Week in review: Nevada caucus edition

Like most weeks of the Trump presidency, the news cycle is buzzing. Between the sentencing of longtime Trump associate Roger Stone, to the ninth Democratic debate, Chris Cillizza walks you through the top five things you need to know from the week.

Trump Grants Clemency to Blagojevich, Milken and Kerik
Roger Stone asks to disqualify judge from his case
Trump says he won't pardon Roger Stone — for now
Ambassador Richard Grenell to be named director of national intelligence
Bernie Sanders takes a page from Donald Trump on health questions
About me:
I was named "best dressed" in 7th grade. That, along with being CNN's editor at large and author of the daily "Point" newsletter are my proudest achievements. Look for me here every Tuesday and Thursday to find out what’s really going down in politics.
Writer: Chris Cillizza
The Point team: Leigh Munsil and Allison Gordon
Editor: Steven Sevilla
Producer: Arielle Sacks
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    1. Police: Couple Forced Boys off Road, Angered by Trump Flags

      Police say a northwestern Indiana couple allegedly used a car to force two teenage boys off a road, angered that the twin brothers were riding bicycles adorned with flags supporting President Donald Trump.

      By Associated Press, Wire Service Content Feb. 21, 2020



    2. @Joe Moer Since you are from Australian your opinion about American politic is irrelevant. You are just a parasite!

    1. The BLUE will come out by the millions to end this horrible joke playing a President. Trump and Vlad know this fact as well, why else would Putin be helping the orange faced unamerican nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue????🙊🙉🙈
      Remember in November
      BLUE is the majority😉

    1. Bloomberg will win the nomination. He is “lobbying” the DNC delegates and superdelegates and “talking” to the major supporters of the other candidates. All of the democratic voters are going to polls today and thinking that their vote matters. It doesn’t.

    2. @Zeno of Citium That’s the downfall of the Democratic Party. They’re so obsessed with identity politics they can only put forth polarizing candidates.

    1. @88Crager He should’ve gotten the max, if only for dressing like a bizzaro Mr. Peanut and acting like a shitty knockoff Snidely Whiplash.

  1. Its your weekly dose of propoganda and conditioning.
    Focus in on the homie blue
    Mr. Rogers sweater…
    You’re getting sleepy, sleepy

    1. ItsMeBRUH ! That is ridiculous. I am so tired of you Trump people making up truth, or don’t you even know what it is. When you aren’t doing that, you are insulting others. Grow up.

  2. Hey Chris, try to do 3-5 rallies a day. I want to see how is your health after 12 months of that schedule.
    Bloomberg is also 78 years old. Why don’t you talk about that? How much did he pay you and CNN and general?

    1. @pr0xZen It does not inspire confidence when a presidential candidate backtracks on a promise to release his full medical records. I’m less concerned about him dropping dead while in office than what this says about his character. It just screams politician to me. No better. No worse.

    2. ​@Kermit T. Frog Sure… let’s make a sexist joke at a presidential primary debate. That will go over well. 

      You are grasping at straws and you know it.

    3. @The Greendalewitch “You are grasping at straws and you know it.” *I must know a lot less than I realize. But it sure does seem to me that Bernie supporters are a paranoid bunch. And they need to lighten up. It’s bad for their cause. And bad for the country.*

    1. @Liberal in Oklahoma exactly—-It is up to the individual to cross reference any information- Blaming the original source is a weak argument

    2. Gotta love hypocritical CNN viewers… They see right through the dishonest smears, lies, misinformation and propaganda spread by CNN against their beloved socialist Bernie Sanders but sit there and believe the 24/7 attacks for the last 4 years on president Trump and think CNN is actually reporting news 😂🤦🏻‍♂️ They’re lying about Bernie the same way they have been lying about Trump all along so tune them out and stop getting your “news” from the mainstream media…

  3. In other words ALL the main stream media are giving Donald Trump ALL the media coverage he could want and have. Your doing Donald Trump’s work for him. You’re giving him 4 more years. It’s fantastic. You do know that you don’t have to report on everything he does. The main stream media REALLY are obsessed with Donald Trump. You do have the Trump derangement syndrome. It’s hilarious. Keep it up. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

    1. @Victor Raygada everything that you allege the Republicans to be guilty of, the democrats have been shown to have committed. First example, a snippet from an article by the Washington Examiner – Feburary 15, 2020:

      The discussion about immigration took place Friday when Univision anchor Jorge Ramos interviewed the 2020 Democratic presidential candidate.

