Dominion Voting Systems has sued former President Donald Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani for defamation after he pushed claims of election fraud against the company.
#CNN #News
Dominion Voting Systems has sued former President Donald Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani for defamation after he pushed claims of election fraud against the company.
#CNN #News
Good, soon Rudy won’t even have enough money to partially dye his hair
I can hear DR EVIL saying one billion dollars! Pay up, Rudy!
@Tech ti Well that was a lot of crap. Thanks for sharing.
Prison won’t allow hair dye either
Those who think that there is no choice should take a look into my playlist “Choice” …
@John DiGiacomo Not all deaths can be laid at his door. Whoever was in charge would have had problems..China has some responsibilities for not being transparent with the World.
I hope Rudy Giuliani represents himself defending this lawsuit.
@Marii Cruze Even if he did it doesn’t matter. The system is literally built around the new world order. There is no chance they’ll win in a rigged system. None. I’m still not convinced Trump isn’t controlled opposition. Say he actually was trying to stop them. It wouldn’t change a thing. After ww2 these peoples control expanded exponentially. There’s no stopping what’s coming.
Based on what?
@snorben He _might_ get some crowdfunding. But, I thought he was on the outs with DT, and DT’s fans may not be happy with him at this point. There’s little doubt he’ll need help though, since Dominion’s case appears pretty strong.
@snorben China and it’s handling of WHO and yes not coming clean in the very early days on the transmission of the virus – by this I mean in December/Nov of 2019 is terrible but it is a separate matter for discussion. My point is that when Trump knew the severity of the virus (in the call with Woodward), his response, which was something very much under his control, was to downplay it. He prevaricated, lied as I have already mentioned in my earlier text. Worse than that he downplayed the efficacy of masks and held several rallies where few masks were worn. And so on. So I think history will write Trump as gutless, lawless, and heartless. Whatever China’s faults are – the huge loss of life in the US lies squarely at Trump’s feet.
Yeah and have his star witnesses, it will be break the popcorn out time
Dominion,,, go after the lot of them.. Don’t let up at all. Giuliani will start leaking fluid again.…..
That’s exactly what he gets. I hope they get everything he has for lying like he lied…
Rudy said he can’t wait to do discovery on Dominion.
They replied to remind him that discoveries go both ways!
“10% for the Big Guy.”(Bobulinski)
This is great, we’ll get to see what he really knew.
Yep, and all of dominion’s file swill be open, all of their reprogramming etc. Giuliani probably can’t wait for them to sue him because now they will have to disclose everything in discovery and in their defense.
@Jefe Anson
these are intelligent people . You couch experts
they wouldn’t bring a suit if they had anything to hide. Lunatics small
easy to manipulate.
Rudy’s main defense ” I was just tucking in my shirt ” !
Rudy has a good case ….Time Stamp 55:46 …. Dominion Machine proven internet hacked(Tied to internet) against Georgia law Georgia Hearings Dec 30 2020
@Daniel Morse

@Daniel Morse Uh… Haha… except that none of the voting machines were in any way connected to the Internet. Those machines have no modems. This has been debunked over and over again, Dummy. Try to keep up with the class.
Even if he wasn’t tucking in his shirt the woman was 21
@Riece Hier Given today’s climate and potential for sexual harassment lawsuits, Rudy is an idiot!! Doesn’t matter if she was 51, she didn’t in any way shape or form offer to have sex with Rudy!! This could have went bad in so many ways but Rudy was too stupid to “THINK” before going into that bedroom!!
Rudy can just plead “not guilty by reason of insanity.”
@Gene Mars
@Chris Buff Thank you. It will be interesting to see if these will play a role in the Dominion vs. Giuliani case.
@Gene Mars
@Chris Buff So then, based on these videos, hackers could have switched votes from Trump to Biden. And hackers could have switched votes from Biden to Trump. Do you think either of those things actually happened?
Yep criminally insane

