Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre debate gun control in Canada during question period.
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Youve spent a billion dollars and the problem got worse
Government has to review the efficacy of who they are paying to provide so-called advice. That money would have been better spent hiring police officers who walk the beat.
Who would have thought disarming law abiding citizens would make criminals more powerful.
Spend spend spend this is what he does best
Hes not right and there is no longer the illusion of honour. Tredeau MUST go
Its the masculine manly image Trudeau represents and the “values” of liberals that result in such a crime free society:)
If I told my boss I had a 40% success rate I WOULD BE FIRED. Tredeau MUST go
Not until the Liberals and NDP dissolve their alliance, or Sept. 2025 comes.
hey if you are only .400 in Major Leagues? HAHHAH
Who are these “all canadians.” Nobody asked me.
The 1 in 8 Canadians who voted liberal.
Why has the crime rate gone up if you spent so much money???? Committees don’t stop crime.
Terrible Bill. Not surprising. Just look whose running it. Mismanaged from the start.
yiu rather sweep under rug not care
But was there any hunting style rifles in the ban Justin?
Gave even more to try and end knife violence lol
Wait until Liberals invest to ban “word violence”
Its the masculine manly image Trudeau represents and the “values” of liberals that result in such a crime free society:)
If we put every gang member in jail for 20 years we wouldn’t have much in the way of violent crime.
Guns are somewhat harder to come by in England so the weapon of choice is knives.
Can Trudeau ever answer a question in parliament instead of providing a word salad.
yer new here aren’t you?
Trudo is right, we do want to see less gun violence in this country. So go after the criminals not the law abiding citizens. WTF is wrong with you Trudolph?
When the Government cannot trust its Citizens, how can the Citizens still trust their Government?
Canadian long guns are limited to 5 rounds …… hand guns limited to 10 ….. maybe these politicians should learn about things before they speak ……
Fully automatic guns have been banned for decades and there’s a 5 round magazine limit. Also, it’s almost impossible to get a gun license if you have any kind of criminal history or past issues with law enforcement.
Ask him how many registered firearms are used for crime
Even if this passes there will be non compliance from coast to coast. They have no idea who has what in terms of non restricted firearms
Where was Trudeau during Truth and Reconciliation Day in 2021? Having a vacation in Tofino, BC
I thought Canadians where more smarter why are they still keeping this guy as their leader kmt.