CNN's Elle Reeve spent time with the Proud Boys, a far-right group, during a rally in Portland, Oregon. Hear what they have to say about their beliefs and reputation of being violent.
#CNN #News
CNN's Elle Reeve spent time with the Proud Boys, a far-right group, during a rally in Portland, Oregon. Hear what they have to say about their beliefs and reputation of being violent.
#CNN #News
very low IQ’s on display by these sad little people…so full of hate.
@BLT Right on!
@storm skye The entire U.S. Military is antifa.
ya im confused also…are u speaking about proud boys or cnn?
@Lem Ivey Did your parents have any children who survived?
@Bubbles MLK said all lives matter, they still shot him in the neck
It’s logical trash on a park created on dump fill.
Fill dump trash on a logical park.
The entire Lefty party is garbage and a fraud
@kingtut777 babbling the same crap for the last 50 damn years. Conservatives are so worthless.
And they say they are patriotic. They just want to belong to something, anything.
Then they should join the Army or Marines and see how tough they are. But that would be too real for them. Boys with toys having a play in the park, talking themselves up.
@William Wolski BLM isn’t a terrorist group. Antifah just a terrorist group to racist whyte supremacists.
Exactly, poor unfortunate souls
B0wl30 Faux News is “brainfood” for smooth brained cultists
gayle mc you cracked it
Do their Mom’s know that they have left without doing their chores?
Im gonna have a field day here when Trump wins.
Hahaha. That was my impression, too. Reeking of adolescence.
@sixstringman Oh? What do you plan to do if he wins? Or, what do you plan to do if he doesn’t? Are they very different? If so, why?
@eponymousIme proof or delusion?
Of course thats who dropped them off
“They are very nice people and said nice things about me” – Trump
@Fun Stuff chill racist
Also they probably had a permit. Haha
Fun Stuff You ♥️ a neo-nazi group?
@Mats K Трамп, я пришел сюда, чтобы жевать жвачку и надрать задницу … и у меня все кончено. Black sun
God Bless America
God bless Trump
God damn Satan and all his little buddies
When guns are used for intimidation, someone eventually gets shot.
@Anthony Clifton same reason leftists dont protest actual government officials homes
@Anthony Clifton No gifts for you this year
My thoughts exactly!
@Donnie Pumpkinhead big girlyman with a pink bat funny so that’s a big scared dude
Hopefully it is a street packed full of BLM rioters/criminals. And the entire street of them…..the world would be such a better place
This is just like every end of the world movies I’ve watched…
This reporter is giving off some real Jordan Klepper-but-serious vibes and I’m here for it
Wish people would defend the first amendment as fiercely as the second.
Windy Richardson – in the same vein claiming the second amendment is more important than other amendments is a losing argument.
Also, people don’t generally tend to make list of important items in no particular order. The fact freedom of religion is the very first thing among with speech and assembly is telling.
And before governments disarm citizens they tend silence speech and dissents.
Colin Davis – then they would have made it first.
Jumpers Clerk – you’d think so but here we are
&EH PA, correction… the majority of liberal… finish your statement!
And the 25th
Want to be military, just zero’s not hero’s.
Right ….you got it…. love the hate speach
Facts if you care about freedom you need to join your local antifa chapter. Honestly at this point if your not with antifa you’re supporting facism.
Ok so you call people names restrict speach and beat people for no reason humm sounds fascist to me but you go with yourself and I’m good with my local militant group
I’m not sure these guys understand.. Americanism is Liberalism.
Classic Liberalism not modern day liberalism
So liberal. Portland, Seattle and Chicago burning down.
@D N A All in Trumps America.
@D N A Chicago still richer and better than Kentuky where u spend ur days looking at the sky
“It wouldn’t be lucky if you guys aren’t here for violence right?” Trump supporter:

William Wolski literally every trumpie blames cnn for fake news when it’s degrading trump or anything right winged like no bro it’s not fake news half the lies they report on trump has came out of his own mouth stop being oblivious to the fact that our current president is a corrupt POS and yeah Biden might not be the best either but he has a whole lot of policies in plan that will change America for the better for lower class and middle classed Americans as a true “patriot” you would see the same thing but lately plain out racist have been hiding behind the word patriot so I’d assume that’s what you’re doing as well
@Juvis Boquin The hypocrisy is the storyline. If he was black and a Democrat you would have definitely gotten a different narrative.
William Wolski … so you’re saying we don’t like Donald Trump because he’s a Republican and he’s white? — that’s really what you’re saying? Because, no… William… that’s not the reason we don’t like Donald Trump. Just ask the families of the 200,000+ Americans which have died in 6 months. Or is that’s all “propaganda” too? It’s fascinating how you guys accuse us of “pulling the race card” when you literally said we don’t like Donald Trump because he’s not black and a Democrat— this country is fucked. We are in serious trouble..
