Dr. David Kessler, former FDA commissioner and co-chair of President-elect Biden's coronavirus task force emphasizes the importance of a smooth, productive transition to ensure no time is wasted in addressing the coronavirus crisis in the U.S. Aired on 11/19/2020.
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#Transition #DavidKessler #MSNBC
'We Can't Lose A Day Here': Biden Adviser Stresses Transition's Importance | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
There are a bunch of nut out there who think they are bulletproof a very immature notion
@Ash Roskell lol. It’s my Canadian friend!!!
Name one time demopedo cultists bested Trump at anything. Just one.
Remember when Michael avennetti went to prison for life? Didn’t you want him as president?

@Jean Dixson : Nah . . . More people are disillusioned with trump every day. They only got a few thousand to their, “Million Moan March,” even after a huge advertising campaign. They got 10 times that number, all over America against trump in 2016, when he got in, and that was spontaneous. Even the ones who voted for him don’t feel strongly. That’s just what the tiny minority of his cult wants you to think. Just look at the many Moaners? All the usual suspects. The same old faces. And, imagine how big Biden’s victory would have been without all the intimidation, voter suppression, gerrymandering and general GOP fraud? The whole, “civil war,” schtick is a myth. A bedtime story, to frighten the gullible, perpetrated by increasingly desperate losers, who know they’re going to lose all their influence, and some political losers, who know they’re going to lose their liberty
@Trump 2024

: So, your Proctologist has explained that your, “butt hurt,” is a pre-existing condition, and you’re not covered for it, right? Sounds painful too 
@Ash Roskell In addition to that let’s not forget he already has a bounty on his head. Why not hand deliver him and use that money to help people? (rhetorical question)
@Ash Roskell that’s a very elaborate fantasy my friend… none of which will come to fruition
The deception you participate in is criminal.
It was never about a virus
It was always about control
@Jean Dixson I respect that. That’s the freedom that we’re fighting for
@Lulu Garcia that would be incorrect thinking.
@Ron K and your free to disagree
That’s the freedom we’re fighting for
@Lulu Garcia we are not fighting for freedom. That’s been done and gifted to us. The fight is loss of freedom. Freedom isn’t about doing anything you want. It’s sacrifice and watching out for one another
@Ron K then you’re not paying attention of what’s going on right now
Sweet dreams honey
sure what algorithm knows the exact number of votes in total? lol
We the people are taking back our country.
Trump has proven that all elections, worldwide are rigged.
The swamp is deep
@Trump 2024 No, he proved you’re a lemming headed for the cliffs in a big happy little lemming stampede. Wheeeeeee!
@timandsue legere Stacy Abrams threatened to litigate her way to victory… kinda like trump is doing now. Both are egomaniac’s who have no business being in positions of authority/power
@Emer Deon no, it’s the job he did as president, Obama was trash. Just rubbing it in that Trump got more votes than St Obama
Trump is doing what he’s always done hiding out from people who don’t attend his rallies, watching TV, golfing and tweeting conspiracies. And yes America is still dealing with covid covid covid.
@David M it’s because they are weak minded and need a man to lead.
Wow what a coincidence. Verbatim what the news tells you to think. Something you share with literally every other biden supporter. Interesting. And of course you know nothing about what trump has actually done over the last few weeks, or years for that matter. Another weird coincidence im sure lol
You are aware that Trump rallies get more than 57,000 people some times and he is in front of cameras 10-1 more than Biden. I get that you don’t like Trump and that is okay. But Biden is the one hiding.
@Azure Badger Some of them don’t even watch the video before they believe the headline and comment.
@Guided Meditation He’s packed in more than 75k people in some stadiums, and that’s just inside.
This is no longer about winning or losing, or whether the election was fair, or Giuliani’s ridiculous demeanor. Trump has no problem cheating and he is not leaving. He’d rather start a civil war. The question is; what can the USA do about it?
Lol. Cheating?????? Isn’t it the demopedos who rig their own primaries against the hunchback of freebie city? And didn’t you rioting inbreeding terrorists try to get is to come to the cities to stop you from burning it down and looting the local stores.???
FYI we enjoyed watching you riot and burn.
“Never interfere with an enemy that’s in the process of destroying itself”
Ever hear of “HAMMER or SCORECARD” CIA vote stealing software? In the coming months you will.
Those are the secret code words for the software developed during the Obama/Soros/Biden administration by the CIA and the Colorado company with ties to Pelosi/Soros/Clintons.
It is actually a great software that can swap votes in real time remotely. You don’t even need to be in the same country to steal an election–Brilliant! I have seen demonstrations of it with the votes running down the screen as they come in from all over. The company rep admitted they can alter the votes but they would never do that. No way.
Wow, look at these guys with their evidence!
Funny, none of what they said was presented to the courts in over 30 cases…
And Ghoulianni himself has told the judge in his case there is no fraud.
Why should we believe what you say in public is true when you refuse to say it under oath?
Oh, because talk is cheap. Especially on the internet. It costs a bit more under oath and in a court.
Put up or shut up, 30 cases thrown out and/or dismissed. No evidence, no proof, no fraud.
End of story. See you in January when President Elect Biden is sworn in.
@Starman Dx Agreed. If they had ANY evidence they would be shoving it down the throat of every American. All you have is legal briefs that are totally different the diarrhea that’s coming out their mouths. Everyone gets engrossed while Trump and his snakes are destroying our country.
Pro covid19 Trump GOP and republicans and Senate- “ America does not need PPP it needs Amy barret! The Senate decided to nominate a corrupt supreme court judge instead of giving America PPP and then they decided to go on vacation until next year leaving America out in the cold
to fight covid19 by ourselves, Georgia you’re the only hope to save America please vote for the Democrats so America can survive the trump virus 
Trump’s refusal to adamantly encourage stricter preventative measures in containing this virus, especially in the last months leading up to the election, clearly tells us one thing. He allowed people to die so as not to alienate votes. An indecency on par with the worst political despots. Innocent folks died because of his purposeful inaction.
1900 dead yesterday from covid and our leader is still calling/threatening key people to overturn certified election results in Michigan by tossing out Detroit’s ballots.
Notice at the bottom of the test it says “SARS COVID2”. Not covid19.
How come they count the coronavirus that’s 100 years old instead of the “novel coronavirus”?

