‘We are starving’: Shanghai residents protest largest Covid lockdown in the world

As Covid-19 cases spread, the third largest city in the world is on lockdown. CNN international correspondent David Culver reports from his apartment in Shanghai about the conditions inside the world's largest lockdown. #CNN #News

'We are starving': Shanghai residents protest largest Covid lockdown in the world


  1. The Chinese government can literally do whatever they want to they’re people yet no one criticizes it, there should be worldwide condemnation but it doesn’t happen because other countries are afraid

    1. @TMM Covid is not the kind of problem that would warrant what they are doing in Shanghai and you can’t end Covid with lock downs anyway.

  2. Some people don’t have kitchen appliances, some people have special conditions, this type of totalitarian lockdown is pure madness

    1. @Lawrence Shim lol first off no health worker is beating Anyone. You know the inside of Chinese gov plans? Wow you must really have a good inside source. I have tons of friends and colleagues I talk to in plenty of districts, (pudong with highest cases, songjiang, baoshan, puxi. I talk to daily. You seem to have some premade mindset idk where you’re getting from. Drop some actually info or don’t drop any at all.

    1. Why do you guys have to argue and troll in the replies of a simple comment? You guys should get a life.

  3. While they go after a covid zero endeavor, they can also try to get the earth to rotate in the opposite direction too

    1. Wht the hll is going on with this world. Even after vaccines these people are still on some weird lockdown??

  4. I have relatives living in Ningbo, population of 10m. With less than 20 cases they are in forced testing every single day. This is ridiculous

    1. This can be remedied with Multinational effort!
      More Hands on Deck. Now!
      Most High Speed. Likewise!

    1. Yeah like walking through a post nuclear wasteland in tatters, and one approaches him to ask about radiaoctivity and he stops and smiles and says: “Really good question!”

  5. Politicians and the lovely CNN staff will never suffer useless lock down insane measures from their castles unlike others 😘

  6. I am just so glad my dad made the escape to the US 35 years ago from China, so we don’t have to deal with ridiculous policies that the communist set for us. We miss our house, village, neighbors, friends and relatives, but not the government. China is beautiful country! But, I am glad my dad was brave enough to escape out of China, so that my siblings and me can enjoy and understand the meaning of freedom now.

    1. @Yt Comms3 I am aware of the news, it is very unfortunate indeed. Also, I do believe it is not up to me to respond on behalf of somebody else’s life. All we can do is our best. I have lost relatives in the war in Ukraine, my heart truly does go out to anybody who has lost a loved one !

    2. @d alex77 Perhaps you are looking for a restaurant or are just appreciating Chinese cuisine although what you are mentioning seems to be more favored in the USA I am not from China so good luck to you on your search

    3. @王云铎 Thank you for your comment. There is good and bad everywhere, regardless of what country you are in or what nationality you are. Please accept my Best Wishes to you – truly hope that the whole world will recover soon ! Sincerely, T.

  7. That’s really the problem with autocracies – sure, they can act faster and more decisively in certain situations, but all the bs they are doing is left unchecked and keeps bubbling under the surface, either leading to an implosion of the country or extreme acts of aggression internally and externally when they want to divert attention away from their policy failures.

    1. @Holy Zeus Almighty OH GOD WHERE IS YOUR MASK 😱😱😱😱 I NEED MY 178181 VACCINE RN IM IN DANGER PLS SOMEONE DO SOMETHING 😭😭😭😭 (jk please curb your mask bias)

    1. Imagine being a kid forcibly separated from your parents and put into quarantine for days and even weeks.

  8. Experiencing oppression and finally escape such a country to begin a new way of life…Be kind and respectful to others cause at some point we all have been through a traumatic, unpleasant or unfairness in life.
    (May peace continue to b with u)

  9. “People are starving to death!”

    Government: “maybe, but they didn’t die of the rona, so you should actually be thanking us.”

    1. The vast majority of Chinese apartments are the size of a walk in closet. (About 30-60 square feet) which makes it even worse. (It’s basically nothing except a bed and possibly a chair

  10. China has absolutely beautiful nature and very rich history ! Watching news like this is so sad – truly am rooting for the people of China to be Ok and survive through this ! It is no joke

  11. The media put in more energy in covering the Will Smith slap than actually informing the lockdown in China.

    1. @frarfarf yeah and this is the only video i’ve seen on it. When the dumb oscar’s slap was inescapable for a whole week. The difference in media coverage is drastic.

  12. the key thing is that this comes straight from the top, so everyone in the lower chain of command have to follow it even if they know this is stupid. The scary thing is that this “zero covid” policy has no end game.

    1. NO END GAME! this is the part we don’t understand here. been living here for 4 years and we just want to know what the end game is because covid is here to stay.

    1. and their poor pets that are being murdered if they test positive for covid to be taken to one of those camps & the gov. deems their pet to have no one to take care of it.

    2. Ignore Chase Stout, he seems to be trolling people. There’s another account going by “NBA HIGHLIGHTS” that trolled me with the exact same sentence, angry faces & unrelated links. I can’t believe someone is seriously trolling using multiple accounts like this.

  13. Can you imagine our government locking us inside our homes with an exterior lock?? This is absolute madness!!!

  14. “What freedoms have you lost”? Is what people ask us in the west.
    Answer: “More government overreach”
    Government in the west would do the same, lucky for us people here have fought and will continue to fight for freedom.

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