Former President Donald Trump arrives in New York City a day before he is expected to turn himself in to law enforcement and face more than 30 criminal charges in a Manhattan court following last week's historic grand jury indictment. CNN's Dana Bash and Sara Murray break down the moment. #CNN #News #shorts
Watch Trump arrive in New York for his arraignment

the mushroom King didn’t realize how strong the storm was.
Spoken by a boy with a mouth full of mushroom soup, lol…
Fred did SUCH a great job of fatherhood
@Shred Vega Suorbif Maybe ole Freddy should have gotten a head – job that day. 😜
No he didn’t that’s why he’s in the position he’s in that what happens to rich kid’s.
@Wanda Johnson I believe post is simply ” Sarcasm ” . 😉
Hunter is that you?
Probably considered not showing up and his lawyers had to give him the neck cutoff sign plus write big bold “NO!” to make it clear that it wasn’t a good idea.
@GoingToCrySnowflake? His family should be there supporting him!.
@Bingbong Bang If Biden needed over 25,000 troops to guard him from the people on Inauguration Day,than it’s clear that he wasn’t elected by the people🤣🤣🤣💀
Don’t look up!!😂
Idk why they dont have moving stairs like shoping malls.
So much winning!
— lol —
MAGAt-logic 2.0
Winning? Winning what?
Yes! Are we tired of winning yet??!!😂
When do they take his security away?
former president has security 45 President Donald Trump has security taking care of
business our 45th
president of the United
@Phyllis Carrollrobot?
Once he’s placed in prison he’ll loose the Secret Service detail
He’s gonna hate the wind!
Lock him up.
Stretch out the booking to take a whole day. That way Trump can spend his first night in a cell.
If Biden needed over 25,000 troops to guard him from the people on Inauguration Day,than it’s clear that he wasn’t elected by the people😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣💀
Ladies and gentlemen… Your 4to5 president.
I plead the this 🖐️many your honor.
“Right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot, you can do it, buddy, just don’t fall down the stairs“. “I am the greatest stairmaster ever”
@Disgruntled Veteran Good job being 80 years old and walking up stairs with a full combat load. I didn’t know you could serve at 80 years old.
@Disgruntled Veteran oooo big man
@I’mNottaPiñatathat car almost blew its tires when he jumped in 😂
I never realized arraignment was spelled that way
Wouldn’t it be interesting if the law applied to all equally? What a concept.
If Biden needed over 25,000 troops to guard him from the people on Inauguration Day,than it’s clear that he wasn’t elected by the people😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣💀
@GoingToCrySnowflake? Bingo
I say the same words every time I have a bowel movement “There he is , Donald Trump.”
down the toilet flush Donny Johnny LOL
All the bluster and blow disappear when that court door closes and the 5th starts flying.
If Biden needed over 25,000 troops to guard him from the people on Inauguration Day,than it’s clear that he wasn’t elected by the people😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣💀
Bless you, Jebus, for making it windy today!
If Biden needed over 25,000 troops to guard him from the people on Inauguration Day,than it’s clear that he wasn’t elected by the people😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣💀
Just lock him up
@GoingToCrySnowflake? Obviously you wouldn’t know clear if it hit you in the pie hole.
this is just the start of many more charges against him
We have 4 ex-presidents living with dignity, but (one); born criminal ex-presidents, whose chronic infantilism we must not accept as normal. Lock him up. My thoughts and prayers to President Jimmy Carter
@GoingToCrySnowflake? Someone’s upset that trumpy lost the election. ❄️
I think adding to his discomfort about getting booked for this charge was him worrying that his hair might blow up and back. 😂
I pay for the cheap hair dryer for poor cop on the beat to use at time 🖼️ 😜
I’ve never wanted to see a set of stairs fail so bad in my life