7 Republicans joined 50 Democrats in voting that former President Donald Trump was guilty of inciting the January 6 US Capitol riot but fell short of the 67 votes needed to convict him.
#TrumpImpeachment #CNN #News
Watch the Senate vote on impeachment of Donald Trump

Embarrassing. Banana Republic exposed. End of another empire. No one will take you seriously again.
@Priest Fulton J Wingba JR seek help sir, God wouldn’t want you to speak on his behalf, maybe he has nothing more to say to us. No man can speak in God’s name.
@go away
Good luck.
They knew if they charged trump they would have to charge many democrats for the same thing.
No Democrat voted to acquit Trump even when there was absolutely no evidence. One must be corrupt to the bone for condemning an innocent man for political benefit. Shame on them. In the Republican side, these 7 traitors should be forced to resign or be kicked out.
@oh ok

. Ok
Mitch McConnell blamed trump but then decided to vote not guilty anyway. Lmao.
This guy truly is the devil.
5 YEARS Nancy Pelosi is busy with one thing in her mind that is impeachment. My friends father all life working man retired with $750 in a month, My question is where is THAT NANCY PELOSI was that our retirement is less then SSI????
I thought Trump was the devil. Maybe someone pointed out to McConnell that Trump told the crowd to GO AND PROTEST PEACEFULLY. Lmao
@Trudy Cooper yes i had that feeling to. Especially when Trump said to GO AND PROTEST PEACEFULLY

Sound like you need some kind of insurection to stop this kibd of corruption lol
@HELL FIRE you support killing babies in the womb..they’re ripped limb by limb…easy with the murder talk hypocrite…
The old party ain’t so grand anymore
Edit: they never were
And the Trump cult troll termites crawl out the woodwork in droves to prove they are in fact deplorable. Don’t worry, they’re not H. Sapiens, so whatever they bleat, doesn’t matter.
@Kevin The patriot https://youtu.be/EHiFJPfMxsw
5 YEARS Nancy Pelosi is busy with one thing in her mind that is impeachment. My friends father all life working man retired with $750 in a month, My question is where is THAT NANCY PELOSI was that our retirement is less then SSI????
@alex Goodmornin exactly wasting so money for what while ppl are starving
Liberals don’t know grammer apparently
They had their minds made up before. Nothing but a kangaroo court.
the 55-45 vote set in the beginning around constitutional to impeach a non-sitting pretty much indicated the end vote for me. After all of these days 2 people decided to vote differently. It was a very tall task to get to 65 in the first place.
Gtis that
oh yes
So this can be a sham but the election is untouchable. Got it.
@Michael DAntonio Jesus Christ are all of you seriously that afraid of the fucking US government!? There is no plot there is no “deep state” conspiracy.
This is truly disgraceful
It’s official. No longer are they the leader of the free world.
It wouldn’t even be a free country if some people are protected by the 1st amendment, but others aren’t. He said nothing anybody else wouldn’t be free to say without being singled out and persecuted for it. There was no incitement to riot.
Term limits, term limits and term limits. We need changes. It takes care of corruption!!
Trump demanded term limits, but everyone laughed at him. Funny how things turn…
TRUMP 2024!

@Berg the 89th Bruh the Republicans who voted to acquit Trump are the problem, not Leahy.
@Some Guy on the Internet Or the idiots who started this in the first place knowing it won’t succeed. Just a waste of time and taxpayers’ money.
JETPAC MOZi Term limits let new people with new ideas take over ! They will actually try to do something good for people. By the way you don’t know who did I vote for. It’s ok. No hard feelings. Thanks for your comment.
LOL, another joke comes to a end !!! lol, lol lol lol !!!!!
These politicians care more about hurting their political opponents than they do about helping the american people Smh.
edit: Btw im glad trump was found not guilty.
“violence sparked by his defeated presidency.” The violence was sparked by numerous well documented voting irregularities in states won by Biden by a small margin, that were never sufficiently investigated, reported on widely by the media, and evaded by the judicial system. People don’t take kindly to their democracy being stolen.
5 YEARS Nancy Pelosi is busy with one thing in her mind that is impeachment. My friends father all life working man retired with $750 in a month, My question is where is THAT NANCY PELOSI was that our retirement is less then SSI????
No the democratic party helped Antifa and BLM terrorize Americans and burn down cities
@Grabber Tush We have a thing called a Democracy where elections decide who runs the government. Donald Trump tried to undermine democracy by spreading lies, misinformation, and purposefully inflammatory language to rile people up in a desperate, last ditch effort to remain in power.
Convicting him would help the American people, because it defends their voting rights and punishes those who seek to take those rights from them.
“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” -Abraham Lincoln.
Lincoln knew what was up with his party, even then.
What u mean ? I thought it was Russia !
“Poor kids can be just as talented as white kids”
-Joe Biden
@Sean Walters It’s different because….one is the President of the United States…and the other….isn’t, and is thus, irrelevant and has no power….why is that so difficult to understand?
Trump won as expected. Dems were unable to rig THIS voting because it was not secret.
The precendent they are setting today is gonna come back to bite us in the future.
What future
Dtis that
oh yes
So if McConnell felt so passionately about Trumps “actions”…he still couldn’t vote guilty. Totally a sham court.
The House Democrats had every opportunity to call all of the witnesses they wanted, but were in such a hurry to impeach Trump…. lol. It was clear from the beginning it was going to be totally partisan, yet hatred for Trump drove
them on. It was a total waste of time and taxpayer’s money with the end results never in doubt.
Two sham trials blew up in democrats faces. Hilarious to watch again and again
@Tim Evans you think Biden received more votes than Obama.

