Watch what Cheney told supporters after losing Wyoming GOP primary

Wyoming Republican Rep. Liz Cheney, who has emerged as on of former President Donald Trump’s most forceful critics, told her supporters that the real work to keep Trump from returning to the White House is just beginning, moments after conceding her primary race to challenger Harriet Hageman. #lizcheney #CNN #News


  1. I admire people who stand for truth. “If we listen closely they are speaking to us down through the generations.”

    1. @Israel González surely you’re not saying that Trump is the second coming of Jesus Christ??!!! That’s who this chapter and verse are referring to.

    2. ha ha ha – she just got smashed to pieces in her Primary, but now she wants to run for President lol. and now CNN are giving her an audience and I quote Don Lemon ”Liz Cheney can pretty much get on any network show at the moment” – that’s interesting because 5 seconds ago you hated the Cheney Family Don ??, oh I get it she’s saying all the right things, Jan 6th etc

  2. Never thought I’d agree so completely with this lady. She proves that those of us who love democracy, however much we disagree on everything else, can at least unite on this one issue. The cult of MAGA is a cancer we must and will excise from American life.

  3. I have never voted Republican, but I would vote for this lady. To do right even when wrong is so easy to do is something lacking in this country today.

  4. I disagree with her on 95 out of 100 things, but that leaves five crucial things: belief in American Democracy, the rule of law, the integrity of elections, honesty, and courage in the face of withering criticism. Who is the last politician who sacrificed their position in order to defend the truth? In my mind, this puts her in a class by herself as the emerging leader of the New Republican Party.

    1. @Hendrick Swart I don’t know if she’s ok with that or not, it’s not the subject being discussed. Why are you ok with everything Trump has done?

    2. @HM collectibles She did it for fame yet her integrity and honor have madevher unpopular with her own party AND Trump’s band of merry men. Your perspective is very skewed.

    3. *The GOP has no excuse for not throwing trump out of office in the FIRST impeachment, as Pence would have been just as conservative if not MORE.*
      He is the monster they made. All of them, even Liz Cheney, were Just Fine with his monstrousness for most of four years.

  5. I am not a republican nor a democrat. I’m an American. I love this country and what it stands for. Your words bring tears to my eyes. May God bless you and this great country that we call Home!

    1. @neuva tierra you can love a country and not be happy with some things about it. Just like you can love a family member, but not be fond of the fact they smoke cigars. Contrary to somewhat popular belief, this question and most others don’t have “all or nothing” answers.

    2. Amen to that, you’re absolutely right. I myself is neither democrat or republican and I totally agree!

  6. I remember the days when her dad was the most dangerous person in Washington. Now she’s the sanest person in the gop… how the world turns…

    1. If you believe that this intelligent woman won her last campaign two years ago depended on her aging dad to become a Congresswoman you’re full of it.
      She’s more courageous than you could ever dream of being.

    2. Cheney and a handful of others might be able to rescue their party from the sewer before it drowns, but it will be years before they can wash off that FOUL SMELL.

  7. Someday we are all going to see her as one who was on the right ( by that I mean correct) side of history.

    1. I had a magazine try to tell me the gop is named the right because they are always right morally roflmao. Ya like it isn’t a historical fact that it’s because they sit on the right side of the chamber?

    2. @Ruth Storkel it is trump who is ridiculous, he is a x TV reality star and people believe him , definitely not for the republican party, only for himself.

  8. This is a blessing in disguise Liz and a new beginning. Consider yourself free of it, for the republican party is no more. Now move forward and do your work. Great Job.

  9. I’m so proud of you Liz Cheney! I’m a hard core Democrat, I hardly pray for any politicians for their winning but I prayed for you to win in Wyoming. My heart goes for you. I’m sorry for your loss. You depending what is right! Even though I lived in the beautiful state of CA, I thanked you for your great service to the people of Wyoming. God bless us all!

    1. I think a win for Cheney would have meant a sure fire win for the USA in November no matter which side would win.

    2. Come on people Liz didn’t do the right thing that’s why she lost wake up an smell the coffee ..

    1. perhaps if you would have showed up and voted for her she would have had a chance. Those who dont support and dont vote-have no voice.

  10. Are we witnessing the next great female Statesman who with grace and eloquence stands above the political fray and avoids the party rhetoric?? I hope so my friends…Liz Cheney may not have started out great but as the saying goes “It’s not how you start but how you finish.”

    1. When you are a representative you should not forget why they voted for you this happens when you change not them.

    2. Yes we are witnessing just that. She would make a great president because she’s fearless in the face of man’s fears

    3. @M Teresa Valdes I wasn’t a Reagan fan (at the time), but looking back, he did a good job overall. I thought that the republican congressmen would ditch trump and re-build there party with some self-respect, but so far they aren’t.

  11. Each one of us can do something to bring about a long-term solution—vote for the best candidate for leadership without consideration of political party, race, creed, class or national origin.

    1. I agree! However there’s to much bias on both sides to rely on what the media is pushing out. Most ppl don’t wanna look at both sides to find the truth. Ppl can’t get past their TDS to look at all the facts. I hope we can heal from all this division and soon! At the end of the day we’re all Americans and we should stand united because divided we fall.

  12. One of the principles I was raised with, and have thus far abided by is; “If you will lose your job for doing what’s right, then the job isn’t worth having.”

    1. @Aussie downunder Bare in mind she wasn’t faced with a situation that threatened our democracy before her election to the Senate. Too bad her constituents don’t hold themselves to a higher standard.

    2. Are you kidding?? How Pollyanna. Our public servants jobs are most valuable and worth every effort to keep trying.

    3. @Hany Messiha
      Again you make a facile argument.

      You echo and parrot MSM then pat yourself on the back.

      Im having a discussion with a talking head

  13. I am not paid Republican but this was a great speech that we all need to hear! Great job!! Trump look out!!!

  14. I am so proud of this lady, such courage, such honesty, I usually don’t care for Republicans but she is different, bravo my dear, bravo.

  15. You are an example of a true Patriot. Thank you Liz Cheney. Sad so many do not understand what is at stake and the Truth must be told. Thank you

  16. This is the best speech I’ve heard from any politician addressing our nation’s current situation. I hope she prevails.

  17. Talk about ‘Taking One For The Team!’ , Wow, what an amazing human being, sacrifices have to be made, and Liz was all in on that. Spent most of her time fighting for what is right for the country and the people of the country, apposed to campaigning and putting Herself fist for a chair.
    I don’t see total selflessness in politics very often, if ever at all Good on You Liz, You are a trooper till the end! Best speach ever for someone conceding Their race.
    That’s coming from Canada btw

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