Doctors share harsh reality of COVID-19.
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Doctors and nurses working in hospitals across the country are sharing the realities of COVID-19.
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Blah,blah blah I just came back from Walmart they are out off sanitary product what they used to clin the carts,hand sanitizer ,they give us at the enter,etc.. we are very confused
Hello dear fellow being we bring you an offer !!!”Do you need money to grow up your business do you need money to enjoy life join Illuminati to ensure you live life conform-table. Money speak the language everybody understand Money is power Money is fame Money is life without you having Money you are nobody. Do you desire Fame, Riches, Powers, Wealth and do you want all your dreams to come to pass? Have you been looking for a way to be Rich Famous and also be popular in life this is your chance, Are you a business-man or woman, politician, pastor, farmer, footballer, musician, etc,and you want to excel in what ever you do Or you want to always be at the top of others Join the great Illuminati so that you can achieve your dreams we have benefits giving to new members of the great Illuminati brother hood which is to receive 10,000,000,00 USD{dollars} in a week this is the way to make your life better in life via contact this number whatsapp +2349057910739
99%+ survival its not a reel number?
LIES, ALL LIES!! I hope these Liars get what’s coming to them
They’re just wanting that COVID hazard pay and rake in them hrs… We get it… y’all tricked everyone into voting for Biden now it’s no longer a threat…
I was diagnosed with COVID in late September. I’m a former smoker who now suffers from moderate emphysema. I know . It’s my own fault . By the first week of October , I was on a ventilator for over a month. You feel like you’re drowning in your own fluids. I’m lucky to be alive. I beg you to wear a mask & stay home when possible .
Hello dear fellow being we bring you an offer !!!”Do you need money to grow up your business do you need money to enjoy life join Illuminati to ensure you live life conform-table. Money speak the language everybody understand Money is power Money is fame Money is life without you having Money you are nobody. Do you desire Fame, Riches, Powers, Wealth and do you want all your dreams to come to pass? Have you been looking for a way to be Rich Famous and also be popular in life this is your chance, Are you a business-man or woman, politician, pastor, farmer, footballer, musician, etc,and you want to excel in what ever you do Or you want to always be at the top of others Join the great Illuminati so that you can achieve your dreams we have benefits giving to new members of the great Illuminati brother hood which is to receive 10,000,000,00 USD{dollars} in a week this is the way to make your life better in life via contact this number whatsapp +2349057910739
That’s really sad, hope you are getting better now?
Elias walter You’re very kind. Thank you. I’m doing better but it’s been a long haul. Happy Holidays . Be safe.
laura Silveria Yes I’m and where are you from?
Stop the scare tactics USA Today. Cover the other 97% percent.
When they intubate healthy patients, it’s not a surprise they die. What about the John Hopkins study that disappeared from the internet that shows no rise in average deaths for 2020? The numbers don’t add up and never did, but fear porn from the media is the narrative, regardless of facts.
Stop the
From day 1, ive said this stuff was nonsense and i got laughed at. Well whos laughing now???
Not nonsense but HIGHLY EXAGGERATED.