Watch Swedish teen activist Greta Thunberg's full speech to hundreds of thousands of climate strike marchers in Montreal.
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if you look closely through her eyes, you can see Plankton inside her skull controlling a series of levers.
thomas , jealousy gets you no where …….
A *Child* is their leader, tells you all you need to know about their mentality.
RAW , you cant even have one follower…….
Raw Bacon it’s really strange to me honestly. We’re going to take global advice from a 16 year old kid… yeah.
@N H L S T Wake the hell up moron. That is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard and clearly and demonstratively wrong.
@N H L S T You’re racist.
@N H L S T Actually you can’t. Trump 2020, now go cry with Greta.
get off my youtube , please
Her parents are actors. They have taught her well! Rich kid never will have to work, She has no idea about the real world.
Imagine being held hostage to this at a weekend you just wanted to have fun at.
Mental illness is not a joke
No, but liberalism is.
She believes in science. With an illness like aspergers you dont care about menial things like political biases. All she cares about is what scientist are saying, ALL scientists with credibility, not just liberal buy outs
Stop using kids to push agendas and fear mongering..
She believes in science. With an illness like aspergers you dont care about menial things like political biases. All she cares about is what scientist are saying, ALL scientists with credibility, not just liberal buy outs
Who are you addressing?
Nothing but leftists seeking power using a child and demonstrably false narrative of a crisis.
Demonstrably false? Climate change has nothing to do with left or right. You can be a conservative and still care about the environment.
@richard rosario We all care about the environment, but It’s the marxist left that is claiming this to be a crisis. Complete, over-the-top bullsh*t.
This problem continuing with nothing being done about it becomes a crisis. It’s not a political movement at all. It’s an environmental movement.
@richard rosario Not a political movement? lol What do you think the carbon tax is? hahahahahaha
She’s 16 .
@Tiana Hope Were you being sarcastic about the NASA comment? It almost sounds like we agree all the sudden. But my point is mainly the distraction, because I want a massive global climate and environmental expert debate on this subject. We’re not hearing the other side of this and the unqualified spokespeople, as we see, are cleary just yelling and insulting “the right wingers” and everyone else who dares question the all mighty climate change gods.
Wow really I thought she was like 12 lol its not that impressive
@Tiana Hope and they’re all using changed or “homogenized” data sets and hockey stick fake graphs to push their fake narrative. The raw data suggests no increase in temp or sea level. Polar bears are thriving in the Arctic which is not melting. Their lies are not matching reality.
but she looks 30
@Tiana Hope Being led by children is about par with the blind leading the blind. NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) has had three directors during the last 60 years, none of whom were climatologists. The first two were astrophysicists and the current director is a mathematician. James Hansen, director for 35 years, until 2013, was clearly more political activist than scientist.
How much money she made for that blablabla pine trees talk?
Shout up
@richard rosario Prove it.
I doughty she did, her parents perhaps but, I think the pay she loves the most is, Look At Me!
Ask her uncle George how much she had been paid.
Stop this.simple abuse.
I thought Sweden had a better school system than Canada, I guess they don’t study history there either
Two words, you should never use together again, as they are a contradiction in terms: “I thought “
Complaining isn’t the same as having an idea
@richard rosario I’m aware of ideas. It’s just not clear what is being proposed
@richard rosario and I dont think this girl is very genuine
Jesus christ shes hot aspergers she cldnt pretend to care if she tried
@richard rosario ok……… we all worship something I guess
richard rosario
She’s been indoctrinated with fear pornography from her parents. Maybe I should indoctrinate my 14-year-old daughter to beat the hell out of her and tell her to go to China and spew her stupidity
Send her home.
Dumb kids !
The internet is forever … great for looking back at how stupid you were ! (Probably still are)
I work for climate change organization and Greta IS NOT HELPING
It’s all too stupid to insult in the first place go find something else to do with your time. You cannot buy time.
That’s the most illogical thing I ever heard.
You know, I have seen so many talks and rants she has done and every time she is reading it, that just does not seem genuine to me. To have notes so you don’t miss something is one thing but, she is reading everything. Why
The left is parading this kid around like a sarah mclachlan spca commercial for climate change
trying to get kids to quit school in protest shows how very naive she is.
Dream climate change discussion panel : Greta, Justin, Bill Nye, DON da B0$$