I hope when they go to court that it is broadcasted on “All the networks!!!”.
@R. McBride Dominion has gone on the record saying (about the Sidney Powell suit) that they will not settle for any reason. They want a verdict
Won’t happen. If it does and it’s found there was no election fraud, I’ll vote for Biden in 2024.
@Cook At Home with Dona why don’t u worry about the creep that u have in the white house now? Or r u too worried about getting trump cuz u so full of hate.biden is gonna destroy america.
Trump already destroyed America with his fake narratives with no proof. The never had any from the start.
@R. McBride CNN settled a big settlement with Nick Sandmann and his name is still defamed by people in the MSM and here you are believing every word CNN says. So tell me again how a settlement and headlines can give you back your reputation?
dominion ceo is like textbook “zaddy”
Yes sue him. Take him down
YES Dominion – you MUST sue to set the record straight. Reputation is everything.
Agree. Hope Rudy destroys this company exposing all its corruption
@Clark Watson lol, yeah, like that’s going to happen.
Defamation has consequences. Hit these seditious tax evading criminals where it hurts most.
@Daniel Morse Rudy told courts he wasnt alleging fraud, because he was aware that he could be called to account for perjury. He told press conferences that there was fraud..Go figure.. He is now deemed to have been so incompetent at not finding evidence that Trump refuses to pay him
. Heaven help you if you choose to believe a laughing stock like Giuliani. Borat showed him in all his pathetic dotage
@Amanda Forsyth dreamer. They absolutely control the news. Wake up.
Well Nosferatu Giuliani DID dare them to sue him, “see what happens” he said…
Rudy seems to think if Dominion sues him that he’ll be able to look into the ‘dodgy’ workings of Dominion. The guy has no idea lol
Not Rudy’s job. He can just call in the experts. They know. It’s not rocket science.
@Juju Rellama there is NOTHING to find. Period. I hope they disbar Rudy and the other lawyers. They should not be a able to practice law
@Adam C Why not, they weren’t practicing law during the whole circus tour they did so they don’t need to be members of the bar.
@Adam C If Dominion was truly corrupt they wouldn’t be suing because they would know they could get exposed , but by using and being investigated by independent investigators they will be cleared of false accusations and get paid again & probably will be the goto voting machines in all future elections if they play their cards right ,
or it could be snake vs snake in court if they are both exposed corrupt , lol
( Edited in sorry the was intended for different commentor )
Good. Get ’em, Dominion. Get ALL of them.
In so glad they are doing this. Time to be exposed

First of all, All voting machines can be hacked, it’s been proven on multiple documentaries and we’ve had conventions and invited hackers to try and every single machine was hackable. Secondly, there is no evidence whatsoever of Rudi Giuliani’s accusations against Dominion. CISA and other agencies watched the election like hawks which lead to their statement released “This was the most secure election in American history” because it was. We have more % of paper ballots across the nation to better secure the results from the machines with cross verification, Georgia being the perfect example, as well as the audits that were conducted in several other states, all of which resulted in nearly perfect correlation to the original tally. Anyone who believes otherwise is being fed propaganda and should do real research instead of pretending to know what you’re talking about.
@Bobcat Bub Actually it hasn’t. Saying you can and actually doing it are two different things.
@Rob Young – good one, Cletis. Yup.
@Bobcat Bub – another dim bulb, this one.
Exposure is exactly what this company deserves. Expose their integrity.
Finally, they always seem to get away with the lies. Not this time.
& they still kinda keep it going with slide remarks even though we got audio of him saying how much votes he NEEDED
Nixon was a president who become a crook
And trump was a crook who became a president
@Bianca Jade Exactly , Biden isn’t perfect but at least he didn’t try to overthrow our Government like Trump
@wut ? deflect much? lol
@Bianca Jade Well said!!

@Amber M – OMG, thank you. Best response………………..
I hope Rudy brings along his “star witnesses”. Would be worth it for the entertainment value alone.
It turns out she was no technician. She was only there to clean the glass on the machines. That’s all.
And he farts out loud too!
i LOVE this. they called the hell out of Rudy’s bluff.
Im sure u will see soon that rudys so called bluff,is true like seriously why would u even listen to these lies
@Bobcat Bub lol are you still wearing the tin foil hat?
@F16 he has a picture of a bobcat as his profile pic he probably can barely read