President Trump's comments about the coronavirus have evolved since the first confirmed US case on January 22. CNN's tally of cases is based on records from Johns Hopkins University & Medicine Coronavirus Resource Center.
#Coronavirus #CNN #News
President Trump's comments about the coronavirus have evolved since the first confirmed US case on January 22. CNN's tally of cases is based on records from Johns Hopkins University & Medicine Coronavirus Resource Center.
#Coronavirus #CNN #News
He’s not qualified to park Obama’s car
@Echo Strix He can’t even spell it!
But but Obama wore a tan suit
Bear Bear see look at what you are saying dude

he did not have his grandmother killed WHAT?!!
Obama tapped Trump’s phones and will not get away with it. He will get investigated. So will his husband Michael.
@DeeJay ViVo but but Obama wore a tan suit
The world is watching, watching you, Trump, China is watching this too
Trump dumd af
All about the Lysol and how you take it.
Stick it where the sun don’t shine, sunshine.
Keeping our cities safe huh Paul? Good man!
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ― Voltaire
The list of officials who illegally unmasked General Flynn has been Declassified by Mike Grinnell
Americans LOVE their POTUS!
They live to Enable him!
Why else is he still leading there country even though there is over 82K people dead?
@Robert The Bruce = lazy copy and paste goof
@Michael Salter I don’t insult people. Just present a position and offer the source. My heart is not full of hate
Public-health experts have stated that Trump’s early efforts to downplay the threat of the virus robbed the US of valuable time needed to prepare for what is now a pandemic — potentially costing thousands of lives…
You need a president who’s willing to hear bad news, willing to understand that they’re going to have to focus on something that they may have not intended to focus on. President trump clearly did not want to hear that bad news when he heard about the outbreak in coronavirus,”
–Ben Rhodes, Former Deputy National Security Adviser under President Obama..
Trump spent “two months of completely ignoring every bit of scientific advice,” Dr. Ashish Jha, the director of the Harvard Global Health Institute stated in mid-March. “We’ve wasted two months. And this is not a disease where you’re allowed to waste two months.”
Jha, who received his doctorate in medicine from Harvard Medical school, criticized Trump for telling Americans that everything was “under control” when it was very clear to anybody paying attention that it was not under control.”
“I don’t use these words lightly, and it’s incredibly painful for me to say it,” he said, adding: “The cost of all of this is that tens of thousands of Americans are going to die unnecessarily.” He went on to say: “It was wholly preventable, and not just preventable in hindsight — it was preventable in foresight. Everybody said this is how it was going to play out if they didn’t act.”
Trump said that COVID-19 “came out of nowhere” and “blindsided the world.” His comments left scientists, doctors, and national security experts in a state of disbelief. Experts had been warning about the next pandemic for years and criticized the Trump’s decision in 2018 to dismantle a National Security Council directorate at the White House, charged with preparing for WHEN, NOT if, another pandemic would hit the nation..
Trump’s elimination of the office suggested, along with his proposed budget cuts for the CDC, that he did not see or comprehend the threat of pandemics.
“One year later I was mystified when the White House dissolved the office, leaving the country less prepared for pandemics like COVID-19,” Beth Cameron, the first director of the unit, wrote in an op-ed. She said the directorate was set up to be the “smoke alarm” and get ahead of emergencies and sound a warning at the earliest sign of fire — “all with the goal of avoiding a six-alarm fire.”
The list of officials who illegally unmasked General Flynn has been Declassified by Mike Grinnell
Because youre an expert on this kind of stuff David J.
@TheCarlman His comment is way more useful and informative than yours.
David J: Well said, as always.
My input: Trump is and always has been concerned with nothing but perceptions about himself.
He has virtually no connection with objective facts, but deals in mystifications that glamorize him. And he’s been doing this and nothing else, for literally his entire adult life.
This obsession to control perceptions and images, rather than realities, has been spectacularly displayed in the pandemic.
His fantasist inner life is exposed. In a real crisis– in a situation in which he can’t play with imagery– he is revealed to be a completely helpless and infantile imbecile.
Covid-19 is a crisis so completely out of Trump’s depth and inner resources that, in a tragic sense, it serves as a great gift to any of the most people who are paying attention at all: it exposes Trump for the paper-thin charlatan he really is.
@TheCarlman No, but David J has done his research and is informed. I suggest you do the same.
Over one million people infected with Covid19 and 80 thousand deaths in the US. Trump still said they are in Great shape

