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Watch The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell Highlights: September 17 | MSNBC
Trump is the Antichrist. Anyone who speaks out against him is incredibly courageous.
@Ivan McBleedy Absolutely!
Omg! I tell that to my friends all the time , Jared is Damien from the Omen part 2,
Gladys, I agree! Check out Rev. Corey’s research on recognizing the characteristics of the Antichrist at
Christians think the rapture comes first, but there is hardly any support for a rapture nonsense, but an amazing amount of scriptures pointing right at someone like Donny fooling the herd! There is a rediscovered ” Gospel of the Nazarenes” that quotes Jesus predicting the ruination of his teachings! “I’ll be crusified anew by what they do and say in my name” !!!
Good night and good luck!
@C.A.T. Did I hear correctly that that property was the most expensive building in NYC ? Nothing odd there.
C.A.T. I agree with you about Jared.
People need to stop worrying about their career and put the country first.
It is not just a future career they have to worry about. Look at Dr Fauci….Since he wouldn’t back up trump’s claims about the virus, he and his family have had to have security due to severe death threats etc. trump is always tweeting ‘There should be retribution’ against this person or the other and his sycophantic followers QAnon and others decide to make that person’s life unbearable, and not just the person but their whole family. So, i can see why some are worried to speak out, and i guess some know that if they leave trump will just put in one of his drones.
Guide a few careers are done.
Amen! Go For it OluviaTroye!! Hold your head high!! Finally! I agree 100% that we need more people who THINK from a higher place with integrity and morality. VISIONARY LONG TERM thinkers who know its about the future of America. Ms Troye is my hero and an exemplary role model for my 19 year old daughter and so many young women AROUND THE WORLD! You have nothing to worry about. The world is your oyster! Know that you are modern day world hero and don’t be intimidated by male COWARDS who envy your courage and BALLS of STEEL!! They cut theirs off a long time ago and served them up to their leader Trump. Pathetic emasculated IMPOTENT losers who are just as guilty as Trump for ruining America.
Trump’s done NOTHING. Nobody does nothing. Vote Trump out!!!!
In the debate biden has to be ready to fact check him on the spot
if you check on google, youtube just for starters, I believe it was Joe Biden, that actually suggested that the “crawler” that scrolls across the bottom of the screen should “fact check the debate in real time”…
Pretty sure that if he asked for it, ya he’s probably going to be ready for it.
So next line of drivel?
Biden laughing and shaking his head like he did when Paul Ryan lied in the 2012 debate is my favourite “fact checker”. I really hope he does that again. I think it was a difference maker last time. Somehow he comes off a lot more likeable and relatable even though he’s essentially ridiculing the opposition (with his laugh and head shaking)
@Mark Black i cannonly hope he is direct and straight and don’t play his game. Don’t let him get away with lying and stay on message and answer with details. Like all politicians he may start to answer and go off somewhere else. The moderators have to swing them both back around.
@Nav’s Channel I’m sure Chris Wallis from Fox is going to keep Dump in check in the first debate, and Cooper who’s doing the second will do the same. Why Dump can’t even read a monitor let alone talk without lying about something. What is he up to now 30,000 lies?
@Nav’s Channel
In a recent poll, people around the world said they placed more trust in Russia’s Vladimir Putin and China’s Xi Jinping than in Trump.
Says it all.
There was an International Poll, Pre Impeachment, stating more people Trust Vlad over Donald! The World has dealt with Vlad and he is Predictable in the sense that we can basically rely on the fact that Vlad is always going to be a horrible Jerk!! America would Never have IMAGINED having such a (non)Leader, who THRASHES our Constitutional and Human RIGHTS!!
But Donald IS! When he is Gone, Vlad will be in a position to appear Less of the Monster, that he is. Vlad recognizes what is happening in Russian with Climate Change. He Does want to make Trade Deals. But, Like Don the Con, he denies the people the Right to Choose in a Fair Election! We have Two Evils here in Donald & Vlad and If ONLY ONE of them would Step Up, they Could Be a Hero! But, neither Greedy, Lying, Devil wants to Change!
But that’s disturbing as well.
Ah, c’mon, look at the USA, worst inequality in the developed world, the worst gun violence, the highest prison population, and the only developed country to lack a decent healthcare system for all its people.
America is ranked only 46th in world life expectancy rankings, and is the only country in the entire world with a *rising* maternal death rate.
The USA does “lead the world”, in Covid deaths. It is a massive failure.
Trump said on fox that the people of Austria live in Forrest cities (like Endor?) And their trees explode….
If it happened on the Simpsons, you’d say they’d gone too far!
How many disgruntled employees do you have to go through to realize the problem might be you!
Narcissistic people like Trump do not consider themselves to be responsible for anything that doesn’t make them look good.
“There is a rise in Coronavirus cases because our testing is so massive and so good, far bigger and better than any other country. This is great news, but even better news is that death, and the death rate, is DOWN. Also, younger people, who get better much easier and faster!”
This is a nonsensical statement. The number of coronavirus cases is rising because the disease has been spreading for months, abetted in part by a lax and inconsistent response from U.S. political leaders. As of mid-2020, the total number of new weekly cases had been rising, and the rate of positive test results also was increasing. Without testing, the scope of the pandemic would be unclear and hospitals and doctors would not be able to prepare. Ending testing would not end the spread of the disease. “When the virus is under control, testing doesn’t uncover more cases. It’s a tool for keeping the epidemic at bay,” said former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb. The death rate started to go back up after Trump made this comment.
A lot of doctors are skewing the numbers to get a paycheck
Josef take your propaganda to Fox News
@Josef , doctors are not exactly poor. Plus I think that to call into question the integrity of these men and women who are saving lives is unfair. Even Trump’s admin. agrees that almost 200,000 have died. Doctors and nurses aren’t the bad guys here. They are dying too.
Don’t forget “people are saying“. That’s a great tell for nobody but the voices in his head tell him what he wants to hear. I guess he counts those as people.
Who are these people? Erm waiters!
Pence, being a coward, lost himself the potus position forever. Karma.
Pence is Trump’s puppet as Trump is Putin’s puppet. America should learn not to vote for a puppet.
She is brave. Trump is maniacal and vindictive. However, I am so proud of her. Pence was lucky to have her. Yep, Trump, nobody has done what you’ve done because it is insane and destructive.
The great and good Judge Bastian took a stand for democracy.
Pence is Trumps puppet. Must be his greatest achievement, puppet to a narcissistic dictator. I sure he is proud of this.
Yes, he’s a traitor too.
Lying Donnie says I don’t need Kool-Aid I just have rallies without masks
“I don’t think science knows” –person who claimed there were airports in 1776
Olivia is truly a patriot and taking this country before her family, how brave! She has my full and complete respect.
America has been ROBBED of its greatness.
Vote BLUE to get it back.
One disgruntled employee shame on them 102 disgruntled employees shame on you
It was a setup for pence to be linked with dumpf. He gets no pass.
“Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.”
― Daniel Patrick Moynihan