House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) joins Andrea Mitchell to discuss the Director of National Intelligence's assessment that Russia and Iran have actively sought to interfere in the U.S. election. Schiff says that they've requested that the Gang of Eight be briefed more fully on the "underlying intelligence" that supported the DNI's conclusion. Aired on 10/22/2020.
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'We Would Like To See The Underlying Intelligence' That Supports The DNI's Conclusion | MSNBC
they want to scare people that is all …and i bet Matt Geatz and Don Jr are behind this .
Republicans have been following this story for almost a year. Information is being censored.
And also I would guess Radcliffe himself and Stephen Miller. They are very very dangerous people
those two bozo’s are not worth giving an ear to.
Mat Gatez is a fool in love… vote him out Florida
We all know the importance of the task at hand. Millions are being spent to stop people from Voting. Don’t give them the satisfaction. We must vote in numbers Too big to rig.
Don’t worry, we will show up in droves to party down and re-elect Trump on the third! Quid Pro Joe’s done got his votes in the early voting and the illegal mail in ballots votes for him will be thrown out by the Supreme Court! God! I love America!
Voted yesterday. No problems.
@Penny Sutch






This is what Biden wants to bring to the whitehouse.
N.I. Director defending the Trump’s proud boys.
@The Insane Shecklador Ok, but the Proud Boys aren’t starting the violence.
They’re reacting to it.
And I agree, any group fomenting violence and chaos is wrong.
But, to label a group racist or fascist with absolutely no substantiation of it is equally wrong.
Antifa is a militant communist organization and has been since 1932.
They label anybody who supports capitalism as a “fascist”.
The Proud Boys are very anti-Marxist in their beliefs, and therefore stand against Antifa.
That doesn’t make them fascists.
@John Patrick I never made any statements about them being racist or fascist. All I did was point out their founder was not black as someone else falsely stated above.
As for them only stoking violence in reaction to others I will have to disagree with you.
The fact that the courts have convicted several of their members shows they are in the wrong whether it is “reactionary” or not.
@Ash Gray Ash Gray is stupid and loves plausibility and lies as much as Trump. Why don’t they use the brain above the shoulder instead of the one below the belt??? I guess they are afraid to be impotent and remarks like that show he already is impotent.!!!
@Walter White You too are using the impotent brain between your legs and spouting plausibility statements that are not facts. Did you forget how to use the other brain? Please forget about Treasonous Trump and his phallacies(intentionally use of that spelling..trying to make a point here) that he babbles out and tries to make erroneous statements about the world around him.
Littlest Male Toddlers who didn’t get the ideal for a father, a dad, a daddy. A mother, a mommy, a mom. Hence, the realization, that was what it was & from that, you create a new life for yourself, being the Light from within, being the example to others who are lost, who admire you. In a world of darkness, we’ll see you, a beacon of Light & in your humility, being humble, the kindness of your actions are seen by others, inspiring them. No insulting another, no bragging as that cancels the good deed. Perhaps one day they will be seen as men who will be admired for the lives they’ve inspired others to climb.

Fatherless Sons, Fatherless Daughters- Oprah. The need for tear catchers is real.
“The guy” was involved, a co-founder of VICE News, left due to creative differences, landing PB as “very fine people” in Charlottesville, carrying flaming Tiki Torches, a staple of fun in America’s backyards, patios, pergolas–turning them into a symbol of hate. “The guy” has since extricated himself from the group.
Ratcliffe being part of the intelligence community. Total joke. Only the best courtesy of Donnie the air accordion player in chief.
he even sucks at that — playing the air accordeon
If you observed Radcliffe during the impeachment hearings one would realise he is a sychophant and just a sickening liar. I hate the guy.
@sjined Don the Con and his band of Trumpeteers!
Why wouldn’t any country try to interfere? Trump gave them all the green light by never speaking against it in the first place.
@anne-marie Andrews Tony Bobulinski. Bye bye Biden.
@anne-marie Andrews Tony Bobulinski. Bye bye Biden.
@Ruth Harris Tony Bobulinski. Bye bye Biden.
@Pamela Mattox