      “At the debate in Houston, you said that during the Obama administration and I quote, ‘We didn’t lock people in cages,’ but you actually did — not in the same numbers as the Trump administration, but you did,” Ramos told Biden on his Real America show.

      “We found a picture of an 8-year-old boy from Honduras. … I spoke with the photographer,” Ramos added, noting the photo was from a detention center in McAllen, Texas, in 2014.

    2. @Sheryl F You’re gonna lose big time this time, people aren’t gonna be fool twice for your worshiped con-man. And even if they do, they won’t be enough against the huge blue wave that is gonna drown you all.
      And tired of your justifications and wataboutisms. No president has been so embarrasing for this country. ever. People see throgh his bullshit. Only the weirdos who have drunk too much kool-aid like you remain to his side. I’m sick of you.

    3. @Victor Raygada ok granted anything can happen between now & the November election; but are there any present indicators that you can point to that support your belief in some impending blue wave?

    4. @Victor Raygada there are several indicators refute some of your statements about Trump.

      1. The economy & stock market is booming & short of a total meltdown in China from the Covind outbreak; that’s probably not going to change.

      2. Trump is #1 in the world on Twitter & #1 on Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg even congratulated him for this achievement.

      3. Trump’s poll numbers are high esp. since his Senate acquittal

      4. Trump continues to dominate all media coverage time aired for over 3 years straight. Nobody even comes close.

      5. Trump blew away all democrat competitors in vote totals for both the Iowa caucus & the New Hampshire primary.

      6. Trump continues to fill arenas & stadiums for his rallies everywhere he goes

      7. Trump has raised more money for his campaign than all the other democrats combined

    5. @Victor Raygada on top of that, the democrats are divided. The party doesn’t really want Bernie because of his socialist bent & if Bernie doesn’t receive the donation this time say in favor of Bloomberg; it is rumored that Bernie supporters would just stay home rather than throw their support to Bloomberg which would sink the democrats for sure in the general.

  4. I don’t even need to watch this segment to dislike and know it is not worth listening to. Go CNN keep up the incredibly low standard of propoaganda!

  5. CNN forgot to mention their hero Michael Avenatti’s arrest. I guess they are too embarrassed about it; since they are the ones that created him.

    1. @macpony2571780 Surely you can’t be a heartless Jacobin. Would you suffer to see such genteel folk drug from their news offices out onto the sidewalks. Perhaps they’ve made mistakes. Yes, I know some, and maybe they can lose themselves in their own world especially if that world is so rarefied and beautiful as theirs. OK, maybe they were intentionally selecting news stories to benefit their own agenda – but that agenda was leading to the most balmy sunset evenings filled with interesting talks along the Highline, strolling with beautiful people in fashionable clothing who would later then go down to have drink at the Chelsea Hotel after visiting a modern art gallery where a large rusty metal wall was being seriously contemplated, and then maybe a Bartok ensemble to be heard at the 92nd street Y, a place, btw, that is constantly defending the rights of our victimized trans population, standing up for animal rights -did you not hear Joaquin Phoenix, despite the ridicule, defending a mother cow as she shrieked with moos that will haunt for a hundred generations- do you seriously want to shatter these peoples’ worlds! So, they’re lying a little – don’t we all lie a little. So, they’re getting all their stories from 4am CIA drops in order to benefit Zuckerberg’s behind-the-curtain boss’s boss’s boss – a.k.a. the global mafia families and their controlled corporate banksters – so, there’s a little weapons/drug/human trafficking allied with some of that (especially the Epstein case that ABC spiked, and CNN doesn’t mention)- maybe even in order to control and extort at this highest level of power in this world there’s even a little Abramovic-style spirit cooking with Podesta adrenachrome drinking and occasionally some child sacrifice – IS THAT REALLY ENOUGH TO DISRUPT THE BIG CITY CAREERS OF OUR WONDERFUL NEWS CELEBRITIES- just because they might happen to be knowingly covering it all up and advancing other propaganda lies in its place? Think of THEIR children please and stop being so selfish!

