A bipartisan group of senators on Tuesday unveiled a $908 billion coronavirus relief deal. Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., joins Morning Joe to discuss why he thinks there should be more relief but Dems should take what they can get in the moment. Aired on 12/03/2020
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#CoronavirusRelief #DickDurbin #MSNBC
'We Want Our Bill Called': Sen. Durbin On Virus Relief Deal | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Give us our taxpayer money back! You don’t deserve your paycheck that I and my country men pay! No taxation without representation!
Taxes need to be transparent and accountability
Im with you!!!
Totally agree that the Democrats are weak as water in fighting Republicans for the needs of americans. It is sad and disgusting. If Pelosi and Schumer don’t care enough to fight for americans we need a new speaker of the house, and senate minority leader that has the integrity and fortitude to push back hard against McConnell and do whatever it takes to get him to allow the bills to be voted on. That includes having public televised speeches to the American public stating clearly how the house passed bills will help Americans, and his It is solely because of Mitch McConnell that Americans have not received any additional stimulus because McConnell only cares about protecting corporations from being sued for not protecting workers from Covid, and he stated shortly after the stimulus that he didn’t think Americans needed anymore stimulus money to help themselves,
True, if we go to our employers and say we will discuss but NOT WORK, we would be FIRED!
Apparently, this bill does not include “stimulus” (survival) money for people like you and me.
I am NOT okay with this.
@TJ time to rid this country of this 2 party system and put in real progressive in to replace them all.
@John David stop playing the fool that you believe yourself not to be.
@TJ to birds of a feather
@Mae Gary what people? The same ones who re elected mitch McConnell? Come on be serious people
@Claudia Moore
Hey, Claudia.
Getting Congress to agree to term limits would be like getting cats to march in a straight line. So, that dog won’t hunt..
I do appreciate your efforts, however.
As for McConnell, we still have to wait for the run-off elections in Georgia.
Speaking of which, I understand Trump is going there this weekend.
That should prove to be interesting, to say the least.
And it does give new meaning to, “The Devil Went Down to Georgia.”
Thank you for your kind words. That was nice of you.
Be well, dear Claudia.
Republicans don’t care. They just want power.
You’re wrong. The Zionist controlling banks, Wall Street, Hollywood, media want all the power. Wake up numbnuts.
@josef mengele YouTube is not the place for that talk, their smart one dimension brains cant handle a comment like that..I wonder if ddmmtt mixed with coffee would do the trick?
@josef mengele ..in all fairness to those institutions though, do you blame them?
@Yankee Doodo’ No its American’s fault for allowing them to escape Communist European countries during WW2 and infiltrate our system. America’s In God We Trust is our downfall.
@John David take your medication zombie
Every day that Congress/Senate refuses to pass a stimulus, 3000 people die and 6000 people are homeless.
Nancy Pelosi has been keeping the stimulus checks from the American people just because she doesn’t want president Trump signature on them yet she’s worth $114 million dollars
DO you really think that what the Senate is offering would make a difference thier bill don’t give the people a dime of stimulus money
@John David do your home work ,you think you better then a fool but yet you talk like a well misinformed one.
@Blueberry Jelly you are so correct
Moscow Mitch at it again destroying America for his own benefit when are Kentucky ppl going to realize this
Dictator Benjamin is loving every bit of it.
@Mae Gary that’s pretty fucky. Especially considering it’s being bankrolled by taxes from blue states….
Kentucky people voted this man back in.
@Mae Gary The blue states are sick to death of supporting people who continuously vote against their own interests. Youd think the people of Kentucky would be tired of being known as Federal welfare sponges.
Republicans in Congress don’t care about us. They’ve bailed out their donors and have been re-elected…so they’re ready for a vacation.
Ummmm in reality Democrats support BLM LGBTQ and defunding the police *FACT
Let’s be clear here, their donors didn’t need bailed out in the first place.
@Billie Jean Williams True.
@John David Stfu clown
Everything depends on weather Mitch wants to pass any bills, who would have thought that a “Turtle”
would be the 2nd biggest killer to Americans
behind covid. 
So, Trump is 3rd?
There is no need to malign animals. Describe him in human terms.
