virus

    2. Oh I’m sure there’ll be hundreds of deaths before Christmas that can be directly related to these idiots

  3. Anyone who’s too cowardly to admit who won the presidency should not be trusted to make important decisions in the running of our country.

    1. @Harris Biden 2020 WON !!! no e try commrad. All georgia Republicans are going to vote for perdue and loefler. They are not ignorant uneducated marxists like you and your soyboy boy friends are

    2. @A they’re afraid of trump because they fear they might be the next 1(s) fired by trump. Trump going on firing sprees hurt him a lot.

    3. @Rob Keyes

      Everyone knows that trumplovers will vote Perdue and Loffler bc trumplovers love to give social wellfare to billionaires.

    4. @vhpfatpat32 xx3 Trump is biggest coward in the entire US government 😂😂😂. Trump is the Master Beta. You’d be hard pressed to find a less masculine man than Trump. Dude wears more makeup than most women and cries more than a toddler.

    1. We have signed affidavits of a EMS worker who said she saw a van with “Fake Tests” in large bold letters pull up to where ghoulliany was being tested.

    2. @M Reuter October 5, 2017, Oval Office – Photo-op with military leaders and spouses.
      Trump: “This represents ‘The Calm Before The Storm.”
      Some Non-Binary Reporter Asks: “What storm is that, Mr President?”
      We’re in it now, Lamestream Media attacks to intensify, aka ‘Orange Man Worse than First Thought.’ Handful of the military is part of whom are Q.
      No mistresses involved.
      Last Q post was simply “Durham.” We’ll see how that holds true – or doesn’t.

    3. @Xela somar lol 😂 That Van came from North Korea, it arrived by Ship in the dead of night.I have a picture of a Van and a map of North Korea, what more evidence do you need? God anointed that Van, he’s never wrong!! 😂

    1. @Xela somar How can you guarantee judges, AG Barr..etc are telling the truth without any single investigation about the RIGGED election????? You, judges, AG Barr and the people who denied the rigged election did not submit sworn affidavits!!!! All of them can lie!!
      Most of the witnesses did submit sworn affidavits and there is low possibility that they are lying!
      Do you know Trump appointed CIA chief helped the election to be RIGGED??
      Do you know the CIA servers in Germany were confiscated by the USA Military??
      Sadly this is reality and People call them swamp or deep state!!!

    2. America needs Trump to impose martial law coz Demon-rats have caused the whole country gone loonies & lunatic with lawlessness & corruption . Make America Great Forever. Trump Forever.

    3. @J Groovy NO…. No ballot verified!!
      Democrats and China CCP cheated and rigged this 2020 USA election!

  4. Counting the days until this nightmare is over and the bad dream will eventually fade away…..Cindy in NC

    1. @Sun Dial biteme and a whole bunch more. The reason sydney is working separately from Trump’s team is because she is seeking criminality and she is the only one of the team that is a military prosecutor and will be seeking charges of treason.

  5. Well, the question is: Who stayed with Hitler in the bunker?
    The answer is: Only losers.

    Remember: Stupid people will NEVER become smart.

    1. @Mike Smith Lol. Stop your whining. Move along. It’s OVER!
      No more kiddy stuff. The grown ups is in the room now. 😭😭😭😝😝

    2. Democrats and China CCP cheated and rigged this 2020 USA election! Only fools deny it!!!
      Only fools fooled by main media!!!

    3. Mike Smith – – There is no evidence supporting Trump’s claims that GOP poll watchers were shut out of the process.

      – Officials have repeatedly debunked claims of dead people voting. In some cases, voters the campaign claimed were dead were not. In others, the voter’s name was the same as or similar to a deceased individual.

      – While Georgia’s recount process doesn’t involve matching signatures, voters’ signatures were verified twice before the ballots were included in the count in the first place.

      – It’s untrue that there were more votes than people in several parts of Michigan. In fact, 878,102 people voted for president in Wayne County which has a population of over 1.7 million. In Detroit, 250,138 people voted and there were 670,031 people in the city as of 2019.

      – The DOJ found no evidence of widespread voter fraud.

      – Though they allege it publicly, Trump’s lawyers are NOT claiming fraud in court.

      – A statement issued from a joint group of election officials, including federal employees working in the Trump administration and for the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, declared, “There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.”

      – Over the course of the four weeks following the election, Trump sent around 500 tweets, 171 of which were flagged by Twitter for containing false or misleading information about the election.

    4. America needs Trump to impose martial law coz Demon-rats have caused the whole country gone loonies & lunatic with lawlessness & corruption . Make America Great Forever. Trump Forever.

  6. Giuliani tweets, “I’m getting great care.” This sums up the GOP (golly oops party) approach to healthcare access: I GOT MINE!

    1. @Rod trump plans to pardon criminal self and his crime family and cohorts before he leaves office.. that says a lot.

    1. Why do some many Dem cities with complete Dem control treat Black Americans so badly…Chicago, Baltimore…Better question might be why Black Americans keep voting for them🤔

    1. Why do some many Dem cities with complete Dem control treat Black Americans so badly…Chicago, Baltimore…Better question might be why Black Americans keep voting for them🤔

  7. Trump’s ego is hurt, he didn’t want to lose, so he’s playing the victim to whoever will listen . Same story, different month .

  8. “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”
    ― Martin Luther King Jr.

    1. @philomena williams no we just don’t want a senile pedophile that’s being used by the left for their radical agenda we don’t want to defund the police we don’t want our Second Amendment to be trampled on We don’t want the Muslim ban to be lifted or to enable China any further but Biden will

    2. @philomena williams Apparently a lot. Demand is exceeding consumption. It appears the Stupid will always be among us.

  9. “When stupidity is considered patriotism, it is unsafe to be intelligent.”
    — Isaac Asimov

    1. @Terry Atherton
      Isaac has it right.
      And the Jefferson quote you are more than likely referring to was directed at Tyrants like Trump!

    2. @Sturdy Thorpe
      Y Y Y do you want to correct others grammar when yours is so horrible.
      BTW; Trump lost again!

  10. “Madness is something rare in individuals — but in groups, parties, peoples, and ages, it is the rule.”
    ― Friedrich Nietzsche

    1. Well, the Chump cult may put Nietzsche assertion in question, because these idiots are mad in groups, individually, while asleep, when the opposite of what they believe is slapping them in the face, et-al.

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