Watch The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell Highlights: September 16 | MSNBC

Journalist Bob Woodward joins Lawrence O’Donnell to discuss the revelations in his new book “Rage” that drew him to the conclusion that President Trump is, as he says, “the wrong man for the job.“ Watch The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell weeknights at 10 p.m. ET on MSNBC.
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Watch The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell Highlights: September 16 | MSNBC


    1. I Like Joe Biden..
      And You WILL Also Stone
      Him… As Soon
      As He Takes Office..If It Roles

  1. It’s sad how they misquote and scapegoat Dr. Fauci on a daily basis, he should consider a defamation suit

    1. @Mox Avenger I would advise you not to listen to MSNBC. Listen to the president on MSNBC. Listen to the words from his mouth. The news anchors only analyse the president’s and world leaders speeches according to their own words. You might get enlightened.

    1. and lose all the profit he has sought to make off his presidency and then go to jail — and/or be a casualty of his own herd immunity strategy.

    2. @ROY PHILLIPS Herr Trump will never apologize for anything. He sees contrition as a sign of weakness. The best we can hope for is that he’s frog marched out of the WH by the joint chiefs (if necessary) after the election.

    3. @Aranyani Green He’ll never apologize. Who could believe he’s sincere, anyway? We have to VOTE HIM OUT in November.

  2. Totally off topic, but did I just read in the chiron on Deadline White House with Nicolle Wallace that trump and his were trying to get the Heat Ray and Ammunition to disperse the peaceful protesters in DC before his bible/Pr stunt?? Really?? THOR (the heat ray) is a weapon of War. It can cause birth defects, eye problems like cataracts, and other health problems. That’s why you don’t see our Military using it often. Wow. This administration is truly evil.

  3. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself – FDR.
    The buck stops here – Truman.
    It is what it is – Trump. 🤣

    1. Your absolutely correct. Can’t believe all your Russian Troll replies. How he didn’t get impeached is beyond 3/4 of the World.

  4. trump’s afraid to sit down around the table and talk because he knows he’s not smart enough to be in charge of anything and people will realise it

    1. Barry Lucas You are totally right! He hasn’t got the attention span to concentrate. All he seems to want to do is create chaos and lie, along with watch tv for over eight hours a day and Twitter. If you actually look at his days, he’s like a lazy teenager, he never gets up before noon!

  5. So well said! No guidance, no intelligence, no morals, no order. What a shocker trump has been, thanks Mr Woodward for your honesty.

    1. Trump is a narcissistic swindler. They take not give. Never give.
      NY tried to warn everyone.
      Now we have to vote him out.

    2. He withheld information that could have saved 150k people to wait until he could sell his book. He also restated Barr’s lie that they found no evidence of collusion. The bipartisan senate committee found lots of evidence.

  6. Bob, you’re excused for getting emotional. 200,000 is quite an emotional number, especially when it’s a death toll.

  7. Bob Woodward’s ability to find compassion, when absorbing the abhorrent points of view from Trump, is exemplary. His book, Rage, should be a must read for every voting American.

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