Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and his wife Olena Zelenska sat down with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour in Kyiv to talk about the status of Ukraine’s war with Russia. #CNN #News
‘We have stopped them’: Zelensky speaks about Ukraine’s progress in war with Russia

As always Ms. Christaine Amanpour always asks the questions straight forward and to the point.

Slava Ukraini
@Laramie1 Because CNN is somewhat objectiv in its reporting.
@Jimmy Timmy have you seen Putin’s mansion in the Crimea?? $1.4 BILLION dollars worth. And you accused zelenski???
Congratulations, I hunt idiots, and you have just outed yourself
@hans Compared to RT CNN and fox news are the most impartial in the world.
@Laramie1 They give her whatever she wants and for good reason, as you noted.
@Jimmy Timmy You mean Putin? Thats why his army is so shitty. Putin and his mates have sold off the cream of the military.
A great example of people who stepped up to be the best they can.
And they ARE !! They really ARE !!
Just like the N4z1s of Germany.
I think he is the better version of winston churchill.
@Silentfighter 89 lol. Without the whiskey. WC was a great inspirer.
My deepest respect to him and all ukrainian fighters, also those who died in battle

@BohmanderTCG it was forced upon them moron
jesus were you not alive at the beginning of this year?
go back to your pokeman cards child
@BohmanderTCG Putler started this war. He invaded Ukraine.
@Da Gre Bot of Russia

The way the Ukrainians stood up and resisted from the start and still do is amazing. They are all heroes, women and men, civilians and soldiers, old and young. *Slava Ukraini! – Heroyam Slava!*
@Da Gre _Russian bot alert!_
This man stood between Putin and the West. He stood for Ukraine freedom. He showed the world what is possible when good refuses to accept evil. The west should never forget how brave he and all Ukrainians fought for democracy. May God bless and comfort Ukraine for their suffering and help them move past this horrific experience.
@cowubl peace talks with Russia? What are you talking about? Russia wants to redraw the map of Europe so it will never be peace in Europe. Peace talk with a bully? Where is your logic?
@cowubl Oh yes, you cry about giving a few dollars to Ukraine and don’t care about all the children who have been killed or suffered because of a devil named Putin. There will never be peace with Russia until every last Russian exits Ukraine, pays for all the reconstruction, and faces the war crimes tribunal. Even then the deaths of so many can never be forgiven.
Much much respect for this legendary puppet who allowed the Ukranian nation to be commandeered by us in the West for our purposes. Bravo !

And Zelensky’s concern for his people is so touching. Not throwing his people as cannon fodder. That is why probably he had to do Eight Mobilizations as the Military repeatedly fell short of people ! And Martial Law was introduced on Feb 24, to prevent those in age range from 18-60y from leaving Ukraine.
Very believable person. One can trust him totally despite his shifty nature.
And his banning of all political parties shows the depth of democratic spirit of this chinless wonder.
Terrifically useful Guy.
Slava Zelensky! Slava Zelensky!
@niburu Yes, the Ukrainians of Donbas has suffered, because Russia has been pushing and aiding separatists for a long time. My family were Germanic and came from Donbas during Stalin’s purges. Putin has been copying both Hitler and Stalin, pushing out or killing anyone who won’t be part of his “Russification’ plan.

Pray for all Ukrainians to stay healthy ,strong ,defeat there enemies and live peacefully

Donating money or resources might be tad more useful.
Link to the Clip : They finally released this !
@T V no, thats not the only thing we Ukrainians need. Money comes from people who show their leaders what they want and the leaders deliver. And the westeners want to support Ukraine. Firat with human support, then comes the money and other aid
donate all the money to him and weapons (black mkt)
Ukrainians will need a lot of healing. Wish them strength ..and for this to be the last war they see in their country. I hope all the children will be returned ..
Respect for Zelenskyy.. and all Ukrainians
Let’s seize Russian assets to build back Ukraine

