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Watch The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell Highlights: September 14 | MSNBC
Isn’t the vast majority of that land federally owned? Why doesn’t trump have people out there raking the forest?
Bunker King Exactly! Someone needs to call out Trump on that…on camera.
Only a russian would ask those questions
Doug Lowe —…. but, but, but it’s the radical democrats that have failed to tidy up the kindling… they want federal controls that facilitate profitability for industry and supporters but don’t want the responsibility of investment in sound management.
“In northwest Alaska, kunlangeta “might be applied to a man who, for example, repeatedly lies and cheats and steals things and does not go hunting, and, when the other men are out of the village, takes sexual advantage of many women.” The Inuits tacitly assume that kunlangeta is irremediable. And so, according to Murphy, the traditional Inuit approach to such a man was to insist he go hunting, and then, in the absence of witnesses, push him off the edge of the ice.”
― Martha Stout, The Sociopath Next Door
#TrumpLiedPeopleDied #MassAmericanGravesAbound
Trump doesn’t care!!! His advice is the only he accepts. And he just likes to hear himself talk. Nothing new.
Why is there a media blackout on the virus coming from China:
wiremantw Freedom & Liberty Forever When has Trump stood up to any of the leaders of the countries you mention?
@Yvonne so sad, but true, huh?
@Vendicar Kahn have you ever heard that song “Nobody” by that @Hozier ?
I think it’s my favorite song, I hope you are having a better day
Come November 3rd, it’s going to be high time to fix this mess that we made 4 years by getting out there and vote and if need be, vote early.
#BidenHarris2020 #Election2020
IF CNN, MSNBC existed in 1941,…. New Developing Story: Mostly Peaceful Japanese suicide bombers show up in mass numbers to do a protest- flyover PEARL HARBOR…!
@Vendicar Kahn Nope. 52.7% disapprove Trump is underwater by almost 10 points. There is no way Trump can make up the difference with only 4% of voters undecided. Even if they all broke for Trump that would bring him up to 47%.
65.1% disapprove of Trump’s handling of pandemic
Right direction 28.9%, wrong direction 65.1% 200,000 dead Americans, and counting.
Trumps says that he is the chosen one, but didn’t share that it was Satan who chose him.
When he said that I knew that he’s crazy.
What about Jesus MIKE PENCE ,
IF CNN, MSNBC existed in 1941,…. New Developing Story: Mostly Peaceful Japanese suicide bombers show up in mass
numbers to do a protest- flyover PEARL HARBOR…! VOTE: JOE BIDEN-1977′ “Segregation will turn our public schools into BLACK JUNGLES.!? Racist deserves dementia..! Hypocrite- NO MASK PELOSI and Axelrod have stated their will be NO ‘REAL’ BIDEN DEBATE..! GAME OVER Leftist- communist Cop Killing BLM- misfits..!
At least Bernie got Biden some great plans in climate change jobs. California showed you can move from fossil jobs to clean jobs
Trump doesn’t understand science so he dismisses it out of naivety.
Scooby Doo OK first question. Who is the worst air polluter on earth? What country?
He doesn’t understand a loving God either or the power of love. He thinks he’s God
@Mox Avenger No. Not only is it accelerating but as the changes affect all areas/aspects of they interact in an increasing dangerous manner. More dead trees + increasingly hot temperatures = worse fires for two separate and worsening reasons.
He also dismisses it due to ego and envy. He deeply envies anyone who possesses qualities he lacks ( courage, etc.) or knowledge/ expertise (the sciences) he lacks because he can’t “shine” in comparison to them.
@John Thomas LOL!!! You are a Russian BOT
The problem is huge. Too much for trump who is in over his head. He’d rather say stupid things and golf. He’s just not up to the job.
AN OPEN LETTER TO : Governor Newsom,
As you know there is a problem with the Qanon domestic terror group as labelled by the FBI. We in Canada have also had problems with them.
Are you aware of the WIDE SCOPE of the issue? Go to 6:50 on this video, Jordan Sather talks about YOU.
