CNN tech reporter Donie O'Sullivan thought he was being safe on social media. Watch social engineer & SocialProof Security CEO Rachel Tobac prove him very, very wrong. #CNN #News
We asked a hacker to try and steal a CNN tech reporter’s data. She got it in seconds

This is actually low grade hacking. It’s really more incredible than what’s shown here.
@tea time commenter For what it’s worth, that is *not* identity theft. She’s just manipulating trivial processes. The airline change was a “set up” – he even says “as you know, I have a flight from Vegas.” You can’t just call up and get flight information – he gave her the required information beforehand, and they staged the outcome. And for the record, even with HIS permission, what she did was against federal law when she pretended to be him _to the airline_. If it actually happened that is, regardless of them calling it “live hacking.” Anyway, that has nothing to do with “identity theft.”
@Marcos Filho Dude… “Hacking” is CRAZY ILLEGAL!!! Basically the FBI views it as domestic terrorism, and hackers get treated accordingly. Read up on some of the earliest hacker convictions; some of them spent years in prison without a trial so the laws could catch up… it’s seriously brutal. and on and on and on. They could’ve been recruited to give the U.S. an edge, but instead we just wasted these brilliant minds, and punished them for being inquisitive and intelligent, cause that’s what American society does. Now go watch football and the reality tv president.
Yeah this is like the most basic hacking.
well he isnt exactly the govt or cloudfare… these attacks are for fast money with minimal effort and time. pretty sure custom python scripts on his home network would be a tad extra.
So… she’s essentially Root from Person of Interest….
Great fucking show
flor wast Hacking is NOT ILLEGAL! Make HACKING ILLEGAL!
@Marcos Filho Done!
Marcos Filho why? You got pictures of you sucking a guy off?
He is lucky to be alive after meeting her
Before watching this clip and just looking at the thumbnail I immediately assumed the guy was the hacker and the female was the reporter.More fool me!
@cj p Is this what you do for fun, trolling everyone for no reason? Your parents must be so proud.
You CIS fool
I was just trying to show how deep gender stereotyping goes. I consider myself to be a normal person ,who doesn’t judge or make assumptions, but how wrong was I.
China if you’re listening…
@Marcos Filho hacking is illegal stupid what they did in this video is identity theft
tea time commenter it’s actually data mining : not illegal if it was illegal this podcast would be equivalent to buying hookers on the streets of any ghetto to prove a point
@Marcos Filhoit is illegal because it is identity theft
data mining has to do with computers but this girl just called up a bunch of places and read information accessible to everyone else
tea time commenter key word :accessible to everyone…
Damn. But she’s so friendly so it’s ok.
TheMercsAssassin Hacking is NOT ILLEGAL! Make HACKING ILLEGAL!
Females make better scam artist because of their social advantage.
Somehow my ex wife gets everyone to tell her their deepest secrets. She doesn’t even have to ask half the time.
She tells me that she just hacked in to all my personal info. I tell her” So You’ve got my phone number”?
Of course she is, she’s selling her company products (protection)… Sales pitch
Where’s the dated 90’s hacking montage? I demand a hacking montage with some darude sandstorm.
Excessive typing, techno music, ridiculous graphic interface, and not touching the mouse even once?
Wow, she’s a far cry from “somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds”.
She’s not a hacker, the real hackers are the men she hires to do the job she’s saying she’s doing, she’s just the face of the company.
David King yea I’m glad you spoke on that because it was uncalled for and completely from left field
cj p woah. What was that?? Had to squeeze in some homophobia and fat shaming into this clip about hacking eh? Your a sad person
Fizzgig let’s keep it real. Your moms overweight isn’t she? I don’t know who you are but there’s a high possibility that your mom is fat too right?
Rachel Tobac CEO SocialProff Security: So why can a patriotic hacker not get Trump’s tax return?
@Jesse g Unlike you, I’m smart enough to understand the difference between an IRS audit & a criminal investigation.
@R C woah the Trump Derangement Syndrome is strong with this one. You DO KNOW that the IRS Special Agents exist and their job is specifically to conduct criminal investigations, right? You’re a bigger idiot than I initially thought. Congrats.
@Vivian Thom If the IRS is difficult to hack, it’s probably because they’re IT is so old.
Dildo Baggins, way to deflect his lies on someone else. Loser.
Don’t have social media. Problem solved.
As you post on YouTube….adorable.
I didn’t say I don’t have it. I have nothing for people to steal….. You’re kind cute yourself
Nope, the only way to completely secure your data is to not have any data. The only way to completely secure your money is the same, don’t have any money.
Wow, the trolls are particularly nasty here.
Half the comments from Libtards are made up bullshit. We know CNN puts out the most garbage propaganda. Liberal side still can’t accept there was no proof of collusion because CNN twists words all day.
@cj p Sorry but, what does this video have to do with politics and collusion?
Oh wow. An INTERESTING story. This is new.
Amy Farrah-Fowler in black leather.
Just like you asked them to dox the makers of the WWE meme?
Social hacking, not computer hacking…. but I got a friend’s birthdate because her voters registration information was online.
The best hackers are they ones that can hack people who dont use social media.
This is just social engineering. Imagine if she was using technological engineering to crack your entire phone.
I just hacked her account. Now she’s sitting next to him on the flight out of Vegas
I’d be rich if I had her brain.
I’d hardly call her a hacker, she’s using data mining and social media vs someone who uses code and exploits
Fair point, but the social engineering aspect or avenue of hacking is something to be wary of. The average person doesn’t care if they were hacked or socially engineered, they just want to be made whole and made safe from it.
Would hate to be one of her ex’s that pissed her off lol
I look at it the other way around. She’d be Individual 1 in any investigation, particularly since she’s happy to go on national tv and show everyone how she doesn’t care about publicly violating federal law.