what a Liar 
His Disinfectant Ad coming soon 
U should b shameful that Even after so much deaths .my still want to face Jan Febmarch like deaths.
I am sure of Trump would hv imposed LockDown Early to sav lives..u would hv Killed him in the name of Fr edommmm
B thankful ur precious lives that u r aLive and doing fake protests as excuse even in the time of Death
And yet we are doing better than almost every other country, despite the fact that the WHO literally lied to us for weeks or months. Do you realize that the WHO said IN JANUARY and I quote “this pathogen cannot be transmitted from person to person, only from surface to surface.” And yet you have the audacity to blame Trump? The WHO which we primarily fund chose loyalty to China and blatantly lied to our government. It’s a miracle we are doing as well as we are. Don’t just believe what the mainstream media tells you my dude, they have an agenda, and they are banking on people being too stupid and lazy to actually fact check this stuff. Think for yourself.
Ritika Chaterjea if Trump acted earlier lives could be saved stop protect a Liar Trump. People are still dying and Trump still bragging how well he had done. Wake up USA
He’s not lying. He’s clearly telling yu wats really goin on behind the scenes. Trump is speaking for those in higher power not us
What would Biden do – he would have destroyed all humanity by now
Dry Drunk, that is what he sounds like. “..thou doth protest too much”. Such a coward
*Captain Covid is ON THE CASE!*
WHO alerted South Korea and Dis-United States same time… Why is south korea not blaming China?
They give him written speeches, he has done many these last three years but his reading skills are still very poor. They need to stick to smaller words.
He appeals to the monosyllabic demographic.
“It’s gonna be miraculously gone.” Sigh. Really?
Its probably because he knows about hospitals being pressured into adding covid.
Mr. Magoo could’ve done a better job running this country.
Ty Caruth mr. peach you mean

I would like to invite the rest of the world to watch “The Dope Show”, starring Donnie Trump as the Dope In Charge.
We’ve had tremendous success. TREMENDOUS SUCCESS???? Name one.
Echo Strix arguing with trump voters is like talking to a brick wall don’t even try dude is hard head
@James Alderson You haven’t answered my question. I asked for successes, not failures.
@James Alderson Yeah seriously, it makes me depressed that my average fellow man actually falls for this total crap. The reason people are so stupid in general is a million reasons. It’s their shitty fatass diet, it’s their complete lack of original thought, their dependence on dopamine spikes, its pathetic. I have no patience for the stupid average human mind anymore. Anyone who’s too fucking stupid to see through these flimsy lies deserves to be victims of them.
Charlie Brown I try not to watch flash backs from cnn when things are constantly changing so outcomes change like people not listening when the threat was real. Governors telling people that it was a fear tactic to go about your lives like normal then you have New York’s failure. How is that trumps fault that they were stupid. Calling him racist for banning travel and taking it serious. Y’all have to open your minds a little bit and step out of the fake news box for real. Just like them cutting the Barr video to make it look bad then bashing him and then fox called their asses out. Now they are backtracking lmao. Same with cnn msnbc. Bunch of garbage
Toni Salazar that’s because y’all are literally stupid and only look at one side of anything. Can’t fix stupid lol
God forbid we ever get used to this. I’m afraid it’s already happened. Many Americans can no longer remember what a competent, healthy, respectable president looks like.
Absolutely tragic.
Reporter: “What do you say to Americans who are watching you right now, who are scared.”
Donald Trump (president of the US): “Uh, I say that you’re a terrible reporter. That’s what I say.”
it’s such a softball question, i’m really surprised by his response
Did you see how he responded to a chinese lady who asked a quietion he said ask china
Luke Nolte A kid in elementary school can come up with a better response.
For those people who don’t understand what it means to be on a ventilator but want to take the chance of going back to work….
For starters, it’s NOT an oxygen mask put over the mouth while the patient is comfortably lying down and reading magazines.
Ventilation for Covid-19 is a painful intubation that goes down your throat and stays there until you live or you die. It is done under anesthesia for 2 to 3 weeks without moving, often upside down, with a tube inserted from the mouth up to the trachea and allows you to breathe to the rhythm of the lung machine.
The patient can’t talk or eat, or do anything naturally – the machine keeps you alive. The discomfort and pain they feel from this means medical experts have to administer sedatives and painkillers to ensure tube tolerance for as long as the machine is needed. It’s like being in an artificial coma.
After 20 days from this treatment, a young patient loses 40% muscle mass, and gets mouth or vocal cords trauma, as well as possible pulmonary or heart complications.
It is for this reason that old or already weak people can’t withstand the treatment and die. Many of us are in this boat … so stay safe unless you want to take the chance of ending up here. This is NOT the flu.
Add a tube into your stomach, either through your nose or skin for liquid food, a sticky bag around your butt to collect the diarrhea, a foley to collect urine, an IV for fluids and meds, an A-line f to monitor your BP that is completely dependent upon finely calculated med doses, teams of nurses, CRNA’s and MA’s to reposition your limbs every two hours and lying on a mat that circulates ice cold fluid to help bring down your 104 degree temp.
Anyone want to try all that out? Stay home. Stay safe and well!
so just like the movie ALIEN then
@Mark Watney You got to be the largest of the largest dumbasses. What he described is something that no one ever wants so please take this seriously because you’re going to regret not listening after getting in the ICU
Someone needs to escort this guy out of the WH in handcuffs.
Just like the DEMOCRATS and OBAMA!!