There has to be some way to override Moscow Mitch. It’s his fault this is taking forever. Relief should’ve been passed a long time ago, other countries don’t have this problem!
Anyone that paid attention to his action when OBAMA was president.
@E.T. Ethics MOSCOW MITCH MCCONNELL, is that better no animals here and he’s shown no concern for the people of this country,can that be Why so many do it he acts like a animal in capable of adjustment
Rule of law would be nice.
Truth justice and fairness are a thing of the past. Ubi or we die.
Minority leader in the house is still blaming Pelosi for everything…..smh
Do the republicants not look up anything their party members say?
Pelosi, like Biden take orders from Chuck Schumer and Adam Schiff. Pelosi and Biden are virtually brain dead.
No because they don’t care either .
Why are folks sending $ to DT the billionaire ? They could send this to a fund for those who are hungry,evicted.So could he!
What makes you think that anyone who gives their money to 45 cares about the Woking poor
How did Moscow Mitch get reelected ? An Investigation should be made into that ! WTH is wrong with the people of Kentucky?
I don’t know man but I tried. You can’t put out a campaign sign without risking your life. The people are crazy.
Sadly in a state like Kentucky Satan or Adolph Hitler could run for Senate and if they have a letter R next to their name, they’ll win
@Lana Kahl I do not mean this against anybody , but Kentucky is a poor state and a under educated state . It makes no sense that people in Kentucky would vote for somebody that refuses to do anything to help them . I truly wonder is the vote counts in Kentucky have been manipulated .
**Kentucky has long been a poor state and one of the most poorly educated, so Kentuckians are accustomed to finding ourselves near the bottom of state rankings. “Thank God for Mississippi,” we mumble in relief.
Now comes a Web site, 24/7 Wall Street (247wallst.com) — a self-described source of “insightful analysis and commentary” for stock investors — with a ranking of “The Best and Worst Run States in America.”
Kentucky, dear friends, was rated 50th, “the worst-run state on our list,” according to the Web site.
Not even Mississippi could come to our rescue.
To make its assessment, 24/7 Wall Street said it analyzed data ranging from state credit ratings by Standard & Poor’s to violent-crime rates, median household income and other estimates by the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey.** full article here if you feel the need to read all of it . http://archive.courierpress.com/news/web-site-ranks-kentucky-dead-last-but-other-states-are-contenders-ep-446160174-324897371.html
they def should look into that,bet it was fraud,oh god i hate that word but i have a feeling they didnt vote for him,why would they?unless he is taking care of kentucky
No stimulus for us under employed and protection for corporations against wrongful death suits gimme a break
Georgia render McConnell powerless and vote in Osoff and Rev. Warnock for covid relief for all Americans. Y’all are AMERICA’S hope and potential saviors, please help us all.
please georgia vote blue,again all our lives depend on you ,thank you and please be careful out there,this is def a crazy world
There needs to be a personal stimulas check!
Why are we paying these peoples salary still?
Imagine being a republican who lost their job or can’t pay for food because of the pandemic, and supporting the party who doesn’t care about all that because they’re too afraid to upset the loser in the presidential election.

Sweet life decision right there!
How about a stimulus for the people
Give the people stimulus checks!!
And this is why it puzzles us as to why Kentucky keeps sending Mitch McConnell back to the Senate.
I guess the Kentucky state probably into masochism
Widespread gerrymandering and voter suppression of the very young, very old, people of color and the poor are all too frequently common denominators in situations like this. All of We the People have the responsibility and purview to join in the ongoing work to eliminate the poison intrusion of Big $ upon our elections/govt. It is the causative factor. Overturning Citizens United (progress is being made), Campaign Finance and Election Reforms
are imperatives. Civic action does not require lots of time, or even any $. We can each choose something to work on, and ask our friends and families to do the same. We must clean up, restore and reclaim our rightful place in our govt. of, for and by the People-not corporations. There is also the lack of accurate information, people being misled.
Vote blue in GA to knock McConnell off his imagined throne from which he chokes America. Let legislation work the way it’s supposed to.
Yes Georgia vote blue
It’s up to Atlanta to show up to the polls