Joe Biden became the 46th president of the United States on Wednesday, declaring that "democracy has prevailed" as he took the helm of a deeply divided nation and inherited a confluence of crises arguably greater than any faced by his predecessors.
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Likes vs dislikes? Wtf.. I thought this guy got 83 million votes! lol
@Jason Lusk Uhhh arizona and Georgia legislative assembly wanted to revoke awarding the electors to biden after new information came out. This is why senators and house members were objecting on the 6th in congress as they represented those states wishes. Seriously why couldnt democrats just allow for signature audits and an investigation to end trumps claims of voter fraud. For the most secure election in history it is is kind of sus to block every avenue to verify it
We all watched the election be stolen in the swing states, not to mention all the evidence online, it’s a shame….
@Shahir Kabiri there’s nothing about Biden worth liking, he’s a disappointment to the entire country.
@Jeffrey Gordon Exactly what i am saying.
@Liron Deline ANYWAY Friend. TRUMP accepted in court that there was no fraud.
“Salvation comes from the Lord.”
@1WillIams777 I understand Trump always found someone else to blame to deflect away from himself… don’t be like that too.
@Liron Deline so you have nothing to say about him touching kids…?
@1WillIams777 LoL some just don’t know when to quit… just like Trump.
@Liron Deline why still talking about trump? He’s not potus anymore lmao. I’m appalled you have nothing to say about joe Biden touching all those kids..on video
Salvation and Vengeance and Smiting all in one big happy family
Already had me at Truiternationaldepressure
Hello from Brasil
Bonjour from Canada!
Hello from Canada, love from the UK.
@Elodie Benoît-Girault hello again
@Rik rik kindness is mighty
45th potus not present? oh no…anyway.
Probably touching a kid or being a crybaby racist
@GoHabs 89 description of either joe or trump right there.
probably trying to flee since hes not protected from law enforcement anymore now that his term is over.
This almost seems like a prepared speech…this is gonna take some getting used to
It’s a well-rehearsed speech. Not what sure what you’re getting at.
They are looking for a new James Bond….there hasn’t been a senile Bond yet.
Imagine believing that Trump’s inauguration speech was not rehearsed. Of course it was.
Yea, and he’s probably reading it all off a teleprompter its such a joke.
Well actually that is what he is supposed to do. That is what all presidents do in their inaugration. He just came to be president , not to show his speech skills.
12:38. Bill taking a nap
L,MAO and pelosi too
*cocaine overdose
@Josh R0CK Giveaways & more!

He didn’t want to waste his Dexedrine on Joe today
Ezekiel 7:7 “Doom has come upon you, upon you who dwell in the land. The time has come! The day is near! There is panic, not joy, on the mountains. I am about to pour out my wrath on you and spend my anger against you. I will judge you according to your conduct and repay you for all your detestable practices.”
“We have never failed in America”
…except at winning wars since 1945.
1945 included
@G1 how?
If you want to get technical about no war has been “Declared” since 1945. Everything onwards was a “Military Operation”.
@Ginshaw Police action
He’s like been there done that
Lets all pray pray pray!
Wow. A grown up who can talk in sentences that make sense.
“Congratulations to Xi Jinping for being named president of the United States” – Joe Biden
Mr Xi just got new pet
So true unfortunately
Term limits
“the story” that is completely fabricated
Little Trumplicans and Russian trolls be ragin’.
Theres a difference between trolls and truthers .. wake up bud
@Danny G Nature and things Are you a Russian troll or a little Trumplican?
@MiniatureMasterClass I put money on Troll, far to much of an -attempt- at punctuation was made.
Panam today, Panam tomorrow, Panam forever… Happy Hunger Games, may the odds be ever in your favor-
yes where is the monitor…. Words like an Obama….
“my distinguished guests, my fellow Americans”
Your Whole Soul is in It
Congratulations!! We love you snd your fsmily.Our Condolences for your divene don from our heart!