Trump downplayed the challenges in finding a solution to the coronavirus pandemic, while Quest Diagnostics, LabCorp, and the CDC all continued to warn that the speed and spread of Covid-19 remains a hurdle. Aired on 7/22/2020.
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‘We Are In The Process Of Developing A Strategy’ | Morning Joe | MSNBC
I am in the process of mail in voting for Biden.
Trump 142,000
@David Jimenez
You are fired
You are fired
You are a traitor
@Richard Batchelder Trump is a criminal. You will see in 2021.
@DONALD JESUS TRUMP You can’t fire me. I own my the company. Lol
Benedict Trump lets Putin put bounties on American soldiers. If you really hate traitors you liar, than Trump will keep you very busy.
Trump 145,000
You are fired
You are a devil
Pure incompetence. I hope the GOP is held to account in November.
@Mueller Time It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt.
Trump has his SS Gestapo marching down our streets here on the West Coast and now kidnapping peaceful protesters! He is trying to cause a genocide on Democrats with the pandemic..
Jason Milton “Kidnap peaceful protestors”??? I know you’re a liberal, but you’re not really this stupid are you????
@Mueller Time TRUMP VIRUS
The time to come up with a strategy for the coronavirus was in January, when Trump ignored the first intelligence briefings on the the threat to the country.
@Mueller Time Sadly, that’s the only ammo Trump used against the pandemic. Guess what? He missed. Flights from China were mostly banned in January. However, Chinese were able to come in via other countries. All the countries where banning the flights was the only early reaction suffered from the virus- US took the biggest hit, so there’s nothing to brag about it. Countries that took extra step- aggressive testing, port screening, mask mandating, strong social distance application have now stabilized the situation and are getting ready to re-open.
@William H Music 2020 DELETED Are we having fun yet?
@james mack I’m always having fun… didn’t you mention before that you’re HOMOSEXUAL james?
@William H Music 2020 So sad how dumb some people have become this past few years.
pelosi not only ignored it, she encouraged people to party in chinatown 1 month after Trump stopped flights in from china… so who ignored the virus?
At this rate, you’ll all going to have had covid 3 times over by the time you get tested.
Trump and his supporters are killing off fellow citizens. Murica.
@Mueller Time It is.Trumps Derranged Supporters are blind sheep who have no ability to think for themselves.You know thats what TDS stands for right?
We can’t rely on Democrat’s for, Protection, Government, News or Honest Social MEDIA…
@Richard Batchelder I wouldn’t let a Trump supporter around a cockroach. Social Media? Lol Typical Republican…wanting everythng for free.
more lies from a communist
@Paul Wilson It’s okay if you don’t understand accessory laws. Donnie John doesn’t either. I would suggest you purchase dictionary which is a book that explains the meanings of words. However, assuming is what Trump supporters do next to killing people. Murica
This strategy should have happened in January when they knew it was here. Just plain idiotic.
@Borvo i remember it to
@Mike Smith
I’m a 40-year registered Republican, jerkwad. Your English is atrocious, are you in 4th grade?
@Mike Smith Its too not to.
what did the dems do?
@Paul Wilson they are not the ones in power MORON. Think before you reply!!!
And that plan will be completed shortly after the healthcare plan republicans are working on. So….never?
Laura Zaboraski pretty much
I’m just happy knowing he understands what an elephant is.
The elephant is a Republican landslide in 2020
R L T – Ha ha, you’re right. I’ll leave it unedited for posterity.
He knows IT IS an “elephant”, but it doesn’t mean he knows WHAT an elephant IS.
But not in the room eh ? They live on the Serengeti ! And have humps on their backs !
@susans services We know you’re joking but you forget just how stupid Trump supporters are. They’re going to come up with a conspiracy theory about the thing beside the
“And one of these days I will read the pandemic emergency response plan that the Obama administration handed over to us in 2016. We only mislaid it for a few years.”
Trump’s criminal incompetence got us here , our only way out is register and vote.
@Mike Smith

You misspelled “TRUMP”
@Lisa Elissa – Why not? I post here about once a day and encounter an intelligent person every 10 days or so. Most people in the MSNBC audience are really ignorant. They do become more enlightened about reality though.
@William H Music 2020
* * FLAMING PSYCHO HOMOPHOBE ALERT * * Still stuck on homophobic comments, Tweatles? Get some new material. It’s like saying… “Some liberal males wear reading glasses”. NOBODY cares. Follow your leader.
@Ron Swanson Say for example I find Fox news 99% propaganda. You won’t find me on a YouTube Fox video whining about Fox. I can’t be bothered. However, if I were a troll, then i would do it. I’m thinking you’re trolling, that’s why I asked. I get it… polls out, trolls out. The trolls are getting desperate.