@DR 1971 I am sure it will happen. Britain has £18 billion of Russian assets. That is a start.
@trisha wilson That we know of, I do believe they are searching for assets held in shell companies too.
@DR 1971 Absolutely, they should have been seized yesterday. There should be a tribunal. There will be reparations. Russians will realize through all their propaganda talking points about colonialism, trying to split the world time and again, that they are the ones who have been treating half a continent like colonies. While their leaders live in palaces and send their kids to Paris and NY looming poverty for decades among average russians. They stole from the people, blackmailed the world using hunger as a weapon, tried to scare all of us with nuclear warfare, it failed. Now they shall pay for all of it. Double and triple times I say, until they learn for good. Time for justice to be delivered.
The people of Ukraine know Russia continues to be dangerous but they have the right to be proud of the courage and determination they have shown to the World .
Before the 2014 innovation, most people in the Ukraine were Russian collaborators.
now they all speak the Ukrainish language, and hate Putin!
Both countries are affected by the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Ukraine’s president’s dream is to join NATO and then bring Russia under control to remove Russian-speaking people from Ukraine. Zelensky doesn’t see people going as refugees or dying, he dreams of joining NATO and his family, , ,western and America is harassing the Russian people by imposing many economic sanctions, it is wrong for western and America to do these things, when grain is blocked by Russia , the world countries blame it, Russia is fighting in Ukraine to save its country, is this a dream of fighting in Ukraine NATO? Zelenskyy don’t need NATO, Ukraine should run as an independent country, Russia wants it.
The first lady talking about the children near the end made me tear up. So sad
@Seikae Seikae
You make a very good parrot, now go and claim your bird seed. 
@kldоscp exactly
@Seikae Seikae
I will pray for you, my friend
@Seikae Seikae Spot the underemployed Gen Z
Slava Ukraine !!

Much much respect for this legendary puppet who allowed the Ukranian nation to be commandeered by us in the West for our purposes. Bravo !
And Zelensky’s concern for his people is so touching. Not throwing his people as cannon fodder. That is why probably he had to do Eight Mobilizations as the Military repeatedly fell short of people ! And Martial Law was introduced on Feb 24, to prevent those in age range from 18-60y from leaving Ukraine.
Very believable person. One can trust him totally despite his shifty nature.
And his banning of all political parties shows the depth of democratic spirit of this chinless wonder.
Terrifically useful Guy.
Slava Zelensky! Slava Zelensky!
He looks exhausted but I have total respect for Volodymyr Zelensky and the people of Ukraine and I do hope they can get through this despicable war and win their country back and find some kind of peace, they deserve it.
@uptoolate28 Easy to slander/defame a dead man. Churchill was not a Saint, no one is …not even saints, but he was a Great Man. What have you done with your life, petty man?
Both countries are affected by the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Ukraine’s president’s dream is to join NATO and then bring Russia under control to remove Russian-speaking people from Ukraine. Zelensky doesn’t see people going as refugees or dying, he dreams of joining NATO and his family, , ,western and America is harassing the Russian people by imposing many economic sanctions, it is wrong for western and America to do these things, when grain is blocked by Russia , the world countries blame it, Russia is fighting in Ukraine to save its country, is this a dream of fighting in Ukraine NATO? Zelenskyy don’t need NATO, Ukraine should run as an independent country, Russia wants it.
@Kevin Warburton I’ll re-phrase it for you. He was a ‘great’ piece of sh*t and I’m what Willis was talking about.
They deserve, and have earned it. Good observation. But I’m afraid true “peace” with Russia may be a long time coming even after this war. Russia just sucks that way.
Much much respect for this legendary puppet who allowed the Ukranian nation to be commandeered by us in the West for our purposes. Bravo !

