“Frankly, we did win this election,” U.S. President Donald Trump claims, despite votes still being counted in several swing states.
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Apparently they can’t count votes at night, even with several months to prepare. Are we suppose to believe night shifts don’t exist?
Republicans stonewalled ANY attempt to count mail in votes early. They wanted this late count and boy did they get it.Trump loses because big city minorities came out in droves to vote him down, What did he expect? They would accept the lie that he is pro them AND the “Proud Bois”? Hahahha
Lefties don’t like to work. Especially at jobs that could help Republicans in any way.
You so stupid dude Republicans pushed the legislation blocking counting at night lmao your so brainwashed
Nolan Orvold Even if he stopped voting Biden will still win
@Taeson Slane Wrong. That was your beloved lefty friends.
Dam im glad to be Canadian, I don’t get your electronic process, 2 presidents claiming they won…..
Clean your ears sir Trump claimed victory not Biden,
All the votes havent been counted yet, NO ONE won yet… there just predicting that they won.
Trump claims he won before all ballots were counted. Biden said he’s not won yet but feels positive if all votes are counted he could win
Trump doesn’t get how their election process works either.
me to im canadian im so happy he aint are predisent
What a coincidence the only states they can’t count votes in are in the states he absolutely needs
So close yet so far. Do some research, you’ll get there eventually
@Randøm Girł “our country will he an embarrassment”
Oh, so what is it now then exactly?
@William Godwin jokes on YOU!!
@William Godwin This is another dumb comment as it can still go either way!
@Fulgrim the Illuminator Correct! He WAS ahead, but counting hadn’t ended. Duhhhhh?
It’s Bush vs Al Gore all over again
@Ares winning is winning buddy. Same as Hilary winning the poplar vote in 2016 but the electoral college is what counts.
Margins in Florida were very close then . Not this time 20k votes is not considered a “Mistake”
@teen mom different situation Joe Biden is in the position of where George W. Bush was in. Donald Trump is going to have to argue for multiple states and then they’re going to have to recount and according to the Supreme Court decision Bush v. Gore they’re not allowed to continue counting. As it stands right now there’s really no pathway for Donald Trump to win Joe Biden‘s got it.
@Dougie Ballew you’re delusional and actively cheering on the destruction of our democracy you should be ashamed
@Brett Stefanishin Supreme Court judges go based off the constitution, not their personal views
Wake me up when the pandemic is over.
don’t wake me up, please make sure i don’t wake up tomorrow
See you in 2030 then
You are never gonna wake up srry
@Marianna Furundjyan I sure hope you’re right. I’ve been thinking the exact same
When the best part of life is sleeping, what the hell’s the point of existing. Pretty sad world we got here 2020
2020 has been so exhausting
Poor baby, sitting indoors on a computer with internet, life is soo hard
it sure has
You think 2020 has been exhausting just until 2021
@Adam Sterling we ain’t there yet I’m just tryna deal with 2020 first fam
fr tho
lmfao grab your popcorn folks
More like pepto bismol
@john_blaze39 thats what all the diaper chasers are saying little one
Don’t forget you’re drinks everyone
How are we living in this timeline…..
”we’re winning _______”
bro this is a country, we’re supposed to be united not divided. tell this to your vice president donald
proof of simulation theory?
The Mandela Effect happened in 2016
I need to go to a different dimension
We’re not going to be soon. Youre gonna see nukes get launched as soon as Biden gets elected.
oh lord this was what they meant by the second wave, wake me up when its all over.
I feel infinitely stupider just listening to him speak
That sounds like a stupid thing to say
more stupid ? Meaning
where did you start on the scale
take it from Bidens level of competence…. very low FYI
I’ll wait 
@Gordon G r/Ihadastroke
@90Percent you had a stroke, that’s probably you healthy life style that set that up… or do you mean Biden had a stroke ? That would make sense.
America is a third-world country when it comes to elections.
@Ines Cespedes no im Canadian and I do not approve of that unification.
@Hoang Vo -‘agree 100 percent
U sound so stupid
@Lucian u sound so stupid
this has been the scariest election for me.
Hoping trump wins, this vote counting has been very shady. Around 5am my time biden got 138,000 votes in Michigan I think it was. Only biden no one else
Don’t panic .. everything went well …. ( ziad from Iraq )
@Mike Purdue the right to spread a disease?
@Otter yes, it totally does
Um… who’s going to tell him
@Phoenix Storm Jr. Biden won.
Lenny Kravitz
I will let Biden know he got caught cheating…or maybe just let the supreme court tell him soon.
@mcfrickenwatcher Most mail in ballots are Biden though so probably not
@brad carroll Biden is our president!!!
I’m just gonna hide under a rock until 2021 comes around, 2020 is too weird for me.
Call Dwayne Johnson.
He wants to be a dictator so bad he can’t stand it.
I would love a dictator
how is he a dictator-
I can’t stand your grammar, learn how to form a sentence without sounding like child on a petri dish before trying to slander someone.
@Pan his comment was more coherent than anything trump ever tweeted, cope harder.
He claims victory yet the other one is still on top delusional facist
Proof you should not believe a word this guy says about anything
Looks like the Banana Republic isn’t for this time. Bye bye Don.
Too bad voters weren’t smart enough to kick out 10 GOP Senators.
Its rigged George Carlin
Votes that can’t be counted and states are not able to count. This is crazy.