In the wake of the horrific shootings at a string of Asian owned spas around Atlanta, the president and vice president traveled to Georgia to meet with Asian-American leaders and condemn the rise in anti-Asian violence and hate happening in America. Aired on 03/20/2021.
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#Biden #AntiAsianHate #MSNBC
'We Have To Speak Out': Biden And Harris Condemn Anti-Asian Hate | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Thanks Laurence, my good New Jersey brother. Don’t mess with our truth.. .
Isn’t Moscow Mitch’s wife Asian American? Their silence about this is deafening.
OMG, but for mitchie to condemn crimes that he KNOWS that his beloved donnie has deliberately inflamed, perish the thought! He’s already in the don’s doghouse for telling his pres that he would pay, in some way, for Jan. 6!
The Biden Department of Justice dropped a lawsuit against Yale for racist anti-Asian admissions practices, which were proved. They got hold of Yale’s admissions standards, which showed unequivocally that Asians were denied entry because they were Asian. But the Biden DOJ didn’t want to pursue it because they support it.
@marmac I love your sarcasm in this.
Asian lives matter
She has to get an OK from Trump first
When are we gonna start calling murders of women “hate crimes” I’d like to know? Talk about deafening silence!
@can’t be higher It’s still illegal in MOST states. Keep it up. You’re giving every one here more ammo.
@can’t be higher keep it up you are giving me more ammo.
@can’t be higher lol, this is how u thank a person who clicks on your videos? your behavior is not a good advertisement for whatever you are selling.
@Tessmage Tessera Ikr the big issue the society has is that nobody pays attention to when a man gets harrased by a woman, Its somthing that needs to be spoken out.
Um there are a lot of other things to comment about . I feel for the Asian culture love the culture . I feel they are ignoring the pink elephant in the room.
Some people think guns can solve many things
We need let more Asians in America
@Jung-Hsien Chen Guns solve nothing.
@Jung-Hsien Chen Some people use vague overgeneralizations to sound smart
@Hard Rocker America needs to take care of its own people before letting others in for profit because they’ll work for a lower standard of living and therefore increase the value of the dollar.
Anti-Asian Hate is more accurate that “Asian hate”. The latter sounds weird.
Enough talking. Am yourself and fight back
We can protect each other.
I’m not Asian but I agree, y’all should probably get protection due to all these crazy people
Such a sadness overwhelms many real Americans. No human life here is safe as long as hatred leads the hearts of so many!
@Toma Sande Who are you calling ‘a nut job’? You know Jeri Bryan, personally, do you? How do you know what she watches? You’re a peeping Tom or something?
‘anti white’ you say? Are you some kind of white supremacist that spews racist hateful rhetoric that is causing so much pain among people of color and animosity against decent people of your own race? How can you be so disrespectful while so many are in mourning?
@Toma Sande anti-white lol. Y’all are not oppressed.
@Kevin Hung It’s America, nobody is oppressed
Joe Biden screwed the Asians this week.
@Toma Sande Yet…here you are, on MSNBC channel, along with everybody else.
Wouldn’t that make you a “but job” too?
So shameful for a police chief to say he was having a bad day. Wow
@The Hermit Well Biden stopped Covid, what’s the problem? Biden make deal with CCP. CCP happy now!
@frutbum p Hey, Look at his channel. It’s a cute little kid. lol
Disgusting is the word to describe the police chief
He didn’t say that, they stop his conversation!!
Stand up and fight the Hate.
We need to stand up and realize the serious issue of mental illness. The idea years ago of returning the mentally ill to the community and keep them drugged up is a terrible failure.
Petty crime still exists, you expect racism to go away? Only leftists are this dumb
It disgust me to see so much lack of respect for others lives and want to do nothing but destroy rather than build up someone. I hope that guy gets the maximum sentence the law there in Georgia can give him.
@Hobostarr180 lies so often, she can’t keep track. Typical
@Sidney Mathious Funny that there are so many “right-wing” black MAGA folk in the California bay area. That is where a large amount of the assaults against elderly Asians are happening. How convenient that this is also Ms Kamala’s old stomping ground.
Trumpster Unable To Pardon Him ???
Well it’s Biden’s America so ……
@Swan of Tuonela You are clueless
What the Q, sixty days and it’s still #BYEDON2021, Democracy lives in this Republic!
Put a name on the culprits and cowards that use violence.
Hopefully this generates a whole new generation of Asian activists. You cannot stand on the side lines anymore. !!!! Act Up. Fight Back!
The Asian community is not the problem. White supremacists are the problem. They need to be shamed back into the holes they crawled out of.
I agree. Especially since racial issues are very prominent due to the George Floyd murder, it’s a great time for them to bring up their problems. They will find many allies
I think it is. I think as an Asian, we will not go back to silence anymore. Just speaking up from now on. I think many Asians just want peace and want it to stop and we want unity. I think we are in a good position to bring people together who all want to fight against all these hateful acts and division. Well that’s what I’m hoping will come out of it.
@The Hermit The holes that were dug by Trump and his cohorts. Shameful.
The image of bloodied face of the granny, crying is on my mind. US must do the impossible – stop the hate crime
you’re right–impossible
Much love to all my Asian people .
These people should take a plane ride to China and try what there doing here, but there nothing but sad weak minded people that pick on defenseless people.
I’ve never had anythang against asians. I love their food and cultures too much. The people themselves are really nice, shy too but many of us all are.
“President” Joe Biden cannot even address the nation with questions from the press.
I wish Bruce Lee’s was here, we need him so badly!
It gives me comfort to finally see real human beings with integrity and compassion in the White House.