And Zelensky’s concern for his people is so touching. Not throwing his people as cannon fodder. That is why probably he had to do Eight Mobilizations as the Military repeatedly fell short of people ! And Martial Law was introduced on Feb 24, to prevent those in age range from 18-60y from leaving Ukraine.
Very believable person. One can trust him totally despite his shifty nature.
And his banning of all political parties shows the depth of democratic spirit of this chinless wonder.
Terrifically useful Guy.
Slava Zelensky! Slava Zelensky!
You can see the endless compassion for his soldiers and fellow citizens in his eyes! That’s a real hero and leader, not the one that has only his ego in mind! O captain, my captain!
@X Y
@SemperFiMac77 Keep in mind that the 100k cited for Ukraine also includes dead civilians. Their military is doing considerably better than Russia’s is, thankfully
@Matt D Not quite correct.
“The Pentagon assesses that over 100,000 Russian soldiers have been killed or injured and “probably” an equivalent number of Ukrainian soldiers, Gen. Mark A. Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said at an event in New York on Wednesday night.”
It’s a comparable number, people don’t like to think about it but Ukraine is taking huge troop losses dispite doing better than everyone thought against Russia.
Most cannot fathom the reality of this war, it’s like nothing we have seen in modern history.
@Matt D We will never know the true number of troops lost from either side but it’s likely massive.
Slava Ukraine !!

Much much respect for this legendary puppet who allowed the Ukranian nation to be commandeered by us in the West for our purposes. Bravo !
And Zelensky’s concern for his people is so touching. Not throwing his people as cannon fodder. That is why probably he had to do Eight Mobilizations as the Military repeatedly fell short of people ! And Martial Law was introduced on Feb 24, to prevent those in age range from 18-60y from leaving Ukraine.
Very believable person. One can trust him totally despite his shifty nature.
And his banning of all political parties shows the depth of democratic spirit of this chinless wonder.
Terrifically useful Guy.
Slava Zelensky! Slava Zelensky!
This couple is the stuff of legends.
The moral contrast between Zelensky and Putin couldn’t possibly be any greater.
While the Kremlin houses absolute evil, in Kiev you find pure altruistic heroism.
If ever a conflict was a battle between good and evil, light and darkness, it would have to be this one.
Slava Ukraini from the Caribbean.
agree 100%
it’s a war between light and darkness
Slava Ukraine !!

Much much respect for this legendary puppet who allowed the Ukranian nation to be commandeered by us in the West for our purposes. Bravo !
And Zelensky’s concern for his people is so touching. Not throwing his people as cannon fodder. That is why probably he had to do Eight Mobilizations as the Military repeatedly fell short of people ! And Martial Law was introduced on Feb 24, to prevent those in age range from 18-60y from leaving Ukraine.
Very believable person. One can trust him totally despite his shifty nature.
And his banning of all political parties shows the depth of democratic spirit of this chinless wonder.
Terrifically useful Guy.
Slava Zelensky! Slava Zelensky!
Armageddon anyone?
You might want to read the Pandora Papers.
Zelensky is not the person you think he is
This is heartbreaking. The children will have years to deal with the trauma. They are wonderful leaders. The President and his First Lady They love their country.
you really know what you’re talking about
Without doubts, the most respected couple in the World today. *’Beside every great man there is a great woman’*