What you need to know is, Jordan is a high school drop out who has for 3 years asked for DONATIONS first through paypal, then through other sources listed in his you tube videos in the information section. JORDAN is one of the original Qanon commentators (perhaps writer as well for Qanon) lumped in with Jerome Corsi, and felon Dustin Nemos who also is requesting money all over social media. Their life styles have improved DRASTICALLY, Dustin buys and sells items from RUSSIA and Jordan and Dustin both sell their SUPPLEMENTS. Dustin is a felon. BOTH are dropouts.
WHY are authorities not taking these frauds seriously? Have they paid taxes, some are buying boats and new houses. All HS dropouts from the initial Q anon conspiracy group. THIS group is single handedly destroying the democrat party and the country. They are spreading FALSE information about COVID19 because CRISIS sells. They have YOU as part of the conspiracy if you read the video.
This Qanon conspiracy are the felons and dropouts taking over. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. If you check into Dustin Nemos history on You Tube and Twitter you will see he was taken under the wing of Jerome Corsi (and that crook Trump pardoned). Jordan and Dustin ARE the purveyors of Qanon and they are involved with militia’s that went to the border. WHO is REALLY paying them and others like them.
This group is a danger to Canada as well as all democracies. DO SOMETHING about them please. They have the smack down on you good.
youtube Pamela Popper reads Dr’s papers shes saying Dr’s were bullied into the virus by county health and medicare to fight this her state is successfully suing their governor
“Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are “. Who is Putin? As Vindman mentions in this video, Trump is infatuated with Putin’s power.
Pamela Popper reads Dr’s papers youtube she is saying Dr’s were bullied into the virus by county health and medicare to fight this her state is successfully suing their governor
Love the comment that “It was stinky from the start”. So apt!
Hey Californians we dont need the Chump. Why was he invited anyways?
He went on his own
As usual, he invited himself.
@juan vicks The feds own over 50% of the California forest land that’s burning..He runs the feds…he’s loving California being on fire

juan vicks Wherever he goes, he makes things worse (example: Kenosha).
Trump has not presented a PLAN for anything! It’s all Lies and Propaganda!
Trump is the best for the country
Those who speak of raking the forest and deny it’s getting hotter, must live in AC 24/7 and have never been in a forest.
Fuel load management is a valid aspect of forest management, but to deny climate change is simply ignoring reality
If the forests need to be raked then as 58% of it is government owned why didn’t Trump order them to be raked, after all he’s (supposed) to be the guy in charge, the President.
@Mububban23 Trump don’t care about the fires. He only cares about his rallies and winning.
YOUTUBE VOTERS: Are you for Biden?
No freakin way. Trump the best ever
YES, Let´s vote for BIDEN.
The orange alternative is far far far worse.
@Snicker Doodle sheep!
Trump thinks trees explode and scientists are “deep state”
He deeply distrusts because he knows how untrustworthy HE is
Yep. That says it all.
Neil…that was hysterical..Stone being Trump’s “Spirit Animal”
Yup. Dumb as a brick.
Will Trump fire the IG inspecting the AG next week?
Trump and Barr are criminals. The sooner President Biden’s Justice Dept investigates them the sooner they’ll be behind bars, and the better off this country will be.
SOS…America is under attack from within starting at the President she needs help.

SOS…American people …you’ve been sleeping 3 years…allowing this moron to do do what he’s doing….If you ALL got out- on streets, there will be result, no military will hit on extreme mass protest- if more than few million people fill the streets…GUESS WHAT- IT BE “…WE CAN’T SHOOTING AT OUR PARENTS, KIDS…THIS IS GOING TOO FAR AND HAS TO BE STOPPED with TAKING OUT TRUMP & BARR ( with GOP)”
THAT’S how corrupt government are taken down …IN EVERY OTHER COUNTRY…MILLIONS OF PEOPLE ON STREETS!
Trumps solution to the climate change „it will get cooler“! Vote him out.