    2. @turquoise770 Their opinions may get on my nerves; but I served this country for their right to say it and my right to criticize them

    3. @soylentdean Oh stop it, you’ll give yourself a nosebleed. This is not a game! CNN’s situation is precarious. You know the credibility is gone. CNN left our news celebrities with nothing but a legacy of bad stories hidden by a good name (CNN), THAT NAME IS THE ONLY CARD THEY HAVE TO PLAY… I don’t understand you, Do you really want to see Don Lemon working as a seamstress? Is that what you want? To see his fine things sold at auction? His memories scattered to the wind?

    4. @turquoise770 Forgive me for not recognizing your prior comment for the over the top sarcasm it was. Bravo, it was the most brilliant example of it I’ve seen in all my long years on the internet. Hoping to see much more of your biting and intellectual wit in the future. Highly entertaining. And yes, I’d have no trouble imagining Don Lemon employed as a seamstress.

    5. @soylentdean It’s from the movie Titanic – scene where Rose’s mother forbids her to see Jack again, and Rose says that the situation is so unfair.

    1. @vuduChild The Norma Desmond comment was pretty good. Perhaps a little obscure. Maybe that’s why it got no likes.

    2. @Grim Reefer you mean like Obama? “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor” That conman? Put down the bong and maybe your CIP will clear up a little

    3. @Randy Smith Oh really, why was so wrong to help the American people? Obama I believe did his best to give back to the American people the best he could when the GOP block him in every way possible. However, with traitor Trump he is above the law. You should take your uneducated BS back over to FOX, parasite!

    1. Where is CNN information on turkey cooking times in a convection oven! I thought that would be equally irrelevant to ask in 2020.

      Oh. Donald Trump tagged teamed a screaming 13 year old child with Jeffrey Epstein. Court sworn testimony.

      So git back to your GOP pedo pizza cult

    2. BREAKING: *Yet another incident of communist child rapist democrat terror.*
      Two young teens on bikes wearing Trump flags run off the road by fanatic leftist child molester democrats. The kid fucker democrats streamed the terror attack to snap chat. _See also: Hitler Youth Bernie staffers: Send wrong thinkers gulags_

  6. The bs that Bernie must release his entire medical record when he’s still given more than anyone else. What his detractors want is the freedom to reinterpret every little line on his blood count, vitamin D, etc.

    1. Gotta love hypocritical CNN viewers… They see right through the dishonest smears, lies, misinformation and propaganda spread by CNN against their beloved socialist Bernie Sanders but sit there and believe the 24/7 attacks for the last 4 years on president Trump and think CNN is actually reporting news 😂🤦🏻‍♂️ They’re lying about Bernie the same way they have been lying about Trump all along so tune them out and stop getting your “news” from the mainstream media…


    3. I think it’s more likely that they just want Sanders to look like he will cave to basically any demand. He’s too pathetic to run the country, he can’t even defend himself…

  7. Again with emphasizing Bernie’s health. We had Bloomberg being crushed by Warren, or the strong performance by Biden, but all we hear is how bad Bernie’s health is.

  8. “Nevada Caucas edition” is the name of the video, but he talks more about Trump than any other topic. And he doesn’t even name the front runner in the polls for Nevada. What a joke. This guy should just be working for Fox News.

    1. Fox news doesn’t want this guy! He and many other CNN so called reporters will be without a job soon. CNN has lost 2/3 of its viewers and have multiple lawsuits pending. They already and downsizing . It’s amazing how fast they went from a top news organization to not even ranking in the top ten.

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