Lacs of people died, lives of survivors will never be the same. Homes destroyed, families ruined, mental health of the survivors especially kids will take years to heal.
Tonnes of ammunition pumped into earth, caused irreparable damage to the environment.
May God give courage to the affected people who lost everything in this war.
More power to such a statesman, Mr. Zelensky.
@MichaelGL did he raped all the victims of Bucha or ruined Mariupol himself? No it’s russians in general who we must to blame. I believe half of a million of russians do fight and kill ukrainians along this nine months.
@Mazinblaster Zetto Let me try again. In late 1970 General Brezhnev was like a zombie. KGB took a decision, they can not trust the army or the communist party to rule ussr. They came with a plan “Operation Dead Fox”. It included resolving the warsaw treaty and USSR, then leaving the ruling into a weak ruler (eltsin) and then install a strong leader (putin) to unite the Old USSR plus the lost east EU into glory. Putin was really a small kgb officer, but he had access to secret blackmail documents and the talent to control people by bribes, threat or dead. He has on his disposal a killer team. Not everything in the plan worked as predicted. However, many important elements did. The book was written by Kalin Todorov, not exactly a putins bootlicker.
@West_Park So just to be clear, you aren’t arguing that Putin is doing the right thing, you are just arguing that he is following a plan that was made in 1980. In other words, it has nothing to do with him personally?
That’s all fine. I was thinking you are arguing for Putin. Because now you have Z Ruzzians constantly trying to bring up old news as though it’s relevant to the war. They all see the same propaganda and get together in droves in comments and just parrot whatever they hear.
@Mazinblaster Zetto This is old plan, but not widely known. It may sound like a conspiracy, but the author quotes sources all the way to Moscow. Operation “Dead Fox” started by releasing all soviet republics “free”, and after 20-30 years, re-absorbing them into the resurrected USSR. The most important structures, KGB, GRU, Military-Industrial complex, were never resolved. KGB secret documents, files, blackmail material, was never cleaned up. This is why Putin has so much leverage on so many people.
unfortunately it’s not just one person
search for channel 1420
you’ll get better understanding why putin is just a proper leader for ruzzia
I really feel for this man a man with a capital M, from comedian to leader of a country that is defending it self from a senseless attack. I wish him and his people peace and freedom. God speed!
Maybe it’s to simplified, but in case of doubt I’d trust somebody who chooses to play the fool above somebody who choses to play the big hero. The concept being: if you have week sense of self, you’ll shy away from playing the clown because you need and crave admiration. See Donald Trump and those ridiculous Trump = Rambo photoshops.
Then again: Boris Johnson. So, who knows.
@Alex. You nailed it.
Remember, he is also a graduate of law. Highly educated.
If you think the Russian attack is senseless you haven’t been paying attention. Read a book, or at least do some research.
My students and I have been following this war since it began. Ukraine can do this. The world is behind you Mr. and Mrs. Zelensky. It is absolutely incredible to watch Zelensky fill the shoes of a wartime president and excel. We truely believe in the men and women of the Ukrainian Armed Forces that they will liberate all occupied territories and deliver a crippling blow to the Russian Army.
@Dogz Digital Really, and I thought it was the continued attempts to subjugate and exterminate Ukrainians, their language and their culture by Russians over the past 300 years.
Go away troll. Back to your cave. Sincerely.
@Dogz Digital After ww2, USSR interfered in N. Korea…and the US interfered in S.korea…now where do both these countries stand ?
Both countries are affected by the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Ukraine’s president’s dream is to join NATO and then bring Russia under control to remove Russian-speaking people from Ukraine. Zelensky doesn’t see people going as refugees or dying, he dreams of joining NATO and his family, , ,western and America is harassing the Russian people by imposing many economic sanctions, it is wrong for western and America to do these things, when grain is blocked by Russia , the world countries blame it, Russia is fighting in Ukraine to save its country, is this a dream of fighting in Ukraine NATO? Zelenskyy don’t need NATO, Ukraine should run as an independent country, Russia wants it.
@Chris McIntyre Yes, try to find something good in Hitler then….
we can only hope and pray, and be Thankful to Ukraine if they pull this off. (which they certainly are on the right track). It’s about time the “bully” of the world – Russia and for so many decades finally get a taste of it’s own medicine.
What more can I say that has not already been said. Huge respect for this couple and all they are doing for their people. Real heroes x
Glory to Russia
Ukraine lost
@China Virus Glory to Ukraine
Russian Lost 