@Juvis Boquin I dont like Trump Either!! To blame 200,000 deaths on him though is far from the truth. The New World Order is happening regardless of who’s the President. The left right paradigm is just 2 sides of the same coin. COVID is a PLANDEMIC. Watch Event 201
BLM is actually a MARXIST organization that has collected billions while doing NOTHING to help the black community!!!
Their name says it all. These aren’t men, they’re boys.
randal gibbons they should just go by “Boys”, no one is proud after seeing this
At least there not committing arson, burglary, vandalism, rape, violence, blocking traffic, murder, It sounds like these BOYS are bigger men then antifa and blm combined. RIGHT ??? Your a bunch of IDIOTS. Wake up and CHOKE down that red pill or you will be left behind to swim in your own urine and drink your own tears because thats what babies do.
These boys have gonads three times bigger than yours I’m sure
Whether you’re left-leaning or right leaning, everyone should be disturbed that it’s come to this.
@Michael Moore
Absolutely! Its like the dark ages all over again
All of this is white noise to distract the feeble minded from the truth; we are no longer a democracy. No longer capitalism. No longer WE the people. No longer in control of our fate. And no longer safe from eachother. This country used to stand for values, morality, community, and, yes, white supremacy. So, in an age where we should be kicking up instead of down, the powers that rule decided to make our new enemy ourselves. And it worked, spectacularly….. millions out of work. Millions losing their homes. Millions being evicted. Millions losing healthcare. Hundreds of millions losing their right to vote. And all we think to do is fight eachother. Does that seem intelligent to all of you? Or does it seem like the fucking plan?
@Michael Moore There aren’t any “riots”, Bud. President Pennywise and Pox News want you to think there are “riots”, but it’s just a few white supremacist militia types hanging around at the back of the crowds of legit protesters, breaking windows and setting fire to businesses. They are flying false flags to get the protesters blamed. Ever notice that they don’t show up until well after dark? They never want to show their faces, but enough of them have been arrested now that everyone knows who they are. Nice try though.
@Michael Moore Why are they wearing armour, disguises and carrying weapons? People don’t usually do that at piss ups. Face disguises must really interfere with the drinking and singing.
“the ratio of journalist to proud boy is very high.” She also roasting them boys.
didn’t have to watch the video.. to know you are lying James.
@A Brown-Skinned Concerned Dothead In fairness the number of journalist there was pathetic Shame on them. I do not support these groups at all – but I also don’t like
media sitting & waiting for their prey. . . Rgds.
@A Brown-Skinned Concerned Dothead Yes! yes! tell me how badly I have hurt you. Tell me how my words burned you deep in your heart. Cry my little snow flake, cry.
This looks less like a rally and more like a Fortnite skins meetup.
Just like Biden who supported Robert Byrt the klansman
Just like the protifa and blm rioters that CNN STILL HASNT SAID A NEGATIVE WORD ABOUT.
Both facts. ^
Oh look, a bunch of sexually-frustrated nerds cosplaying cops.
@ZeroMass If you’re worried about your “estrogen” levels, it’s pretty much a given that you don’t get laid
It’s fake news
They are zoo employees hired by CNN
No wait a minute they are video gamers
hired by CNN. No. They are CNN janitors
working overtime.
Didn’t Your mother tell You not to believe
what You see on tv, movies, or the internet?
Since when has Man been honest with Man?
At what point did Man believe Man?
Man does not like Man.
Man ignores Man.
Man hates Man.
Man kills Man
Man deceives Man
But, Man has not figured out yet,
when Man hurts Man…
…Man hurts Man.
@blank blank
Nailed it.
@William Wolski The entire U.S. Military is Antifa . . . and you should learn to spell Fascist correctly so you don’t look like an uneducated fool.
@blank blank lol okay soy girl
These “homonids” are the underside of the bottom of the barrel.
Indeed; that DOES describe CNN and the Democrat party.
Why would anyone hate Antifa-scism, unless they are fascists?
Hitler probabaly self identified as a anti fascist
@Rosen Daniel Not at all. His slogan was Make Germany Great Again. Sound familiar?
@Paul Somers thats a dukb statement. Bill Clinton and several other presidents besides trump used that slogan for america. Did they turn out to be facist?
This is just another example of how far ignorance has taken hold of America.
The Dunning-Kruger effect is a type of cognitive bias in which Democrats believe that they are smarter and more capable than they really are. Essentially, low ability Democrats do not possess the skills needed to recognize their own incompetence. The combination of poor self-awareness and low cognitive ability leads them to overestimate their own capabilities. The term lends a scientific name and explanation to a problem that these people immediately recognize—that fools are blind to their own foolishness. “Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
@Captain Caveman I’m sure we could go tit for tat all day about why we believe our party is the better but I don’t have the time nor the inclination to do so. I will say this to those who still support Trump. THIS WASNT THE REPUBLICAN PARTY MY DAD STOOD BEHIND FOR 50 YEARS. This is now a Trump and its cult of personality followers.
Its easier to fool people then to convince them they have been fooled. Mark Twain