@luma kink I’m sure the main goal was to have him impeached twice and tarnish his name forever. That’s it. Democrats obviously knew they wouldn’t get a conviction but its principles
The democrats are so ridiculous
This event demonstrates why we need term limits for Congress ASAP!
just for republicans or for both parties? pls clarify!
Dtis that
oh yes
@Maximus Carsonite both parties!!!
So sad you his are desperate
This is how corrupt American politics is.
Stop selling this s**t to other countries.
Gtis that
oh yes
Right like Biden does???
Whole American politics.
Whether is Biden or orange Trump it does not matter.
I’m so disappointed for you Americans. You’re no different from other countries who are struggling to fight for democracy. You’re showing that Democracy is just a facade.
That has never been truer, unfortunately its stemming from the power that wealth brings a small handful of Americans.
@michael adams USA isn’t the best country in the world.
@StratOFerus sorry to burst your bubble, but people on the left in the US should stop considering themselves democrats, they are far from it, they really don’t care about democracy, they only care about making the world how they want it, and silencing, aggressing and destroying everyone who holds a different view than themselves. That is not democracy. “Democrats” in the US are like fake christians, that the say they are part of it but never practice what they preach.
@Paul Z what is then?
@Cristian-Cosmin Trandafir Sorry to burst your bubble, but Republicans want the world to be exactly the way that they want it as well. They want it so much, that they wanted Trump to remain in office permanently like a dictator. They want it so much that any new idea proposed to them to help the country is dismissed as “Communism” even when it is not and it’s never allowed to be tried. They keep repeating lies, that everyone in the country is a “dead beat” except them, in spite of the fact that majority of the nation works. They want the poor, ill and elderly to be killed because they’re no longer “useful” to “society”. The Democrats are no better, but sorry, the Republicans are completely evil as well.
This is like watching a mob boss evade justice in the prohibition era. Rigged jurors, attack dog lawyers, and control by fear. Disgraceful on a global scale.
Not only was it proven but it was evidently shown that many members of the liberal party have been doing the exact same thing for decades with no repercussions. You say “control by fear”, fear of what exactly….?
Lmao except Trump did not incite any sort of violence to begin with.
The House Democrats had every opportunity to call all of the witnesses they wanted, but were in such a hurry to impeach Trump…. lol. It was clear from the beginning it was going to be totally partisan, yet hatred for Trump drove
them on. It was a total waste of time and taxpayer’s money with the end results never in doubt.
Genious how does this kind of corruption that has been going on in America for decades stop. Protests, revolution, etc
Zombie go count your rolls of toilet paper
Mitch McConnell has always lacked charm and charisma – when he tried to breast feed his mother looked at him and said “sorry, you’re not my type”.
The House Democrats had every opportunity to call all of the witnesses they wanted, but were in such a hurry to impeach Trump…. lol. It was clear from the beginning it was going to be totally partisan, yet hatred for Trump drove
them on. It was a total waste of time and taxpayer’s money with the end results never in doubt.
I hope these Republican Senators remember where they put their consciences and sense of dignity for the past 4 years they may need them back someday.
They dont care.
It’s sad this country has fallen we need to pray for this nation we watched the scores on both parties like it’s a basketball game if we could all get along as a nation and be United as one
-Knock Knock
-Who’s there?
-Owen who?

#KAG #TeflonDon