@Ralph Boyd LOL, yes he did.
There was a strategy left by the previous president. He failed to use it. Look where we are now. Too little too late. His strategy is to get his poll numbers up and that’s all it is…
The ADD presidency. Someone should have told him that dealing with the pandemic would improve his golf scores.
And provoking a race war everybody
Yes there was, a plan by President Obama and also by President Bush but he lied that he had nothing and this Administration and the GOP went along with trump’s lies.
And now that TX, AZ, and FL (red states) are struggling, the Trump administration suddenly thinks it is important to find a “strategy?” They’ve already killed 142,095 Americans. This administration is absolutely disgusting.
@NOW WHAT Not going to work, COVID19 is too out of control and way too problematic, will aggravate all the more, probably be a growing chain reaction of the two. We need to realize, were getting deep into trump do-do
trumps is “in the process” of getting thrown out of office in November!
I really wonder if he is trying to lose, 100% serious.
@Mueller Time TRUMP VIRUS
I voted for trump in 2016, worst mistake ever!! This time im voting for Biden!!
@anthony wright Trump cult!!
The virus has been here 7 months. Now a national strategy? Yikes.
@William H Music 2020 DELETED
@james mack You’re a young girl right?
anthony wright CHINA MADE VIRUS
Trump was handed a strategy, a 69-page National Security Council playbook on fighting pandemics. Trump was too arrogant and ignorant to use it.
How in the FK would you know this . You are a sheep that buys fake news ?
Trump disbanded it remember? All things OBAMA he disbanded.
@real american I know this because I can read, unlike our POTUS.
At what point does Trump’s negligence become criminal?
Back in February…….but the jury was rigged
It doesn’t matter because nothing is done about any of his crimes
Adam Parisi uhh so far, only ppl going to jail is republicans. Did you catch how the house Republican speaker tried to screw people over with 65m?
We can’t rely on Democrat’s for, Protection, Government, News or Honest Social MEDIA…
It’s the USA, clearly, no-one cares or they’re too busy being stupid.
They had a process handed to them on a platter but because it had Obama’s name on it Trump just had to throw it away.
Nothing a Sharpie couldn’t cure. All Trump had to do was cross out Obama’a name, add his name and Pow, we have a national strategy!
@Calvin Fujii ikr, and most people wouldn’t have minded if it got the job done.
Trump has his SS Gestapo marching down our streets here on the West Coast and now kidnapping peaceful protesters! He is trying to cause a genocide with the pandemic..
Peaceful protesters ? Google genocide Fuckstain, you have no clue what you are talking about.
all you people do is lie
You are fired
It’s a coronavirus. Herd immunity is highly unlikely. Data coming out of Europe (Spain) shows that recovered individuals have antibodies for very limited durations. Sadly.
@Betty Miller or at least limited, perhaps like a flu vaccine it could be used to safeguard from the worst effects of covid-19. I will allow myself to maintain at least that degree of optimism for the time being. It’s too dark to fully think otherwise but knowing the myriad awful, potentially very long lasting damage this virus causes regardless of aga, I’m going to continue being as careful as I can. Which really sucks to consider.
Betty Miller , exactly, Dr. Fauci said in an interview “the durability of an immunity that is protective ranges from 3 to 6 months always less than a year, that is not a lot of durability and protection “ . I for one so much trust what Dr. Fauci is always saying.
cross immunity from years of colds will help the 80% of us who develop mild/no symptoms. So,that statement isn’t true,scientists have already shown that cross immunity for Covid exists,any vaccine will just bolster this.We’ve known this for months now.
@Salah Mohamed cross immunity from years of colds will help the 80% of us who develop mild/no symptoms. So,that statement isn’t true,scientists have already shown that cross immunity for Covid exists,any vaccine will just bolster this.We’ve known this for months now.
You haven’t heard of T cells?
2020 !
Trump’s ineptitude only exceeds his incompetence.
@Jason Milton Vote early and vote often. (delete this message)
@josh grant Trump has his SS Gestapo marching down our streets here on the West Coast and now kidnapping peaceful protesters! He is trying to cause a genocide with the pandemic…
I didn’t sign up for this BS here in America!! I’m going to Biden!!
@Bystander i think we are doing early voting this year.. I probably will that way I can watch president Trump win a second term agin..
@Jason Milton 100% agree with you. Trump’s efforts to undermine or delay the election by creation of civil unrest, will blow up in his face. Biden’s got this & Trump already got impeached when he tried to keep him off the Democratic ticket.
@DONALD JESUS TRUMP Donald “Satan’ Trump.
Iranian protesters walk around the American flag instead of stepping on it. They know what Trump & the American people are doing