Because it’s fake
The people need to see images and hear the stories of the carnage at hospitals, the nurses and doctors under siege, those suffering on ventilators and the impact of 1000+ dead people, EVERY DAY. It is time to be a patriot and wash hands, socially distance, avoid large gatherings, cough into your elbow, limit your movement, stay home when sick and wear a mask. 6 weeks of self-discipline and things can get more normal.
Be brave!
A story made up by ONE WORLD ORDER !!!!! There is no pandemic. Just research other continents!!! Don’t use goog as they only provide their view !!! METACRAWLER Duck Duck go Many others are out there.
@Seeker2 Above go hang out in the ER for a day. What you got to lose.
@Seeker2 Abovewhat do you recommend we use the 4chan Q Anon web browser… oh how I wish I could curse on YouTube
adrian lee: the news should show a backdrop of this carnage every time Trump is shown or mentioned.
Why are Americans not outraged about the number of lives being lost each and every day? The major news programs should be shaming the current administration for the deaths- 1.5-2k a day! Are you kidding me????
Don’t forget that over 80,000 deaths were the direct result of Democrats intentionally sending infected people into nursing homes even though there were thousands of empty hospital beds and doctors sitting idle. And also don’t forget that the same Dems demonized and restricted the one treatment that could have saved them. Nursing homes the DID use it had a 100% success rate. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqWxlH29_i4&t=10s
Rachel… “time is short” A meandering question that isn’t over even when you’re sure she was done..twice. 30 seconds to you dear guest. Cool your jets Rachel.
Trump’s Post-election strategy is clear:
“Let the Wookiee win.” Otherwise he might pull your off at the socket.
Right now my Cat and my Big Toe have just as many electoral college votes as Biden. And that is without using the “HAMMER and SCORECARD” CIA vote stealing software that was used in 2,000+ precincts and 30 states. This software was developed during the Obama/Soros/Biden administration to throw elections in South America, Africa and Europe. It never was intended to be used here at home to throw elections.
It just might even be illegal.
@Guided Meditation Bless your heart, but, yeah, we’ve heard that one one.
Take some hydroxycloroquine and prussic acid and call he in the morning.
Lay off the adrenochrome and stay away from Chuckie Cheese, too.
Donald Trump’s behavior and actions are very similar to those of Adolf Hitler.
How so?
I see GM asks how so. I am quite sure the troll knows exactly how so. If not I am sure it knows how to google it or watch the different news reports along with Trump himself.
I mean,trump said he’d leave the country if biden won.sooooo,LEEEEEAVE!!!!!
Biden hasnt won. Moron. Lmao
@David Taylor Biden’s won, it’s all over but the crying.
Why is people focusing on trump? He’s a brat, who has spat his dummy out. They need to focus on McConnell and his gang of fascist republicans in congress to stop their tactics of hinderence, McCarthy, also needs intense media focus on why they are not speaking out and forcing trump to accept? They’re helping trump by their inaction and they’re doing this so they won’t upset the trump voters in January. This is tantamount to aiding sedition. They must be pressured into action against trump and his minions.
Pro covid19 Trump GOP and republicans and Senate- “ America does not need PPP it needs Amy barret! The Senate decided to nominate a corrupt supreme court judge instead of giving America PPP and then they decided to go on vacation until next year leaving America out in the cold
to fight covid19 by ourselves, Georgia you’re the only hope to save America please vote for the Democrats so America can survive the trump virus 
Great Video
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When we start to see the damage caused by Trump transition roadblock, Trump will be gone, and the only ones left to blame, will be the republicans that will still be here. They support this roadblock. Don’t forget.
Bummer, the question took all of this guys time. Would have been nice to hear HIM speak on this topic.
McCarthy is bad man too, he should go to jail with Trump together!
He is an embarrassment to the state of California… and that rotten Devin Nunes
Pro covid19 Trump GOP and republicans and Senate- “ America does not need PPP it needs Amy barret! The Senate decided to nominate a corrupt supreme court judge instead of giving America PPP and then they decided to go on vacation until next year leaving America out in the cold
to fight covid19 by ourselves, Georgia you’re the only hope to save America please vote for the Democrats so America can survive the trump virus 
There is no such “Office of the President Elect”.
Trump had one… duh
@Big Boomer
No “Office of”