What have they done for their people? Sold the country out. He is a corrupt criminal.
@China Virus Lol. You are wrong. Putin is losing big time.
@China Virus You wish
A great and touching interview. In the end, it really is about harm reduction, as careful steps to retake Ukraine as well as helping the children suffering with PTSD and reuniting those stolen children with their parents in time are critical issues in such a caring country as Ukraine. They say it’s always darkest before the dawn, but glimmers of light are becoming, more and more, clearly visible.
@Bill probably similar to other countries in conflicts right now. There are other countries who are suffering, btw
God bless the peoples of Donbas
He is a comedian, he spent many years on the stage, he knows how to make people laugh and cry! You still believe in him! He has murdered thousands ukranians, he doesn’t care about neither his country or his people !
@Bill Ukraine’s military has something that the US military does not. They are fighting for their own families and their own homes. They have a president and first lady that have their hearts and lives dedicated to them and the people. This is who they are. This is who they have always been. They also are now all connected as one . To each Ukrainian the military are their sons and daughters, they’re brothers and sisters. Unfortunately, perhaps it’s the tragedies that make them so empathetic and accepting and loving to others . Knowing that they have so much support perhaps the suicide rate will be minimal. I pray it will be.
Ukraine has shown and shared it’s heart with the world through the most unfortunate experience of war, a warzone, a battle against Russia. The brutality of the war, ground for their fight, their aim to defend themselves, their land, their future. Good to see news of their success.
Is it theirs? What makes you think that? Just because people live on a land for a long time, Doesn’t truly make it “theirs”. We’re the Russians fighting for their land back?
@Valeesha HAMIORA Yes. It is Ukraine land. I really do think, that. Ultimately, I believe it is GOD’S land, all of it belongs to God. I do not reside in history or fights over it that never end. If you buy a house next week, and after you have signed the papers, moved in decorated and sat down to experience your home, there will be either a knock at the door or someone will kick the door in and tie you up and brutalize your family. Not to worry, I will hold the line, the same line, that says it is wrong. WRONG!!! The Russians are in the wrong! Btw, that bit about the home intruder, probably, most likely, will not occur, will not happen to you ever. It was to, make a point. And to make it very clear, clearly.
What an incredible man..He looks like he hardly slept since February. Absolute commitment to his country…

Looking from outside, I know that we foreigners can’t understand everything but; it’s very good that he is Ukraine’s leader right now. He earned a very good chapter, chapters, books; in world history . He and Ukraine saved many other countries
Ukraine lost keep crying
@China Virus considering the amount of Russian tanks and equipment they’ve amassed from fleeing Russian soldiers, as well as the fact that NATO weapons and training have enabled the Ukrainians to hold their own and sent battle-hardened private military contractors back to Russia in body bags alongside regular Russian soldiers, you might want to pick this moment as the one to stop embarrassing yourself with baseless falsehoods.
Russian men have been fleeing Russia for weeks in order to avoid being drafted as cannon fodder for a war that Russia thought could be won before spring of this year.
Even IF Russia managed to take over Ukraine, do you honestly think a few hundred thousand troops could hold a country of millions of pissed off people?
Have you ever heard of the “fun” times the US and NATO allies had in Iraq and Afghanistan?
@jambo2685 Ukraine only winning on social media keep crying delusional
@China Virus ur name says it all
@Priya Joseph leave USA traitor
Estonian here, who will forever continue to support Ukraine by all means and in any way I can, offer all the help I can to the refugees who have arrived here, as in recent history we had to fight for our freedom from the same enemy. I am hoping and praying for this to end, so we can help to build up your country again and celebrate the true heroes like you and your legendary president Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who has been fighting for the freedom of Ukraine and its citizens! You are such admirable nation who will go down in history and remembered forever as one of the most strongest and bravest people that came together and stood for your sovereignty and your democratic legislation! SLAVA UKRAINE!
It is only the direct neighbors of Russia, such as Finland and Estonia, Lithuania, and Poland who understand the burden of being a neighbor of Russia. I admire your people and the stand you are taking. My parents and their families were victims of Stalin’s purges; they were among the survivors who fled to Canada. We all owe Ukraine and Eastern Europe our support in seeing that Russia never has the chance to invade another neighboring country.