This is what Biden wants to bring to the whitehouse.
Trump is now in bed with the Iranians. And the Russian and Chinese. Where is poor Melania going to sleep?
WOW everything you said is on Hunters labtop.. Not President Trump
And the Ukrainians and the Israelites and the Saudis. Isn’t it funny how he can be colluding with all foreign interests at the same time? It’s almost like somebody is just making it up.
Iran would never help Trump.
With prime minister of Canada. Ha.
how can people be so stupid to not see how corrupt trump is and not vote him out. people, please get educated.
Yes of cause
@Len Ovo
On Trump? Where do you get this disinformation from?
Bobulinski was just on you tube with evidence of money laundering by Hunter and Joe Biden in China, Russia and the Ukraine. Trump is going to bring Bobulinski to the debate tonight to try to get some answers from this Sargent Shultz.
@MaL: C I did go to school, but they never taught me about how to commit crimes, like Trump’s business partner, Tony Bobulinski !!
@smalls bigs are you talking about Tony Bobulinski ? I thought he was a business partner who helped commit crimes ???? I’m confused, please explain ???
@Len Ovo Sorry
comrade! . Didn’t mean to insult YOUR intelligence. I had you pegged, for someone else !!
. I’ve always referred to Trumpers as “uneducated”.
that’s totally unbecoming a president
@Walter White keep the lies coming ( just like trump) you gotta make things up against honest people like Biden
@Looney Times i forgot about that. LOL!
Oh no looks like Joe has been lying about his money laundering deal with China and hunter
@Walter White So why do you use fake google and fake Youtube accounts to spread Russian supplied Agitation Propaganda Comrade? Do you think that that VPN is hiding your location accurate to 18 inches from the DHLS or worse the GRU? удачи с этой лапушкой. Не садитесь на полониевую иглу и не пейте отравленный чай!
Iran and Russia want Biden elected. I wonder why? China is paying Joe Biden, I wonder why. Biden Inc.
I don’t think there is any intelligence behind this.
So obviously it’s just more republicans being stupid.
I don’t understand why people don’t question why 8 Republicans decided to spend July 4, 2019 in Russia and came back defending all things associated with Putin.
Ive wondered the same thing. That story just stopped, and I don’t trust any of it. Especially when you look at the character of the people who went.
De lores they are all Russian assets
Watermelon Head ? really ? ,, Trump is such a dork,
And his five-year-old’s insults draw laughter and applause from the crowd. That’s the really disturbing part; not that one guy is that immature, but that hundreds of people find immaturity charming.
We are out to get rid of the president in the next 12 days. God says the Serpent’s head will be crushed.
@Magnolia Trees in the Meadow im 6ft1 so I guess I’m a big sad fool. You know when I die, if there’s no God, nothing changes, but when you die and God is real ( I believe) I guess your pretty much fu ked!!
@John Ward False, you will never meet me, so you will never wave me goodbye. And you will never find out, and neither will I.
@Magnolia Trees in the Meadow don’t be a fool yourself, you won’t live forever, of course you’ll find out, hope you live long enough to gain some understanding.. when I was a child I spoke as a child, I’m no longer a child, are you?
@John Ward Understanding? You clearly haven’t done a single second of research on the origins of your own religion. Sad.
@Magnolia Trees in the Meadow I dint know, I have a university degree, I’ve been to 16 countries, I speak English, French, Spanish, I’ve lived in two other countries , and I served in the Vietnam War. Read Cervantes, Balzac, Tolstoy karl jung , Voltaire etc. But in you I guess I met my match!
He made $ 17 m when he has no business in China
@Bullzeyez maybe but trump is using chinese funds for his campaign.
@anne-marie Andrews I am not defending tRUMP. My comment was that having the back account is not the illegal part. It is the doing business part. he could have a 100 bank accounts, he just cant profit from foreign affairs.
18 Chinese trademarks for Ivanka
@Tyralynn96 Hall How did you get those? He’s using your taxpayer dollars to keep them secret? Do you work for the NYT? Is there nothing he could ever do for you to even question your lord emperor? You are brainwashed, seek help.
Trump: “Watermellon head.” This is how low the Presidency has fallen. He’s turned the office into a grade school playground.
@Drake Fire do you realize the FBI has BurismaHunters laptop with 60 some thousand images and 100 some thousand incriminating texts! Ru-Ro! Did msnbc/cnn tell you that ChinaBiden and Obummer sold millions of Americans jobs to China ,to line their own pockets? And President Trump got them back even without a (magic wand) !Oh ya President Trump built the military back up and bailed out our Veterans!
@Patrick Tolman You do realize the FBI has been investigating that laptop as Russian Misinformation?
Something Pox News and the rest of the fake news brigade neglected to mention, I imagine.
@Drake Fire wrong again , proof of Biden corruption! Do a little unbiased research!
@Patrick Tolman You should probably take your own advice, as I’m the only one able to back their claims.
PS: By the way, Business Insider is what fact based reporting looks like.
Try harder.
@Drake Fire did you just see live report of BurismaHunters business partner blowing the corrupt ChinaBiden completely out of the water? Did you miss that too? The cat is out of the bag!
It’s time to bring back decency to the office of the presidency.
@Mike Smith there was no trump landslide in 2016 and there will be less votes in 2021 for fascist dictator trump.
@Mike Smith TROLL. Joe doesn’t have dementia, buddy!! tRUMP IS FAR WORSE OF!! I have a few more that I could post, Yosemite, Thailand, airports in 1776. BLUE TSUNAMI COMING 2020, START CRYING NOW SNOWFLAKE TROLL.
@anne-marie Andrews Explain to me what is a dictator or a fascist mean to you How can a President that only gets tops 8 years in
@Mike Smith keep hoping skippy
@Ruth Harris I don’t hope I now are you still fixed on one news
We need a Democratic landslide that crushes the current “GOP” (Cult of Trump) for all-time.
We need an American landslide. Trump had and still has foreign influence
So Hunter can get a job …
Lotsa luck, you’ll need it.
After what came out today about the Biden family’s corruption, Joe couldn’t get elected dog catcher. There’s no possible way the marxists MSM can suppress this. Joe Bye Done. Next stop, Gitmo.
HAHAHA. The Republicans believe propaganda. Biden story debunked. HAHAHA. Biden 2020
Trump loses! Can’t wait to see the reality show 
@Hush Money Don’t worry, Biden won’t give him a position in the White House. Noone would be so corrupt or stupid as to give government positions to unqualified relatives. …. oh. …
The only Justice in America is in the streets, in our hands right now. Vote
@elc oh please explain why and how it was debunked???? Cause daddy biden declined it????? Whats laughable is your comment without facts
@elc you are a coward and hypocrite
@elc everybody look at this guy. This is what happens when you are brainwashed with no facts.
@BC stargazer






This is what Biden wants to bring to the whitehouse.
@that one guy






This is what Biden wants to bring to the whitehouse.
Trust Schiff. He doesn’t fling insults or sketchy statements. He compares and presents facts. A model representative that leads by example, nothing more or less.
That’s why it worries me that he mentioned Trump’s threats. I hope he’s being cautious.
Ratcliffe said Schiff lied when he said he received intelligence about the Hunter Biden story originating from Russia. Schiff is a liar of the highest order.
Trump must go. Vote a straight blue ticket. BIDEN/HARRIS 2020
Trump is a Clear and Present danger NO doubt about it.
Fresh articles coming soon